Chapter 2: Main Street Paradise

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George POV.

“So sorry that I wasn’t here to meet you.” Karl apologised, folding up the bit of cardboard which had my name printed on it. His hair was all dishevelled and his clothes were wrinkled, as though he had run here or something. “I had other stuff to attend to.”
“That’s no problem Mr Jacobs.” I responded.

“No need for calling me ‘Mr Jacobs’.” He replied. “It’s too formal. You can just refer to me as Karl, Mr Davidson.” I chuckled.
“Well you can call me George. Mr Davidson is too formal too.” It felt funny how we both agreed that our last names were too formal.

“So you’ve already met my friend Dream, obviously.” He smiled as he led me back out of the building. “Did you like him?”
“He seemed nice.” I shrugged. “Is his name really Dream though? It’s kinda weird.”

“It’s a nickname.” Karl reassured me. He had already started walking and I was tailing after him.
“Why is Dream his nickname?” I questioned. I mean it was a weird one after all.
“Because he is the most Dreamy person on the island.” Karl fluttered his eye lashes as he said that and then he noted my expression. “I’m kidding. You’ll have to ask him yourself.”

When I let out a small okay he went on to keep talking. “So, what is your first impression of the island?” He asked. “We here at Jurassic Park hope that it is good for your blog, since we know how many people trust your articles.”
“The island looks beautiful.” I told him. “You should be proud of it.”

“Thank you. My friend is the owner and he also loves reading your articles. I’ll have to pass along your kind words.” He then smiled. “Your room is the top floor suite of the Cretaceous Hotel.” Karl explained. “I’ll take you there to get settled and then when you’re ready I’ll take you on the tour.”

“Why is it the Cretaceous Hotel?” I asked. “Isn’t it Jurassic Park?” I mean I knew that Jurassic Park didn’t just have dinosaurs from the Jurassic period, but shouldn’t the motel be named after the Jurassic Period.
“We have three motels, one named after each of the mesozoic periods.”

“The Jurassic Hotel is the main one, but the Cretaceous Hotel is the most glamorous of the three. It’s the one reserved for celebrities and stuff.”
I chuckled. “So I’m like a celebrity?”

“Dream seems to think so.” I was confused what he meant by that. I had talked to Dream once and it was only for two minutes. When Karl noticed my expression he chuckled. “He’s over there glancing at you as though you are a model or something.” I looked at where he was motioning, seeing Dream sitting on a bench and looking over papers, glancing at me occasionally.

“It’s probably nothing,” I muttered, looking over towards the lagoon. “You keep the mosasaurus in there, right?” I questioned, changing the subject. The water was a deep blue and so I was not able to see much. Karl nodded.
“You really know about this place?” He raised a brow as he walked over.

“I do my research.” I explained to him. “It’s always good to know a little about the place you are visiting. One of the first rules I outline on my blog.”
“Well yeah, this is our opening attraction. We call her Mossy since kids can’t pronounce Mosasaurus.”

The two of us continued to look into the water, with me straining to see if there actually was a dinosaur or if perhaps it was just empty as a way to fuck with tourists. The thought made me chuckle.

As I was looking at the calm blue water I felt someone’s gaze on me, and my brows furrowed. I turned around, noticing that Dream was glancing at me again. It reminded me of the fact that I was going to be interviewing him this evening after he finished work. “So Karl, I was wondering where the… um Grazing Field is?” I asked.

“It’s a buffet restaurant down the main street. It’s right next to one of our gift shops. One that does build-a-bear type toys.” He explained. “Why were you asking?”
“Oh, I have a friend who recommended it.” I explained, something which he seemed to believe, since I had only met ‘the friend’ ten minutes ago at most.

We continued to walk along, with me following slightly behind Karl towards the Cretaceous Hotel. He was trembling about the design of the place while keeping his gaze on the lagoon water with a fleeting possibility of spotting the large swimming mosasaurus, or Mossy.

Eventually he led me into a large building, with words in the iconic Jurassic Park text style calling it the Cretaceous Hotel. Inside the furniture was all lavash, being dark velvety blues. I stopped to admire the designs, since although I had travelled a lot I was rarely in such extravagant places.

“A booking for George Davidson.” Karl said to the man at the counter. He nodded, turning to a row of key cards which was almost completely stocked. He grabbed one and handed it over to Karl, who walked back to me. “Come on, your room is upstairs.” Then he led me over to a large staircase which took us up to the second floor.

There was a wide hallway that Karl led me down with doors on either side. He held out his keycard and slid it through a metal lock on the door. It unlocked and the brunette pushed it open, showing what it looked like inside.

The room was quite large, with a floor to ceiling window giving me a view of the lagoon and further out to the ocean which glimmered in the sun of the early afternoon. The glass also had a sliding door open letting in a fresh breeze. It was amazing, but there was also the inside of the room which was just as stunning.

The walls all had a beautiful wenge brown wood panelling, giving it a country rural feel, all except the wall behind the bed. That wall featured a mural of a forest, with a couple insects and lizards painted with beautiful strokes of colour.

“This room is incredible.” I sighed out as I sat down on the bed. It was bigger than the one that I had at my own home, with the flatscreen on the opposite wall also being bigger than my own room. “I might have to move here.”

“Just wait until you see the bathroom.” Karl giggled giddily. “The spa bath is amazing, and it has its own TV too if you want to watch a movie and soak or something. Plus there is the mini bar with snacks, candy, energy drinks, and alcohol.” My eyes widened. This wasn’t the biggest room that I had been in for my job, but it was honestly amazing looking.

“Anyway.” He said as my gaze continued to drift over every surface. “Your luggage will be delivered in like ten minutes. You can take whatever time you need to get ready and I will be waiting downstairs for you.” He went over to the door of the room but before he stepped out he motioned to the stand the TV was on.

“There are also some pamphlets for you to check out if you want before the tour. They have some information about the place, a map, menus for the restaurants, a tour list, and some other stuff. Just let me know if there is anything at all that you are interested in.” I thanked him as he slipped out of the room and shut the door behind him.
1306 words

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