Chapter 20: Carrying

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Which character would you most like to see being eaten by a dinosaur?
(This may have story implications depending on how people answer)
George POV.

“Hey… baby… you need to stop panicking.” Dream told me, breathing slowly with his arm wrapped around my shoulder.
“It’s… dinosaurs.” I muttered in response, trying to reason everything. “They were right in front of us… they were… killing… and you could have been hurt.”

“He was hurt.” Sapnap reminded us both through gritted teeth. “He got scratched right down the back by a baryonyx. That is why we have to carry him, remember?” I was upset about everything, still in a state of denial and shock and complete fear about everything that had happened. I just whimpered out as tears pricked in my eyes at the raventte’s words.

“You don’t need to be rude.” The blond told Sapnap. He took a few straining breaths before continuing. “George is not used to dinosaurs up and close, especially ones that can bite you in half. Now can we be quiet so we don’t catch the attention of any more carnivores that might have escaped.” He huffed.

Sapnap fell silent, with me just quietly crying. I desperately tried not to lower my gaze down at the wounds which felt like they kept getting deeper. In fact I probably would pass out if I looked down at him.

My face pushed itself into Dream’s shoulder, with me holding him up and him directing me around any trees or over rocks in the path. From off in the distance I heard growls and loud screams, likely coming from the other guests.

This made me shiver. I was worried that all of the other people on the island would be killed and then they would all come and hunt down me and Dream and Sapnap. Speaking of Sapnap, he was looking away, seeming terrified for someone else. “Do you think that Karl is okay?” Sapnap asked, his voice panicked.

“I am sure that Karl is okay.” Dream told him, the hand that was draped over Sapnap’s shoulder for support gave him a quick and reassuring squeeze. “He is smart. He knows how to avoid all of the chaos that is going on.”
“I’m sure all of those people are smart.” I muttered sadly. “And they are being killed.”

That caused all three of us to (admittedly) overreact. I was upset about all of the death that was going on around me. Sapnap was upset about Karl, who he seemed to be in an extremely loving relationship with. And then Dream, who was the injured one, was trying to keep us both quiet.

“We are almost at the field unit.” Dream explained. “Then we can bandage this all up and I will be better in a few days. Do you know any first aid sweetheart?” I just shrugged. I had done first aid courses in high school, university, and work, however being attacked by a dinosaur was different from falling down the stairs.

“I guess I could try and help.” I muttered, giving a small and tentative nod. “And then we can go home, right? You have a way off this island?”
“We’ll figure something out.” Sapnap reassured me. “Just a few more minutes and if no dinosaurs kill us we will be at the complex and safe.”

I let out a shaky breath however I didn’t say anything, just looking down at the ground as I allowed myself to be directed by the blond once again. However, every single noise caused me to jump out of fear.

“There shouldn’t be anything down here.” Dream reassured me. “All of the dinosaurs like to stay near the lake since that’s where the freshwater is.”
“And all of the dinosaurs are meant to stay in their cages, but look at how that is working out.” I began to cry again.

“Don’t cry.” Sapnap hummed. “When we are safe inside then we can cry, until then just be calm.” I nodded, although not managing to stop crying. The three of us broke through the undergrowth and I gasped at the sight of a shockingly big building which seemed to be made out of concrete that had been painted white.

It looked modern yet still kind of gross compared to the rest of the bark which had a huge ‘environmentally friendly’ message. Sapnap and Dream seemed to notice my distaste and the ravenette spoke up. “I know it looks shit.” He told me. “But it has to be reinforced since we have to keep the dinosaurs secure.”

“And even though it doesn’t look nice, it will have the supplies to disinfect my wound and bandage it.” Dream told me. “You just go up to the keypad and insert the code 0791, it will let you through the electrified fence and into the building.” I nodded as we approached the gate and the dirt path turned into a concrete road which circled the building.

"0791, right?" I double checked, and Dream nodded at me.
"And hurry." He strained. "I am starting to feel loopy from the blood loss." It seemed from his smile he was trying to joke in this dreaded time, not that it was the right time to joke. I didn’t respond to him though

I did as he said though, nodding worriedly as I inserted the code, with both of them watching me as I moved around inputting each number one at a time. The only pause from me was when I heard a cry from the distance, causing more tears to run down my face. My breathing grew uneven as I entered the last digit before the door opened.

It was honestly pathetic how terrible my shakes were, but I just couldn’t help but think about all of the people that were in the park. If it weren’t for me meeting Dream, I could have been there when all of these dinosaurs got loose. If it weren’t for the blond I would likely be dead at this very moment.

The thought made me start crying again, and this time I couldn’t quiet myself down despite Spanap’s complaints. We walked into the complex and I listened to the metallic sound of the gate closing behind us, a strange whirring sound which brought me comfort as it meant separation between me and the flesh hungry dinosaurs.

“Okay George, so when we get inside Sapnap will tell you where to go. It is left down a couple corridors and then we get to the infirmary, okay?” I nodded as Sapnap opened the doors, however we all froze in shock and fear as we saw a trail of red splatters painting the pearly white floors.
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Do you think the red splatters might be ketchup or something? 🤔

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