Chapter 26: Tree

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Something serious to talk about at the end of the chapter guys.
Karl POV.

I could barely breathe, scared that if any noise slipped from my lips that the raptors would come back and try to kill me. My back was pressed against the bark of a trunk and it ached tremendously. But I didn’t move, since the dinosaurs could be anywhere beneath me, ready to attack the moment I was on the ground.

After sprinting between the trees I found something that I would be able to climb so that I could avoid being killed, since it seemed as though raptors couldn’t climb. My entire body was tucked up and all of my muscles were in pain.

Multiple of them had circled under the tree but none had looked up. They were following my scent trail and couldn’t find where I had disappeared to, and after a moment they went hunting off in a different direction. But these were silent killers, I could not know how far away they had truly gone from the area.

A sigh of exhaustion fell from my lips as I allowed my arms to go limp. I had no clue where these carnivores were, or even if they were the only carnivores. Perhaps I would run out of the forest and be attacked by a T-rex or something. My arms continued to shake as a singular tear fell from my face down to the dirt at least twenty feet beneath me.

My entire body ached, but I kept distracted by thinking of my friends. Surely by this point in time Jimmy, Kris, Chandler, and the rest had already evacuated themselves from the island, since I doubted that they would wait an hour or more for my return with Dream. So I didn’t really spare a thought for any of them.

But Sapnap… my darling Sapnap… and Dream as well. The two of them may have gotten to the ship as well. They might be safe, or they may not have made it back and were trying to protect themselves in the park. Both of them knew more about dinosaurs than me so they would probably do better survival-wise. Yet they could still get caught off guard.

Most of my thought threads ended up with them being killed and so I decided to cut that short while shifting around and attempting to work out the cramps in my legs. Perhaps I would wait until it is dark and the creatures are asleep, then I would try and make my way somewhere safe such as the complex.

Any place like that would surely be safe for me to change and rest. There would also be food and weapons which I would be able to use. Perhaps even the chance for me to call the mainland and ask for help.

Suddenly, ringing out from through the trees a voice called out. “Karl!” the voice called out. It was one that I heard coming from far away. I could recognise it, the voice that I knew from somewhere however because of everything that I had gone through and the dryness of my lips I was not able to respond.

I tried to give myself some hydration with my own saliva, feeling it run down my coarse throat as I listened to the wind around me. There were no sounds around me, causing me to question what it was that I had heard. Perhaps in my dehydrated state I was becoming delusional, so I kept my gaze down.

“Karl!” The same voice repeated, and a breath of air seemingly filled my throat.
“I’m over here!” I called out in a desperate response. My hands clutching at the bark eagerly. I knew that whoever it was, they were a human who would be able to help me against these prehistoric creatures.

I knew that screaming out was probably not the best idea, with the dinosaurs somewhere around here and having the ability to hear me just as well as the people did. Despite this though I was desperate, wanting human company from literally anyone or anything. The person kept calling my name, and two more voices joined in.

Both of the other ones I definitely knew. A grin grew on my face as I heard the voices of Dream and Sapnap, making me feel happy that the two of them were safe. “I’m over here!” I responded. “Sapnap! Sapnap! Dream! Please!” I called, watching for any sign of him, or any of the other dinosaurs that might be around.

A few minutes passed with them continuing to call. As they got louder and closer I began climbing back down the way that I had come up. Despite this though I still stayed high up enough that if a carnivore came investigating the noise it would not be able to reach me.

Then I saw a figure appearing in my vision, my beloved ravenette boyfriend. That is when I gained the confidence to drop onto the ground and into his arms. “Oh my God.” I spoke, tears appearing in my eyes. “I missed you. I was so scared that something had happened to you.”
“I was scared that something had happened to you too.” He replied.

We held each other, both sobbing. I was so wound up in our reunion that I didn’t even mention the blood that was over his clothes. Speaking of which, that was something that I definitely needed to know about, but perhaps not right this moment. That was something to worry about when we were safe.

Now that I looked over at them, they all looked like they were having as much bad luck as I was having. Sapnap’s clothes were splattered with blood. Dream clearly had an injury on his stomach or chest. George, I recognised him now, seemed as though he was physically fine, but he appeared drained and weary.

“Dream… George… we had come looking for you.” I muttered to them, an explanation that they probably had heard from Sapnap already. It was a somewhat lie, since neither of us had planned to find George or had even thought much about the fact that he would be with Dream.

“And Sapnap and I agreed we’d split up to find you guys faster. But I had to abandon the golf cart when a bunch of raptors of some kind attacked. I hid under a bridge in the river, my pants would be soaked if it wasn’t warm all afternoon. Then I took the golf cart and drove it, with raptors chasing after me and I had to crash it into a tree to escape.”

I finished my rambling just in time as my legs began to shake, since it turns out sitting in a tree for hours at a time was not good for you. Sapnap’s arms wrapped around me and I smiled against his neck. “How about we get out of here?” The ravenette asked the group, his expressions hard to see in the darkening sky.

Despite this though I could see both of the other guys nodding their heads.
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So as you know over the past few weeks, quite a few allegations have come out about different YouTubers. Some have been proven as true, others as false.

George has had allegations coming out and it is still up for debate as to what parts are true and not, and what is there for him to be blamed for.
So I was wondering what you all want me to do.

I will not take down my stories, but if you all think it is best then I will stop uploading after this story, or instead of having them Dreamnotfound centric they can be Karlnap centric, or if I should just keep continuing. I will leave this for a few days before making a firm decision in case anything else comes out around this, but I want you all to help me decide what is best.

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