Chapter 46: Ladder

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New story up tonight! It is an interesting concept if anyone is interested in checking it out.
Dream POV.

My arm was holding George’s, pulling him through the shaking building. Karl and Sapnap were a decent way ahead of us, already climbing up to the roof. Behind us was General Techno, keeping quiet and looking over all of us, ready to help if one of us ended up falling behind or we somehow got injured.

The building began to shake again, with Dream immediately moving me to the wall so we wouldn’t end up stumbling around or injured by debris. Techno did the same thing, and while we both attempted to protect our heads, he lifted his head up to study what was going on.

I should have been expecting it, expecting the fact that the ground was going to keep shaking, yet I couldn’t help but get scared whenever the floor began to move beneath me. “Are you guys okay?” Techno called out, not able to see Karl and Sapnap around the corner and halfway up the stairs.

“We’re fine.” Sapnap reassured me. “Don’t worry.” When we felt safe to move again we walked over to see Sapnap holding his boyfriend, keeping him protected from anything at the risk of his own safety. I resisted the urge to make a snide comment about Dream not doing that for me as we continued up the stairs.

We reached the door to the rooftop but the moment Sapnap was able to wrestle it open he immediately tugged it back shut. “What’s wrong?” The general asked in a monotone voice, not being able to see from the back of the group.
“It’s right there…” Was all that Sapnap could whisper, backing down towards us slightly.

“What do you mean?” Dream asked, also not being able to see from just in front of Technoblade. “What is there?” As if to answer a threatening roar echoed through the room, settling in our bones.
“How do we get onto the roof then?” Karl asked.

“Maybe we should go back.” Sapnap suggested, ignoring what his boyfriend had said as he looked over at Technoblade. “It’ll probably be safer to try and get back to the main street, like you originally said.”

“We’ll still have to get past it anyway.” Dream murmured. He was also looking over at Techno, since it seemed that he knew what he was doing. “So it’s whatever you think is best… General.”
For a moment Techno stopped to think, then he looked over at Dream again. “Do you have any ways of controlling the dinosaurs?”

“Well a couple of the carnivores like the T-rex are trained to follow flares.” Sapnap explained. It looked like he was going to say something but he hesitated. “We don’t know what this thing is though. The flairs could make it angry instead of distracted.”
“We also don’t have any flairs.” Karl added on.

The pinkette’s lips pressed themselves into a line and he turned away. It seemed as though he was thinking about something, however I wasn’t too sure what exactly he was going to be able to come up with. He didn’t even notice the continuous shaking of the ground which caused the rest of us to grab the railing.

Slowly and cautiously Sapnap reopened the door, peering out to see if the dinosaur was still there. Shockingly enough it was clear, and so the ravenette man cautiously stepped out of the building and into the warm afternoon.

None of us dared to follow him, instead just standing there as he cautiously shuffled forward to the edge of the building. Even Technoblade, who had been in his own thoughts stopped to silently look over the edge of the building. “Sapnap, be careful.” Karl begged. “I don’t want to end up losing you.”

“It’s quiet Karl.” He responded, glancing over at the brunette in front of me. “There is nothing here. It must have run off.”
“Really?” Techno was the one to ask, stepping out. The entire group was outside, all looking around to try and spot the earthquake causing monster.

George POV.

Techno had been attempting to contact the same navigator and pilot who he had been communicating with earlier, but seemed to give up after his own investigation. “It’s a false alarm.” He said to the people on the other end. “Crisis averted, coast is clear. You are fine to land on the roof of the building.”

He began moving back, despite the fact he had assessed the crumbling building was safe, until he pressed himself against the wall. Since none of us knew the reason we cautiously followed after him. “Yes, the rooftop is cleared.”

His brows furrowed, and as he began muttering some instructions we heard a helicopter in the distance. It was still likely early, but I couldn’t help but feel hopeful. After all, I was standing on a rooftop, about to get a helicopter off of this island. My hand found Dream’s and I looked over at him, seeing that he was just as happy as I was.

Neither of us said anything but it was clear that he was just as hopeful that we were getting out of here. When I spared a glance over at Sapnap and Karl they seemed just as hopeful, hugging together happily as they grinned.

They also knew that we were about to escape, that this three-day nightmare was about to be over. It kept getting closer and closer until the metal machine was right above us. All of us looked up at it as though it was our saviour, as though it was like a god.

We waited patiently for it to land, hoping that it would land but instead it just hovered. The wind whipped at our skin and we strained to look up, unsure of what was going on. From my close proximity to Techno I could hear the murmur of speech he was being told. “What do you mean?” He asked gruffly. “We’ve been through so much shit today, just land.”

A few moments passed and he reluctantly sighed as a ladder was thrown down from the side. I shifted with uncertainty, looking over at him. “General?” I asked, knowing that I wouldn’t be too good climbing up a ladder that was being thrown against the wind. After a few seconds he simply said ‘climb it’.

Sapnap didn’t need to be told twice, grabbing Karl’s hands and pulling him over to the ladder. Karl began climbing first, and when he was a few rungs up Sapnap went to grab it. “One at a time!” Techno instructed, his gaze stern. Sapnap nodded and continued to hold the ladder. When Karl had been pulled up the last rung or so by someone inside, Sapnap began climbing.

Then it was just the three of us, Dream had begun climbing, making it look easy and as though it was as simple as walking. And then he was as well. I could feel the General looking at me as I slowly moved forward, hesitating to grab the ladder. “George.” He spoke, a hint of care appearing in his voice. “You can do this.”

When I still didn’t move he sighed. “How about I climb up first?” He offered. “Then you just have to hold onto the ladder and we can pull you and it all the way up.” I nodded, and with a small reassuring smile he too quickly climbed the ladder.

Cautiously I held the ladder, before looking up to see Techno alongside a man and a woman who were all looking down at me. I gave them a nod, a sign that I was alright and they could pull me up, before holding tightly as I felt myself being pulled up. To start with my slow climb my eyes were screwed shut.

From somewhere above me though I heard a swear word and a shout, with my eyes opening to see what I had feared. The large dinosaur, inches away from me. Somehow I hadn’t noticed it. It growled before striking me without hesitation. I let out an ear piercing scream before being tugged upwards, and all I could focus on was the pain.
1400 words

George has no legs 😱
And it's not from the sex this time 😱

Anyway, read the new story, it is quite interesting.

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