Chapter 37: Carrying

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Dream POV.

“George.” I repeated, looking into his dazed eyes. “Can you talk to me baby? Please?”
“What day is it? Where are we? What is your full name?” Sapnap asked, glancing down at the brunette in my arms alongside me. When the ravenette felt my gaze on him he shrugged. “What? Knowing basic things will show he is fine.”

I just shook my head, although he did have a point it wasn’t my main focus. “Just look out for dinosaurs.” I muttered to him. “Especially more compys.” Then I looked back down at the boy in my arms. “George,” my voice went soft again. “Honey, please can you give me anything? Any sign that you are alright?”

He let out a sound. I was unsure whether he was trying to talk, or perhaps it was a hum, or a whine of pain. It made me feel worse, I managed to meet his eyes but he seemed spaced out, his skin was getting pale and his lips turned blue. It was a sign he didn’t have much blood circulation or that there was not much oxygen in his blood.

Karl was up ahead of us, leading the way back to our rooms, where that large dinosaur was lurking around. It probably wasn’t the smartest idea, as it seemed quite intelligent, but hopefully if we stayed quiet then it would not notice us.

Sapnap was standing beside me. He was carrying my backpack, allowing me to just focus on the brunette that was in my arms. However it was clear that the ravenette had his gaze set on George’s ankle, which was swelling and turning an unnatural colour around the bite mark. I personally was trying to avoid looking at it.

“How is he?” Karl asked from in front of us. He spared a glance back, but only a brief one. He just as quickly looked away, back towards the dirt path ahead.
“Not looking good.” I admitted, my voice unable to keep stable. Although I wouldn’t let Sapnap and Karl see, tears were beginning to brim at my eyes.

“We will have notes back in the first aid room.” Karl said hopefully. “About what to do if you get bitten by something poisonous. There has to be something there that will help.”
“But none of our staff have been bitten by a compy.” Sapnap answered, then he seemingly realised why that wouldn’t be helpful and looked at me sheepishly.

“There will be a solution.” I said, looking down at the sorrowful brunette. “There has to be a solution.” George just kept smiling at me, seemingly unaware of what was happening, about how his life was at risk.

George POV.

A weird feeling was running through my veins as I was carried by Dream. I couldn’t really make out anything. I knew that I had been bitten in my leg, yet all I felt was a somewhat pleasant tingle flowing through my body in waves. It was a peaceful feeling, not even being able to register Dream’s arms beneath me, just feeling as though I was floating.

My eyes were also fuzzy, as though glasses had been taken off of my face, but also taken off of my ears. I couldn’t make out anything they were saying, nor could I see their expressions. The three men just turned into faceless, fuzzy blobs, looming over me as I was carried along the path.

His eyes moved down, allowing me to finally see him. They were wide, seeming concerned but I wasn’t sure why. “What’s wrong?” I asked him, tilting my head dopily towards him. He didn’t respond to me, he didn’t say anything to me. Instead he lifted his head to look towards a blob that I believed was Karl.

It felt as though my head was too heavy to move. I attempted to look at where we were walking, in the warm peaceful jungle, but it didn’t work. The best way to move it was to let my head fall back, almost like a bowling ball, however I couldn’t see much, especially when Dream’s hand moved to lift it back up.

“Careful George.” I managed to make out. My eyes managed to focus on him, squinting as we looked at one another. When he saw me focusing on him he managed a smile. “Do you… …me?” He asked, and I tilted my head at him. “G-ge?”

Karl POV.

“Dre~” George managed to let out, it caused all three of us to pause and look at him. We were hopeful that he could speak, after only being able to let out a scramble of unintelligible words beforehand it would be a good sign.
“George. Are you okay?” Dream repeated for the hundredth time.

The path opened out, back to the building, and Dream hesitated. He pulled George closer to him in a protective manner. It was clear that he was concerned about the creature that was hunting around. “What should we do?” Sapnap asked, glancing over at Dream to look for any direction.

For a few moments he thought. “I’ll take George across… but I’ll have to be careful. I don’t know how easy it will be to get him inside.” He looked down at the brunette in his arms without saying anything. The two of us looked at him, studying what he was doing.
“I could keep an eye out for that massive dinosaur.” Sapnap suddenly offered.

“Really?” Dream asked, seeming grateful yet shocked at the offer. Sapnap just gave a nod, not meeting my gaze. I figured that perhaps he was still annoyed with me and so I looked away.
“George is alright.” He shrugged. “I don’t want him to end up dying.” I didn’t say anything, letting him talk (even though I wasn’t sure if I was happy with the idea of him risking himself like this).

“Thank you so much Sapnap.” The blond grinned. I watched the two of them, feeling cautious for my boyfriend but not saying anything. I couldn’t make myself or Sap the centre of attention though. This was to help George.
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