Chapter 29: The Staff Quarters

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Sapnap POV

Buildings grew over the horizon. Two or three story tall buildings all made of pristine white panelling. A relieved grin grew on Karl’s face and he pulled his hand from mine, stumbling forward. “We are almost there!” He announced. “We get back to the main street and then this whole nightmare can be over and we can get back to the mainland.”

We both spared a glance over at Dream and George. The former was just as happy as we were to be back in the familiar and safer area of the island. However the latter didn’t seem as happy, or as genuine. A strained smile briefly flickered over the brunette’s face before it dropped down and he clutched his shoulder.

I didn’t say anything about it, when our eyes met I looked away quickly. I didn’t want him to know that I was thinking about him. It was understandable that the brunette was in pain after getting sliced in the arm by a dinosaur claw, and not a very hygienic claw at that.

When we were back in the town area we should be good though. We knew the terrain and there was bound to be at least one undamaged first aid building. I glanced back once again, seeing that Dream was holding George close. An arm was wrapped around the waist of the brunette and he was being directed alongside us.

None of us spoke, with guilt running through me at everything that was happening to George. Karl was oblivious, seeming too focused on the idea of getting back to our home, and our room. I too admittedly missed my room. Well it was Karl’s room, a big nice one that he got because he was the head of visitor relations.

My body ached from resting outside on the harsh dirt for hours, and my eyes drooped from lack of sleep. The fear of the stampede had woken me up slightly but still, it would be good to take a few minutes to ignore the outside world and regain my energy.

“This place is quiet.” Dream muttered. He was still supporting George but he didn’t look at the brunette beside him. Similarly he didn’t look towards us, instead having a somewhat distant gaze directed towards the sky. “We should be careful, something might be nearby.”
“Or we could just make a mad dash.” Karl suggested.

We all glanced over at him. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” I muttered to my boyfriend. Despite my love for him I had to be honest, he wasn’t the smartest when it came to dinosaurs. “They can easily outrun us. If something spots us and decides they want to hunt for a snack then the four of us are doomed.”

Karl sighed guilty as he looked over at me. “I’m sorry.” He muttered, looking absolutely adorable. The only thing that stopped me from hugging him right now was the fact that I was fearing for my life. “If it weren’t for you Sapnap I don’t know how I would survive.”
“Not very well.” I admitted, watching as he blushed.

The two of us walked hand and hand, and although he had a wary smile on his face it was clear that he was absolutely terrified about the idea that he could be attacked at any time by a dinosaur rushing out of the bushes. Thankfully though that didn’t happen, and we walked down the rolling fields until eventually reaching a river.

This is the one that ran along towards the staff quarters, bringing another wave of safety and reassurance over me. The quietness which had brought tension out in the fields was not present here just up the road from our homes. Now the quietness brought me comfort that nobody and nothing was around here.

“People?” George’s airily voice asked, catching our attention. His voice seemed hopeful yet monotone and tired. “Will there be people here?”
For a few moments we stayed quiet. Then the blond quietly answered. “Hopefully… although we can’t really be sure.”

We kept walking. Now George was a lot less motivated. His head was lowered and he walked with his hand once again wrapped around the blond’s. “Don’t worry.” Dream said, smiling to George. “We will be able to get food and clean your arm. If you would like, we could also lay down for a bit and rest.”

“Thanks Dream.” He murmured with a loving look, there was a dazy look in his eyes and a frown on his face. He didn’t seem very happy. We kept walking until we reached the front of the building. Despite the pristineness that the building was in yesterday it looked as though there had been a bomb dropped on it.

All of us stopped, staring forward with our brows furrowed in confusion. “How could a dinosaur have done that?” Karl questioned as we looked at the wreckage. One of the walls had completely crumbled, sending down flooring, wires, and furniture with it.

Despite nobody else speaking we were all wondering the same thing. None of the dinosaurs that we had here were capable of doing this much damage. All of the destructive dinosaurs such as the Spinosaurus and Tyrannosaurus were not big or strong enough to do this much damage, and all the ones that were big enough like our Diplodocus were peaceful.

“Is it safe to go in?” George questioned, glancing over at the three of us since we knew more about dinosaurs than he did.
Dream hesitated for a second before giving a nod. “It should be… just make sure you are careful… okay?” He gave a hesitant smile.

George looked at the blond with complete trust in his eyes, holding his arms slowly and leaning into him. From watching him I could tell that he was weak, tired, exhausted. Both of them headed towards the wreckage, slow and cautious to make sure they didn’t slip or injure themselves at all.

Karl and I followed behind them, mirroring their movements in order to avoid tripping over ourselves or any of the rubble between us and the stairway heading up to our bedrooms. After all, being able to get a good meal and rest were enough motivation and temptation to get us moving.

Alongside that we were all also desperate to get out of the open. Every gap between the trees at the moment seemed to be hiding a raptor. Despite their desperateness to hunt they would not risk rushing into a potentially unstable building. That was something that we were not smart enough to do as we climbed the stairs.
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Heading to Dream's room. Wonder what could happen between George and Dream in there.

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