Chapter 25: crashed

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George POV.

All of us were shocked at the sheer quietness of the fields in front of us. Distant screams had died down, leaving me to hope however highly doubt that everyone was in hiding. None of us dared to say a word to one another. It was like we were all mourning what was happening in the near distance.

What made me feel even more worried was that I was utterly useless. Dream and Sapnap, despite being injured and stressed, knew about dinosaurs and had skills with guns and stuff. My only skill was taking photos and holding interviews, and I couldn’t exactly ask the dinosaurs some questions to distract them from eating me.

“It’s quiet.” I said out loud, after a while. The two of them looked over at me but didn’t speak for a minute. “Maybe someone has dealt with this. The dinosaurs could all be gone.”
Dream shook his head. “I highly doubt it.” He told me, dampening my mood which the blond realised. “I’m sorry George.”

A gasp coming from our ravenette companion. We both looked up quickly to see him sprinting across the grass to a crashed golf cart. We followed as fast as we could. “Sapnap, what’s wrong?” Dream asked, his brows furrowed out of concern for his friend.

Sapnap stopped just in front of the golf cart, which had small spirals of smoke dissipating into the air. He examined the side and let out a sigh. “Sapnap?” Dream repeated.
“This is the cart that Karl had taken.” He muttered to us, dropping the gun and allowing his fingers to trace over the numbers on the side.

“If it…” the ravenette paused and shuddered. “If it is here and crashed and we know that a bunch of the carnivores are also here then…” None of us spoke as he began to sob. I barely knew of his relationship with Karl but it was clear that they were close, and he seemed like a nice person from the few conversations that we had had.

The blond’s hand nestled onto his friend’s back and he gave a reassuring smile. “Sapnap, don’t worry yet.” He instructed. “There is no body yet, and aside from the crash there is no sign of a struggle. So Karl is probably alive.”

Sapnap nodded at what Dream had said to him. Despite this though he was still upset, which is understandable because Karl was missing. Both of them looked around the area, searching for something that I wasn’t sure of, perhaps footprints hinting at where Karl had run. I couldn’t see anything though so I just stood back.

From somewhere within the forest I could hear animalistic chittering, however due to where we were it was more likely to be much bigger than any animal. Dream and Sapnap heard the noises too, and both of them also turned towards the forest. “Maybe Karl is in there.” I suggested, my voice unwavering and firm.

“Please no.” Sapnap’s voice was full of fear for the other brunette. “Please, don’t say that he’s being killed by those monsters.”
“He’s not.” Dream reassured. “He’s not being killed. It’s far too quiet.”
“I guess you're right.” While the two of them talked I edged between the trunks.

All the different shades of the forest blended together, making it difficult to see too far ahead. But it did not appear to have any dinosaurs and so I began walking to look for Karl. Dream followed after me, seeming concerned. “George.” He muttered, not seeming fully aware of what I was doing. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” I responded, giving a nod. “I was going to go and look for Karl… I don't really know him but I care about him." The blond smiled at my sweet and selfless action as he took my arm.
"George, while that is quite sweet you don't know this place." He reminded me.

Obviously I knew that. The two of them, and maybe Karl as well, had probably been here hundreds of times before. This was the first time I had been here and I could barely even hear my footsteps over the sound of my heart thumping rapidly inside of my chest. So I looked over at the blond, waiting for another suggestion.

"I'll come with you." The blond said with a smile as he went back and received Sapnap’s gun, then he looked over at the ravenette. "Are you coming?" Sapnap didn’t answer, just biting his lip and looking down before Dream spoke again. “We are more likely to find Karl if the three of us work together.”

The ravenette gave a wordless nod at that and followed after us. He stayed close to Dream who was the one wielding the gun. The forest seemed quite big, from as far as I could tell from the position where we were standing. It would take forever to find him and so after a moment I decided it would be best to call out to him.

“Karl!” I cried out amongst the trees, hoping that he would hear me. Dream grabbed my arm, seeming shocked and appalled by what I was doing.
“George.” He responded. “You need to be quiet.” He spoke, giving me a tone that made it clear he was considering me to be young and naive.

“There could be a carnivore in here.” Sapnap added. “They could come and kill us like they killed that scientist. Or they could kill Karl!”
“This is a big forest.” I responded to them. “Calling out to Karl is the best way to find him if he is still alive.”

“Karl!” I repeated, ignoring any other complaints that they may have. Although I didn’t say anything out loud I did share their fears and I had the same concerns about being caught and/or killed by anything else that might hear us.

A sigh of relief fell from my lips as I heard a voice call back ‘I’m over here!’. Eyes widened from the other two men as they heard Karl somewhere in the distance, and all three of us began sprinting in that direction.
1025 words

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