Chapter 1: Boat to Isla Nublar

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Welcome to Jurassic Attraction (A Jurassic Park AU).

The beautiful cover art was done by the talented ItsALolbitShow
George POV.

The island in the distance looked as though it was something out of the movie, a tropical paradise utopia for people to enjoy their time. From the moment it had first appeared in the distance from through the cloud and fog that was surrounding the mainland, I had been enamoured by it.

Obviously I had seen photos of this place before. Having a dinosaur theme park was extremely news-worthy and looked awesome on your social media. It was a way of showing that a person had a lot of money to burn if they could afford to come here. Thankfully I was here fully funded so I didn’t need to worry about the dent in my bank account.

I’d been on the boat for an hour, but we were getting close to docking now. Because of that I knew that I had to start doing my job and taking photos, pulling my phone from my pocket. I snapped a couple of the entire island, which would likely be worthy of having its place on the front cover of the magazine I was publishing for, alongside a snap of a t-rex or something.

It was a paradise, just as it was advertised as. The entire side of the island that was visible was engulfed by a lush green jungle, which seemed overflowing with life despite the fact that I was unable to see the pristine green.

We weren’t heading towards the jungle though. Instead towards a street of buildings that made up the main living area for tourists. Despite this park being ten years old, the sleep white architecture and pristineness of the buildings made it appear brand new.

I took half a dozen photos to make sure that at least one of them would be good to use. With the warm sunlight flooding over me like a blanket I was unable to see how they turned out, but I’d be able to look over them when I got to the motel I was booked into. Then I opened my notepad and scribbled in some notes about how beautiful this place looked.

It was incredibly difficult to move as I was packed in from both sides, however a worthy sacrifice for an amazing view. Although many people would consider this to be a dream job based on the ability to travel to expensive places like this park, it was not overly interesting.

Believe me, travelling for free was amazing. I was able to go to all sorts of places that other people weren’t able to go to, and only had to write a five minute summary and take some photos in return. However I never wanted to be focused on holidays, instead I’d rather be writing stuff that actually mattered.

What I really wanted was to write important stories. Things about wars, corrupt governments, and politicians who were pocketing money. Instead I was writing about a tourist hotspot that happened to star giant meat-eating dinosaurs.

“The boat will be arriving at the dock of Isla Nublar in five minutes.” A female voice announced over the ship's PA. “Please have all handheld items and bags prepared and on your person for departure.” I didn’t need to worry about grabbing anything myself as all of my supplies for my week-long stay were packed into my suitcase.

So as many of the other people alongside me filtered themselves back to their seats to grab any of their stuff, I just waited while continuing to admire the view. Feeling the gentle sea breeze and the smell of salt left me feeling at ease.

I took my time once the boat was docked, not wanting to be trampled by the rush of families excited for the opportunity to be able to see dinosaurs in real life rather than just in movies or school books. I trailed off of the boat behind a group of school kids, probably there on an educational day trip.

My luggage was being transported straight to my hotel room and I looked around, trying to spot the person I was meant to meet. A Mr Jacobs was meant to be here for me to be introduced to, apparently holding a sign with my name on it. However as I looked around the terminal I couldn’t see anybody fitting the description I was given.

Perhaps he is waiting outside, I thought to myself as I weaved through the group of holiday-goers and out to the main street. The moment that I stepped out I was enveloped by noise as people wandered around. It was quite amazing how it looked, almost like a sleek and modern town of its own.

The path curved off around the edge of a circular lagoon, one which famously had a mosasaurus which I would check out later. On the side of the path opposite the lagoon there were multiple buildings, all of which had activities like a cinema or a restaurant. Since it was around lunchtime this street was bustling.

There was one street that led off of it, heading down towards a large building with a domed roof, likely the centre hub for the entire island's tourist activities. That didn’t answer the question that I had about where Mr Jacobs was, and I sighed before turning back towards the terminal I had just arrived from.

As I swiftly turned I knocked into someone and fell back. Without thinking I started rambling out an apology, regardless of whether this was my fault or the other person’s. “No need to apologise.” The other person responded, a blond who had a duffel bag. “I should have been paying attention, I would have seen you standing here.”

As I stood up I managed to give him a small smile. “What’s your rush?” I asked, trying to make light of the somewhat awkward situation.
“Oh, I have to get a meeting. There is an issue with some new compy’s that have to pitch a solution for.”

“Compy’s?” I asked, not recognising the name or what exactly that thing was.
The blond nodded. “Compsognathus, it’s a small carnivore that we have.” He explained. “Our new hatchlings have just been introduced into their enclosure but they are starting to dig, which we haven't seen before. I’ve been asked to look into it.”

“So you work here?” I asked, to which I got a nod. Honestly this was interesting, a chance to talk to somebody who clearly has some knowledge of the dinosaurs if he’s been looking into something with his compy problem.
“And what are you doing here with so little luggage?” He asked.

“Oh, I’m here for work.” I explained. “I’ve been asked to come and write a travel piece about Jurassic Park.” Then I paused for a moment before adding on, “do you think that I can get an interview with you?”
“Why would a travel blog need an interview?” He asked, genuinely confused.

I sighed, was I really going to explain my distaste for my job to a random stranger I just walked into. “Well I’ve been hoping to do more with my life than writing holiday reviews.” I explained. “Maybe if I get a good interview from someone or manage to write a good report about something, then I’ll get a promotion out of this.”

The blond seemed to understand, and he nodded. “Sure, I guess that you could get an interview if you want. And what would the name of my interviewer be?” He asked, raising a brow as a grin grew on his face.
“Oh, I’m George.” I said, reaching out to shake his hand.

“I’m Dream.” He responded, shaking my hand. The name felt strange and as though it was not real, but I didn’t say anything. “If you’d like we could do the interview now.”
“Actually I need to be meeting someone. A Mr Jacobs.” I told him. “I’ve just not been able to find him yet.”

“That’s my friend.” Dream responded. “I saw him back in there, you must have just missed him.” He turned and began leading me back inside, where I saw a tall brunette looking around while holding a sign with my name on it. “Karl!” The blond called out across the terminal, catching the attention of the person.

“I’ll leave you to meet him and get settled.” The blond said. “If you want to have that interview I will be at the ‘Grazing Field’ for dinner at 5:30.” I nodded, although it did sound weird, and watched as he turned and walked off.
1472 words.

Just letting you know that there will be lots of dinosaurs and some have big strange names. Just a forewarning.

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