Chapter 38: Antidote

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Is George going to die?
Any guesses?
Dream POV

Karl helped me carry George up the stairs, constantly glancing back where he knew Sapnap was outside. The ravenette had volunteered to stay outside and keep the dinosaur distracted. We were both worried for him, but I was also splitting my worries towards the boy that was in my arms, whose eyes were dimming.

“George…” I began, panicking slightly. His eyes widened, seeming more awake when I said his name, and let out a strange noise which seemed to be concerned. “Try and stay awake for me baby.” I told him, hugging him closer to me.

From behind us, outside of the collapsed doors I heard an echoing roar. Karl let out a gasp, fearful for his boyfriend. “Sapnap…” He kept his gaze towards the door, but slowly walked up the stairs. I glanced between the two brunettes, trying to make sure both of them were okay as I slowly headed towards the first aid room.

Thankfully first-aid was right next to the staircase. I knocked open the door with my shoulders, keeping my gaze on George. The ankle was a completely different colour, looking incredibly painful. It made me hiss in pain, especially when I looked at his face and saw that he was completely calm and drowsy.

Karl eventually stepped in after me, but not until after the dinosaur had fallen quiet. He was clearly lost in his thoughts, and I was terrified about why he might be acting like that. I hoped that it didn’t mean something had happened to Sapnap, but I’d think about that later.

“Why don’t you look for our notes about antidotes?” I asked Karl. “I’ll clean out his wound.” The brunette was unsure but he nodded. I laid George down before going over to the sink, getting a cloth which I rinsed with warm water. When I glanced over I saw Karl doing as I had asked him to and I thanked him.

I wiped George’s injury, being careful not to try and irritate while also trying not to cry. “Dream.” The brunette on the bed whined. “It hurts. Please.” He attempted to move his leg, and I had to actively hold it still, muttering to him about how I was doing this to help him. “Dream stop~” He repeated.

This was the most aware I had seen him since he had gotten bitten, and eventually I just sighed and moved away. It was just in time as Karl moved over to me.
“I think I found something.” He told me, and I took the card with the information and smiled. It had information on treating bite marks from Compsognathus and counteracting their venom.

Sapnap POV.

I watched as Dream carried his boyfriend across the clearing with Karl following after him. The brunette kept glancing back at me. I mouthed to him that I was okay, telling him to take care of George who did not seem to be in the best condition.

The two men walking quickly disappeared into the building, just in time for the ground shaking dinosaur to appear around the side of the building. I was hiding, kept behind a tree further away from the dinosaur. For a few moments it sniffed at the air before lowering its head down to try and peer through the gap.

At this my mouth parted. I called out to the dinosaur, just screaming to try and get its attention. A low growl came from the creature as it looked over towards me. It let out a sound of dominance with a cry before beginning a stampede towards me. My hands clutched at the rough bark of the tree but I didn’t move.

As it reached me the dinosaur scratched through the leaves, slicing through them as though they were nothing more than air. But as it tilted its head to attempt to bite at me, the teeth got caught on the trunk and it cried out, one of the eyes which were as big as plates. With uneven breaths I stepped away, now knowing that the dino was stuck for at least a moment.

It began thrashing around and I sprinted off between the trees, listening intently to the sound of the jungle and for the dinosaur behind me. When it sounded like it had wrangled itself free I let out a sharp whistle. The jungle instantly fell silent before the sound slowly began to pick up again, mixed with the sound of footsteps.

I took deep breaths, knowing that the chase was going to continue. As the footsteps grew closer I dropped down by a ditch near a stream. For a while there was nothing, and I listened to the sound of the oversized body moving past.

When the sounds had all died down I stood up. My legs shook slightly and I took my time, straining to make sure nothing was heading back my way. Now that I was alone I noticed some scrapes on my arms which I hadn’t noticed earlier. They stung slightly but it wasn’t as bad as what I knew Dream and George had both been through.

The building was quiet when I returned, and as I ascended the stairs up to the second floor I noticed more rubble than there had been earlier in the day. Quit whispers of speech were being passed back and forth.

When I stepped in the doorway Karl looked over to me and looked hopeful. He jumped into my arms and I quickly held him into a hug. “I was so worried about you.”
“I was only gone for ten minutes.” I reminded him. He muttered something against me which I couldn’t make out, so I kissed his head.

Dream was standing over a shirtless brunette, who was murmuring some nonsense which I couldn’t understand from here. “How is he?” I asked, looking over as the blond turned to face me. “Did you find the antidote? Is it working?”
“Yes.” Dream responded. “It should be.”

His fingers gently brushed down George’s torso, listening to the boy whimper and squirm. It was quite gross to watch, since it seemed like it might be one of Dream’s mating-rituals. The idea was a joke which made me smirk, and I felt okay making the joke knowing that George was recovering, at least according to Dream.

“So what should we do?” Karl asked. “Like should we try and head to the dock again?”
“It’s getting late.” I responded. “And George is still recovering. Perhaps we should just stay here for the night.”
“In this building?” The brunette continued. “It’s basically falling apart.”

“This room seems fine.” Dream answered. “Everything is in place, there is no damage.” Karl seemed sceptical but he agreed when he saw that me and the blond were both okay with it.
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And then the building collapses on them and they all die. The end.

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