Chapter 30: Earthquakes

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Dreamnotfound sex?
George POV.

“Just lay down.” Dream gently prompted, his hands on the small of my back guiding me towards his bed. “I’ll go find a first aid kit and some alcohol so we can clean out that wound and bandage it, okay?” I just nodded at him as I laid down, trusting him completely and watching as he examined my arm.

It was partially obscured by my shirt and I ended up having to pull it off, along both me and Dream to see a long and gooey wound. It smelled foul and I ended up crinkling my nose, earning a small chuckle from the blond. “I will be right back.” He reassured me. “If you need something to eat then raid the minifridge. I usually keep it stocked up.”

I thanked him as he left, before looking around the room. It was on the third floor near the back of the building. The view from the windows showed me the tips of the trees before allowing me to see right over through the fields which raised up towards the mountain.

From here, the park seemed pristine, undamaged. In the distance I could even see some unbothered herbivores who ate from the grass like a herd of cows. This room was also undamaged, apart from some clothes thrown around, however that could be from Dream’s uncleanliness rather than being damaged.

I sat up, ignoring the small throb that was in my shoulder as I headed over to the fridge, deciding to focus on my hunger. There was no point in wasting heaps of time by trying to sleep when I was going to inevitably be woken up by Dream to be bandaged. So I may as well focus on dealing with my inevitable hunger.

Just like Dream said there was lots of food available, including chocolate bars, fresh fruit, and cans of cokes. I grabbed one of each before sitting on the end of the bed, pulling off the wrapper of a KitKat and beginning to eat, focusing mainly on using my better arm to avoid irritating my injury any more.

A few minutes passed before Dream returned, carrying all the supplies that he could find and he dumped them on the bed behind me. “So you’ve helped yourself to snacks in my fridge?” He asked, making me worried I was doing something wrong but the grin on his face suggested otherwise. I gave him a nod and his smile widened. “Good, we all needed the energy.”

He settled on the bed, grabbing a cloth which he dabbed with alcohol before starting to swipe it over my skin, earning a hiss of pain. “Calm down.” Dream murmured. “I have to clean your wound or it will get infected.” I nodded, allowing him to do as he wished.

Karl POV.

A smile appeared on my face for the first time since yesterday as I flopped down on my bed, basking in the familiarity. Sapnap walked into the room after me and I blinked happily up at him. “Can you grab me a drink from the fridge?” I asked, spreading myself out and feeling my muscles relax. “A monster please.”

“Okay.” Sapnap nodded, bending over in front of the fridge and allowing me an unsubtle admiring session of his ass. Then he passed me a can of my favourite Monster, Monster Ultra, which I sat up to drink.

“I missed this room.” I muttered between sleep, looking at the room which was identical to how we had left it. “We’ve only been gone one night but still…”
“You knew that this would happen.” Sapnap responded with a flat tone. “After you knew what would happen you can’t say that you would miss this place.”

That annoyed me. My brows grew firm and I glared up at him. “I can still miss this place. We have all of our memories here.”
“But you still took part in organising everything. You knew what would happen.” A frown began to grow and I watched as he walked over to the bathroom.

“Stop acting as though you are superior. You knew exactly what was going on and yet you continued to date me and support me and Jimmy’s plan. It would have made us both rich. We could live the life of luxury on a beautiful beach, just like we talked about. My friends were kind enough to involve you in our plans.”

“Your friends left us here to die.” Sapnap reminded me. “But if you are so blind and naive then I don’t know why I am still here.” His hand brushed over his face and then he just turned and walked out of the room, leaving me alone with my drink. It annoyed me that my boyfriend was acting like this, as though he was better than me and ignorant to everything.

But seeing him like this was admittedly attractive. I would love to be able to spice up our sex life, especially if we were destined to die here before getting home. After all, I knew exactly what Jimmy and the other’s had planned. My frown grew, but it was caught off guard as the building was struck, almost as if by an earthquake.

Dream POV.

“Did you feel that?” George sat himself up as he looked at me and then over at Sapnap. “What was that?” He was cautious, looking over at both me and Sapnap for an explanation.
“I-I don’t know.” Sapnap murmured. His eyes were distant, seemingly holding concern for Karl, but there was something unspoken stopping him from going back to his boyfriend.

“It was probably nothing.” I reassured, giving a loving look over to the boy sitting on the bed before glancing over to the window. Despite what I said I was still cautious, prepared for anything that might appear through that window. Then the ground started shaking again, knocking more of my objects off of shelves and desks.

Sapnap clutched the doorway and I held George close, worried that this earthquake would result in the roof collapsing and so I tried to protect him. Eventually the shaking stopped and we were all on edge but unharmed.
“There shouldn’t be earthquakes in this part of the world.” Sapnap noted.

Although I didn’t speak I nodded, glancing at him as I was thinking the same thing.
1084 words

Damn, no sex yet. I thought today was going to be a good day but finding that out ruined it.

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