Chapter 21: Raptor Attack

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Dream POV.

“Okay George, so when we get inside Sapnap will tell you where to go. It is left down a couple corridors and then we get to the infirmary, okay?” George nodded at me slowly, but he still seemed fearful of what had seen. Thankfully though he managed to keep composed, despite the fact that he seemed traumatised after seeing my back torn partially open.

Sapnap opened the door to the field unit, however when it opened we all froze. The pristine white floors were contrasted against by a streak of red and the smell of putrid blood. George let out a choked gasp as he began shaking again, letting out inaudible sobs.

I immediately began comforting him, hugging his waist as he lost his balance and began falling to the floor. “You need to calm down.” I told him. “I know that it is a lot, but we… we need to keep composed.” My voice was uneven. Me getting attacked and then witnessing this was enough to have me feeling faint as well, however I kept grounded for George’s sake.

“We should probably leave.” Sapnap spoke quietly, not being able to take his eyes off of the streak in front of us. “Who knows what fucking happened in here?” George was whimpering, terrified of the idea of dinosaurs being loose to kill people. Without saying anything though he nodded in agreement with the ravenette.

Although I would agree, the throbbing pain in my back made me shake my head. Black spots were appearing in my vision and I had to blink them away. “We can’t leave yet.” I muttered. “My back needs to be disinfected and wrapped. Plus I feel dizzy.”
“Can you not stay awake until we get back to the park?”

I shook my head again, however I stopped and strained as I got even more dizzy. “I don’t know.” I told him. “Even if we did get back then there is a chance that… that we could get to the…” I cut myself off, the word I was looking for had escaped me. “That w-we could get to the y’know?”

Ignoring his hesitance I stumbled forward. George moved with me, his entire vision was stained with tears and he almost collapsed again as he accidently stepped on the stream of red. “Shh-hhh…” I strained out awkwardly. “Calm down. Pleas keep quite… quiet.” I told him. “George, baby… please…”

The ravenette followed behind us, this time instead of supporting me he supported George, helping him walk and joining me in begging him to keep quiet. “I’m sorry.” He whispered. “I-I am so so sorry.” He attempted to calm down but instead let out some snotty sniffles, which none of us focused on as there were bigger priorities.

My hand managed to move from wrapped around George’s head to brush through his hair and he grew quiet, despite his shaky breath. The three of us weakly made our way through the halls, listening to all sorts of sounds which could have been anything from clanging pipes to people being ripped apart.

None of us turned back despite our fear. We were very slow though, not wanting to make any noise to draw the attention of whoever or whatever caused this mess. The putrid smell of blood made me want to vomit, but I was in enough of a rough spot that I just stared blankly forward.

Karl POV.

My hand was clamped over my mouth on the odd chance that I let a sound slip. My eyes were darting back and forth as I looked for any and every sign of movement. It was difficult to stay still as I was waist deep in ice cold water that whipped against my skin.

The sound of clawed feet tapping against the wooden bridge above me from multiple different dinosaurs. They all growled and chittered at each other, with me slowly dipping my body even more under the water until only my head and shoulders were above the stream. From between the gaps in the wood panels I could see the grey sagging skin of the raptors.

I wish Sapnap was here, or Dream. They knew all about dinosaurs, whereas I didn’t know what these dinosaurs were. One of them lowered their heads, cocking their head to the side and they were just barely out of my eyeline. If it moved even an inch it would see me. The dinosaurs would be able to see me and easily outrun me and catch me.

My fear and self preservation was the only thing stopping me from being mad at Jimmy at this moment. I had so much I wanted to say to him, he had told me he would wait but now he had let all of these dinosaurs out and they had attacked me and the golf cart. Thankfully the pack of dinos got distracted by something else and I managed to slip away.

Suddenly a chunk of meat fell into the water right in front of me, blood still oozing off of it and tainting the water red. Without being able to control myself I vomited, never being one to like the sight of blood. It also mixed with the water and under any other situation I probably would have started bawling my eyes out but I remained composed, breathing softly.

The dinosaurs didn’t seem to notice as my vomit floated down the water, instead they were bickering over a bit of meat and their cries kept getting louder. Tears were running down my face and I wished that Sapnap was here to help me.

Suddenly there was a large splashing sound to my left, and my eyes went wide as a large, feathered body hit the shallow ground in the water. The body was too heavy to get pulled along by the current, so it just laid there limply with a gash down its throat and chest. The face was a leathery texture with jaws slightly parted and a long tail.

It stared lifelessly at me, and I was terrified that it would turn and snap at me, or attack with the long claws on its feet. Instead it just laid there for a moment before another one of the feathered dinosaurs landed on top of it and sunk it’s teeth into the feathery flesh. Most of the other dinosaurs joined him and I slowly backed away.

None of them noticed me, just focusing on killing their own pack mate. With my breath caught in my throat I backed away, climbing out of the water. The golf cart was still there, parts of the metal had been torn apart. I jumped into the seat, ignoring the saliva and loose bits of metal before driving it away, planning on finding Sapnap.
1139 words

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