chapter 19

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It's a warm and windy night...there was a knock in the door... jungkook don't know what to do as he was in living room watching some random series...and his hyung is resting in their rooms.... finally he gets irritated and open the door...he froze looking at the person infront of him...
"Why are you here this time..."jungkook asked as he doesn't expecting taehyung here...

"Jungkook save me...he is coming to kill me "ohh wow...what a great actor he was ...cause jungkook quickly pulled him inside and shut the door ...but now another problem is there...
what if his hyung saw taehyung...(For some unknown reason he doesn't want his hyungs to see or know about taehyung ) but maybe its too late now cause...

"Bub..who is knocking the..." Suga looked at the another person who is smirking at him no's a dream..he can't be here after so many no ...he hide jungkook preety well...Suga looked at the a mixed emotions of anger and fear but maybe jungkook took it as anger as he replied...
"Hyung he is the  new friend...his name is ta..."jungkook cut off by the sound behind him...
"V"and taehyung the Suga's eye widened....

Jungkook turned towards taehyung he thought taehyung was jocking around but suddenly his hyung pull him behind him ...and put his arm around him in a protective manner...
"Don't ...why you come back ...see jungkook doesn't remember you please leave him alone"suga said ... jungkook was confused why his hyung is talking to taehyung like that...he is a good person...
"hyung what are you saying..."jungkook asked trying to get out from the hold ...but he failed...

"Answer him... scared aren't you...okay let me tell him then"taehyung said with a smirk and come a Lil closer..

"Noo...stay away from him.."suga screamed...

"Why the hell both of you talking like this "now jungkook's turn to scream ...cause he is not understanding anything ...what is happening...

"Bub ..kook ...he ..he the one from whom I want to protect you.."suga said eyes getting teary as he knows V ...very well...if he here ...he is definitely gonna take jungkook with him....

Jungkook frowned listening his brother's word...
"That's are ..?!!"

"V"taehyung said as he looked at the change of expression in jungkook's's too's too much for him to handle...he felt betrayed...he felt helpless ...he felt weak...he fall on the floor ...Suga also sit down and hug him...he don't know everything but jungkook's eyes are enough for him to know how betrayed he felt...

"Why are you not asking why I m here ...?!!..looks like you already guessed it... Yes I m here to take my baby with me ..."taehyung said casually sitting at the couch....and now he take out his gun ... started playing with it...

"Hyung ...I trusted him..."that's the only thing jungkook is repeating like a crazy man...Suga is consoling him ..and taehyung is looking at both duo with a expressionless and bored face....

Suddenly everyone heard a door open sound from upstair ...
Suga saw his last hope he can't call anyone infront of taehyung ...and jungkook's condition is not good as well ... taehyung will never leave jungkook ...if jimin get away from this house quickly then maybe ...they can be saved... before jimin can enter living room...Suga shouted...

" and call the police as soon as possible ..." But  to his surprise jimin didn't move at all .... instead he enter the room ...his face is showing fear ...and his eyes are telling how hopeless he is ...he can't do that...

"Ohh...jimin you are here ...sit sit..sorry I didn't tell you about this earlier ...cause I know you would stop me ....but you know I can't wait for my baby anymore..."taehyung said giving another layer of shock to jungkook and Suga ....Suga looked at jimin he wants jiminie to screams at the person infront of him... accusing him ...
"Jiminie hyung...what is he talking about are not in his side..or are you ?!!!..."jungkook asked ... hoping a no as a answer but got cut off by taehyung...

"Aww became so innocent ..are you really not understand yet that... jiminie is the person who set cameras in your room ...he is the person who helps me to hack your phone ....he is the person who is taking care of you for me...tell them jiminie... isn't it's the truth.."Taehyung was a Lil angry on jimin for hiding the entire truth about jungkook's memory he has to pay the price ...

jungkook didn't expect this ....he looked at his suga hyung... exactly same state as jungkook... obviously's his boyfriend betrayed him...woah...what a day.... jungkook hoping his hyung to say something but it was like his all strength is disappeared...the person he thought always stay by his side ...the person he has least doubt on...the person he gave all his heart was the person Today breaking it...his trust and his heart both .... jungkook can't see this ... suddenly he get up and charged towards the jimin... holding his collar he yelled..
"Please jiminie hyung...tell this is all are lie...tell me that HE was lying.."jimin remove the hand of the younger slowly and looked at Suga  ....

That's it's enough for breaking two souls....


So have you guessed it ...that Jimin is Taehyung's side ?!!!
Or are you shocked?!!...

I m kinda excited to know your expressions....

Btw I m already working on another chapter ... don't worry it will come soon ...

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