Chapter 11: Tour Plans

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Dream POV.

“Are you seriously going to leave without saying goodbye?” I looked over at George who was looking over at me tiredly.
“Not at all, I just woke up and didn’t want to sit in your room naked while I waited for you to wake up.” He sat himself up, the sheets wrapping around his waist.

“How did you sleep?” I asked as I moved to sit down on the edge of the bed. Although staying overnight with George was nice I felt gross. I was wearing the same clothes from yesterday, including the same underwear and it felt disgusting and made me go stiff. In order to stop feeling gross I would have to travel through half the park to get back home.

“It was good. This bed is perfect.” He said, seeming completely and utterly at bliss. The window had the curtains drawn back, letting me see him in the golden glow of the morning.
“It is perfect.” I nodded in response. We kissed one another again but I looked downcast. “I will have to go soon though.”

The brunette nodded, seemingly knowing that I would need to go back to my room and shower and get changed. So I added on, “I have ordered you breakfast though, I hope you like waffles.”
“I can deal with waffles.” He reassured as his arms wrapped themselves around my shoulder.

As we sat there I pulled my phone from my pocket, snapping a photo of the two of us. George blushed as I showed him. “Here, now when you are famous I can say I slept with a celebrity.”
“Maybe you can sleep with me again if I get a chance to spend time with you again.” George chuckled, to which I blushed.

“So, will I get to spend time with you again?” He asked, fluttering his eyelashes at me. We both laughed at him but I nodded.
“I was thinking about that. If I asked Karl nicely, then I could be the one who gave you a tour of the park instead of him.” George’s eyes lit up at the idea of us touring the park together.

When he nodded we kissed again. The two of us were in a somewhat peaceful embrace before I eventually pulled away. “Breakfast will be delivered in about twenty minutes, so maybe you can have time for a shower if you want. I’ll meet you for your tour later.”

George nodded before laying back, his beauty elevated in the morning sun. “If you meet me at the education centre at 8:30 then I can try and get you into the park early.”
“That would be awesome.” He said, an excited buzz about him. He was still pretty excited after seeing the mosasaurus last night, even in the near darkness.

“I’ll see you soon then.” I smiled as I stood up and left the room, only stopping to exchange roughly four caring ‘goodbyes’ with one another. A small smile ghosted over my face as I walked through the hallway and down the stairs.

The hotel, just like the rest of the island, was quiet at this time in the morning. Everybody, both the humans and the dinosaurs, were still asleep. Most of the things to do, the shops and other attractions along with the park itself, would not be open for at least another hour. So all that would be moving around was the staff getting ready for another busy day.

However there was always staff on the front desk of all the motels. Minx couldn’t resist the urge to chuckle at me. “How was your night, Dream?” She asked, smirking at me. She had been here when George and I went up to his room last night, clearly knowing what it was that we had been doing up there.

“It was fine.” I responded. “Why are you still here though? Don’t you have a life outside work?”
“I do, but I took a couple extra hours since Fundy is sick. Since it’s quiet I just got to sit and watch some movies.”
“Interesting, what movies did you watch?”

“Nothing you’ll be interested in,” she assured me. “Anyway, you’ll be late for work if you keep bugging me,” I rolled my eyes but nodded at her, giving her a goodbye. As I walked out of the building she called after me, “also make sure you save some of your new boy's ass for the rest of us, he’s pretty cute.”

I rolled my eyes, knowing that she was teasing me. “Goodbye Minx, maybe the next cute person to come along will be yours.” She also gave me a goodbye as I turned down the street, passing the lagoon as the smell of sea salt filled my nose. A few people were outside as they enjoyed the morning but I ignored them.

As I walked I pulled my phone from my pocket to call Karl. the brunette answered, sounding somewhat tired. “Dream… what are you doing calling me, it’s so fucking early.”
“Sorry,” I responded as I walked, “but I had a thought.”
“What were you thinking?” He asked, sounding over me already.

“Well since you are busy, and since you deserve some more time to yourself, I was thinking that perhaps I could take that VIP reporter on a tour of the park… his name was… Greg, right?” I didn’t want to hint to him the idea that I had been spending the night with him, thankfully Karl didn’t think too much into it.

“His name is George, but I guess that could work. It would probably be better if an expert was able to show him around.” I beamed proudly at the compliment about me being an expert, and at the fact that my idea worked. “Thank you so much Dream, I was needing a break after all.”
“You deserve a break Karl.”

He thanked me, both of us exchanged goodbyes and we hung up. I wished that I had taken George’s number to share with him the good news that I would be able to give him the tour around the park, however he could already be in a shower either way. Guess I would just have to surprise him before the park opens.

A content smile was on my face as I continued to walk through the street. I was eager to be able to talk to George again, he was kind and funny and it was a good break from my regular routine. With the smile still on my face I headed over to where the golf carts were parked so I could head home.
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