Chapter 16: Message

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Karl POV.

“Make the most of sleeping in.” Sapnap rolled his eyes as he pulled his shirt on. “Some of us aren’t lucky enough to do that and instead we have to work.”
“You are saying that as though you are always up and leaving before me. Let me remind you who usually starts work at 7am.”

His eyes rolled but he moved over to the bed and climbed onto it. Our lips connected with one another, the two of us grinned as my arms snaked around his shoulders and we began a light make-out session. “Well I am glad that Dream offered to give George a tour. It means that we can have a little more ‘us-time’.”

“Don’t you have to get to work?” I asked, tilting my head as he began to suck on the soft skin on my neck. “Wasn’t that what you were complaining about earlier?”
“Yeah, but I am thinking that maybe everyone would be fine if I was a little late to spend time with the love of my life.”

His hands rested on my hips from over the covers. His entire weight was on top of me, a lovely pleasure which made my cock begin to stir beneath him, however I still had to tease my boyfriend. “Isn’t the love of your life dinosaurs? Since I know how much you talk about them in your spare time.” I joked, smirking.

Sapnap rolled his eyes. “Well I don’t consider you that old, but if that’s how you see yourself.” He giggled after his joke and I feigned offence. My angry demeanour melted away instantly though as he began kissing me once again.

“Why do I let you stay here with me when you treat me so badly?” I asked, glancing away once again. “I should just kick you out, perhaps one of your coworkers will treat me better.” Suddenly I started squirming as he sucked on my mark once again. “Stop it! That tickles!” I began to gush, my hands clutching his shoulders.

“I will, I just need a moment for some goodbye kisses.” He reassured me. The two of us laid with each other for a moment before he finally pulled away and stood up. “Were we wanting to meet for lunch somewhere?”

Before I could respond I got a text. My eyes widened and I grabbed it, seeing that it was from Jimmy. My lips pressed into a line as I read and reread what he had sent me. As Sapnap glanced over, a frown grew on his face. “What’s wrong?” He asked.

“It’s… I got a message from Jimmy.” I said, my brows furrowing and he immediately knew what it would be about. His eyes widened.
“Already?” He asked. “It’s quite soon, isn’t it?” My brows furrowed however I nodded.
“He told us to be ready. Grab your bag and put anything important in it.”

As I spoke I was typing back to Jimmy with a furrowed brow. Sapnap had moved to grab a bag as I told him to, but then he froze. “Dream is… where is he? Is he in his room?”
“No.” I shook my head. “He’s already left for the tour with George. They’ll be out in the park.” He gasped, seeming upset.

“Sap… call him.” I suggested. “Or I could. You keep packing.” Sapnap nodded and I moved away from Jimmy’s contact to message the blond. “I’ll tell him that there is an emergency and he needs to come in and head straight to the import dock.” It was muttered to myself, however it was loud enough for my boyfriend to overhear.

I pressed the call icon and for a moment before it responded in a robotic tone that the person I was trying to call was unavailable. Sapnap overheard and looked over at me desperately. “Karl?” He asked, probably hoping that what he had heard the phone say was not true.
“I’ll try again.” I muttered, despite the fact that I doubted it would work.

Sure enough, the next time it rang the robotic voice once again told me that Dream was unavailable. “He must be in the fields.” I noted, since that was the only place in the park which didn’t have good cell phone reception.
“Shit.” Sapnap murmured, dropping the bag.

“What are you doing?” I asked him. I had climbed out of bed and was beginning to pull on my own shirt. “Where are you going?”
“I am going to find Dream.” He told me. “I am not letting him stay here without me, he is my best friend and we started working together. I am not leaving him.”

It was noble of my boyfriend, and his nobleness is one of the reasons why I fell in love with him in the first place. “I’ll come with you.” I told him. “It will be quicker if we are both going to find him, I’ll tell Jimmy we’ll be there in fifteen and we’ll take a golf cart each.”
“We can grab walkie talkies to communicate since they’ll work without reception.”

The two of us basically agreed and while he grabbed some more of our stuff I messaged Jimmy. The reply came in almost instantly and it basically agreed with what I said’ ‘U got 15 mins. Setting timer now. Be at dock.’ Along with a thumbs up emoji.

Right after receiving the message I went to the clock app and set a timer for fifteen minutes, since I needed to be at the dock by then. For a moment I stared at the clock, despite the fact that I was on a time limit.

“Let’s go then.” I said, motioning for him to grab the backpack and follow me out of the room, after all it was likely that we would not be here for a while.
The two of us left the room, I didn’t bother to lock the door behind me as I headed down the stairs with Sapnap following after me.

“So we each take the golf cart and drive over to the fields and find Dream?” Sapnap repeated, to which I nodded at him.
“It will be easy, unless he is on the gyrosphere track with George.” I explained as we reached a row of golf carts and grabbed one each.

“What will we do with… George?” Sapnap asked, not exactly sure who I was talking about since he had never met George, unlike I had.
“We’ll leave him.” I shrugged. “The boat probably wouldn’t have room either way.”

Sapnap nodded and we started the engine. Before we left I glanced at the clock appa again. “We have to be at the import dock in thirteen minutes and twenty eight seconds.”
1134 words

What could that text be about?

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