Chapter 6: Dinner

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6 chapters and already a date. You guys are being spoiled.
George POV.

How was I supposed to dress for tonight? I wondered as I looked through the clothes that were in my suitcase. There was not much, only enough clothes for the week I was staying here, along with other essentials. Was I expected to dress formally for dinner with Dream? This was a diner but I wanted to look professional for my interview.

I had never intended to go somewhere fancy, so looking professional and classy was out of the question. Instead I chose a button up shirt and a pair of black jeans, pulling them on and looking in the mirror. I smiled at my reflection, thinking that I looked awesome, in an outfit that would look great for a sit down interview.

Sure I had managed to talk Mr Donaldson into having an interview with me as well, but that was a spur of the moment interview, with me and him and all of his close friends and employees. This was my first official one though, and so I made sure that every hair on my head was in a perfect place, then I grabbed my phone, wallet, and room key.

The street was more packed than it was earlier, since most people who had been spending the day in the park looking at dinosaurs were heading back for dinner or to return to their motel. I ignored them, instead searching along the row of buildings for the one that Dream was meeting me in.

The diner type restaurant was packed when I got there, and my eyes darted around everywhere to look for Dream. “Hi, can I help you?” I looked over to see a female employee standing at a host stand. I nodded while looking around the room again.

I spotted the blond at a table with a glass of some drink in front of him as he looked over his phone. “I am having dinner with him.” I said, motioning at the blond. The woman looked over at me and nodded, muttering something about how Dream said he was having a plus one. She let me pass and I could feel her gaze on me as I walked over.

Dream didn’t notice me, and so I stopped just half a metre away from him. “Is that seat taken?” I asked, managing a grin.
His head snapped upwards, seeming shocked that I had appeared here without him noticing. “Hey George.” He responded, smiling at me. “I was starting to think that you weren’t coming.”

“I am so sorry that I am late.” I responded, taking the seat opposite him. “I just wasn’t sure what I should wear, this is my first interview… well second if you include your boss.”
“How did that go?” He asked.

“It was incredible. He is so kind, and he even offered to donate two more VIP passes for our readers.” I then composed myself and let out a small sigh. “But let's not focus on him, this is going to be an interview for you.” He nodded before lifting the glass which seemed to be full of orange juice and he took a sip.

“Do you want to have a drink?” He asked, offering out a drinks menu. “I ordered a juice while I was waiting for you.”
“That would be nice, what do you recommend?” This was a family diner style place, so I wouldn’t have any alcohol, plus I needed to be sharp for my interview.

“The juice they have here is really good, I come here once a week and they are all I ever drink except for water.” He explained. I nodded, muttering about how I’d order some apple juice. “Apple juice?” Dream said, squinting at me. “I thought you were a good person but I’m not sure if I can trust you now.” I rolled my eyes.

I ignored his absolutely incorrect statement about how you can’t trust a person who drinks apple juice. “Anyway, do we want to do your interview now, or after we’ve had something to eat?”
“I could eat.” He shrugged. “I forgot to have my lunch earlier.”

We both stood up and he led me to a large counter that ran along one side of the room, separating the eating area from the kitchen. A line was already there, of parents with their kids, or groups of friends. While we were waiting the blond unsubtly looked over my outfit and he let out a loud chuckle.

“You really did go fancy.” He noted. “This is possibly the most formal outfit that I have ever seen in here. The kids make it a warzone of sauce.”
I rolled my eyes. “I wanted to look professional.” I admitted. “These were the nicest clothes I had on me, and I want to look good for my first interview.”

“If I had known that you were wanting to dress nicely then I would have invited you to another restaurant.” I looked over his clothes, which happened to be the same outfit that he had been wearing earlier today. I glanced away to hide my blush in embarrassment. It was extremely awkward to be in this restaurant dressed like this.

As we made our way along the line, with both of us getting a mix of food. I had two heated buns, a piece of fried chicken, some rice, some fries, and a salad. Dream got some similar stuff and then we headed back to our seats. “So you come here every week?” I asked, cocking my head to the side.

He nodded. “I’m a regular here. The only regular. Everyone else is only a holiday goer who is here for a week and then goes home, or a staff member just out to celebrate a birthday. I just prefer this to the staff food provided back in my room.” I nodded, since it did make sense. I sipped on the apple juice i’d gotten before thinking.

“You never told me your name.” I remembered. “You just told me you went by the nickname Dream, and you have the last name Smith.”
“It’s Clay.” He responded. “Not the nicest name though.”
“I think it’s fine,” I reassured. “Sounds like someone deserving of an interview.”

He smiled at me, a way of him saying thank you. For a few minutes we just ate our food, before he spoke up to make conversation, a way of passing the time until we finished eating for our interview. “So, how was your first day on the island? Anything you particularly liked?”
1107 words

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