Chapter 24: Distress

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So Ezra is writing another chapter. It's a while away and not overly smutty (😔😥☹️) but he is and thats the main thing.
Dream POV.

“Sapnap!” I cried out, letting go of George and running towards my friend. As I got closer though I grew cautious, seeing blood covering the ravenette and a wide, frantic look in his eyes.
“Oh my God…” The brunette muttered, following after me.
“Sapnap?” I questioned, “Are… are you alright?”

He basically fell into me, tears running down his cheeks as he shook his head. “There was a girl, I found a girl.” He told me, his words quick and stuttery. “She was a scientist and I promised that I would get her out of here.”
“So where is she?” George asked, seeming concerned.

“We were attacked by raptors.” The ravenette spoke, sounding ashamed in himself. “I managed to dart one of them, but another one snuck up behind us and it… it…” He let out a slight sob. “It ate her alive. I promised her that the three of us would keep her safe but she ended up getting killed. I didn’t even know her name.”

Guilt was clear on his face and his brows furrowed. “Don’t worry.” I tried to reassure him, despite the fact that it obviously wouldn’t help especially since he was covered in blood that either belonged to her or one of the dinosaurs he killed.
“I want Karl.” He admitted. “I miss him. I just want to know he’s okay.”

Both of us were caught off guard by this moment of vulnerability however we didn’t mention this to him. “How about we get out of here?” I offered. “We could barricade the gates and trap these dinosaurs inside to die.” It was a slightly cruel offer but the alternative is they are free to escape this building and hunt us down if they wanted.

Sapnap nodded, taking a few breaths and wiping the blood off of his face. “Yeah…” he muttered. “Let’s lock them in here.” He was still scared but it was good that he nodded and the three of us turned, with us all occasionally glancing over our shoulders to make sure we weren’t being followed.

If we were being followed by the dinosaurs I wasn’t sure what we could do though. I was injured and despite the fact that George had followed my instructions to bandage and disinfect my wounds, we were still both not professionals so it wasn’t perfect.

Sapnap on the other hand was completely and utterly shaken. After seeing the woman, whoever she was, getting torn apart and eaten in front of him. Even with him holding the gun it was clear that he felt more unsafe than George and I did.

And then there was George. He was just meant to be on this island to do his job, and have a nice time. Instead though, power went out throughout the park. Everything from the electric golf carts to the doors and locks on all of the buildings, were malfunctioning. To top it all off if he wasn’t with the two of us then he probably would be dead already.

Unfortunately the three of us were in no condition to do anything if some more carnivorous dinosaurs attacked, regardless of how strong or big they were. We quickly reached the entrance of the building, and it was clear that all three of us were incredibly desperate to get out of here.

The moment that we were outside of the front doors we broke into a sprint, or as much of a sprint as we were able to do. Once we had gotten out of the gates we turned and pushed the gates shut, barricading them with anything that was nearby that our three broken selves were able to move.

From the other side of the wall we heard a series of screeches, likely coming from whatever dinosaurs were in that lab. We all took a moment, listening to their sounds of pure hungry rage from the other side of the wall. George let out a noise of shock and hugged my side, with me comforting him.

“How did they even get in there?” Sapnap asked, his brows furrowed. “It’s meant to be on its own power grid… if the rest of the park went down this was meant to stay safe.”
“Well we kinda knew what they were planning on doing.” My voice grew more hushed, hoping that George wouldn’t hear us.

“But did that plan include shutting everything down?” He questioned. “This just causes more bodies than there needs to be.” I nodded at him, straining slightly as George’s body ended up pressing against my injured chest.
“It must have been a mistake.” I murmured. “Karl would’ve warned us otherwise.”

Once again mentioning Karl was enough to get Sapnap to grow quiet, and I took that as a sign that we should get moving. “If we leave now and we don’t run into anything else then we could get to the docks before it gets dark.” Sapnap wiped his eyes, blinking slowly, tears had been running down his face but he calmed down and agreed with me.

He muttered something along the lines of ‘let’s get moving’. My hands moved through George’s hair. The brunette was also sniffling and I carefully moved him away from me. “Are you feeling okay?” I asked him, giving him a loving and caring smile. He didn’t say anything but he gave me a small, wary nod.

I held his arm, softly stroking it to reassure him as we turned and walked. Sapnap was trailing behind the two of us, with the only sign that he was even there was the crunching of the soft earth and dirt beneath our feet.
“Don’t worry.” I tried to reassure him. “We’ll find Karl, he wouldn’t have left without you.”

Karl POV.

“Please God, I know that I haven't been the most faithful, but if you keep me from being eaten alive then I will change my ways.” I prayed. My foot ached as it pressed down on the accelerator, not having moved for ages. My arms were just as sore as they clutched the steering wheel.

Behind me I could see two dinosaurs chasing after me, jaws wide in excitement as they enjoyed the chase, hoping that they could have me as a meal. “Please God.” I repeated. “I do not want to die today.” The engine made a strange noise and my eyes widened, knowing that it likely won’t be able to go too much further.

Not knowing what else to do I began turning towards the forest, thinking that I could lose them in the trees. I screwed my eyes shut and braced for impact, hoping that I wouldn’t end up being killed in the collision.

It got closer and closer, and I felt the world seemingly slow down around me before my vision went black as the cart slammed into a trunk.
1186 words

Sapnap, traumatised: 👩🩸🦖😭
Meanwhile his boyfriend: 🙏🌳💥🚗

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