Chapter 48: Hospital

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The Last Chapter.
Thankfully outside of George's legs everybody got out if it fine.
Dream POV.

I continued to hold George, comforting him as he sobbed. For the past few hours he had been switching back and forth between sitting comfortably and crying. His emotions were understandably everywhere since he had lost both of his legs the last time he was awake (which was admittedly a few weeks ago but he’d been in a coma since then).

Sapnap and Karl had gotten out of bed, now both feeling motivated since George was awake and seemed to be fine physically. I lowered my head so that my mouth was right beside his ears, wanting to reassure and calm him. “You look so pretty.” I muttered to him, one hand around his waist and the other continuing to rub small circles on his back.

“I don’t know Dream.” He whispers. “I don’t think this will work. Look at me.” He spared a glance down before sobbing. “My life is ruined.” Tears rolled down his cheek and I carefully wiped them away to calm him down.

I didn’t say anything, glancing over at Sapnap and Karl who were both sitting on one of the other medical beds. Neither of them spoke either, instead just solemnly listening to George crying sadly. None of us knew how to comfort him. It seemed that we wouldn’t be able to do anything either. I mean what do you say to comfort someone after losing both of their legs.

My hand cupped his face, lifting it up before connecting our lips with a kiss. His face was wet with tears but I didn’t care. Regardless of what he had been through I still loved him, and I still thought he was absolutely beautiful. George leaned desperately into the kiss, loving the contact that I had given him.

Slowly his hands moved to wrap around my neck, holding me much closer. When he occasionally pulled away from me, his breathing was unsteady and upset. I thought that he looked absolutely adorable and allowed him to do what it was that he wanted with the kiss, eventually pulling away which I allowed him to do.

The brunette curled himself up, resting his head on my chest with his arms still loosely hanging over my shoulders. I adjusted myself, attempting to become more comfortable for the brunette. He let out a small sound which seemed to be a thank you, but I couldn’t be too sure.

We laid there for a minute before sitting up in shock at a knock on the door. Sapnap told the person there to come in and George desperately pulled the blanket up to cover his lower half before hiding his face in my chest. It was Nurse Celsie, surprising me because she had already come in to change George’s IV earlier, and it was too early for her to bring dinner.

Her eyes immediately caught on George, not saying anything but studying him. She didn’t say anything to him but it was clear that she caught the glances he sent her. “Nurse?” Sapnap asked, pulling her attention away. “Can we help you?”
“Yes.” She stammered, clearly forgetting what she was meant to be doing here.

She hesitated for a second before continuing. “Mr Donaldson is here… he would like to speak with you all.” Our eyes widened at the name, as we didn’t expect to hear it ever again.
“Jimmy?” Karl asked, understandably the most shocked out of all of us since the two of them had been close friends. “He’s here?”

Nurse Celsie just nodded, a hand slowly drifting up to play with her honey brown hair. “He was wanting a word with you all… about the park. But he said that he can come back another time if you all are not available right now.” Sapnap and I waited for Karl to decide, after all Karl had been one of his closest friends for years.

Eventually Karl gave a silent nod. “He can come in.” He muttered, his gaze lowering down and refusing to move. The nurse gave a nod and stepped out of the room before talking quietly with someone. That someone stepped through the door before shutting it behind him, and all of us looked at Jimmy with unamused expressions as he did.

“Hey, you are all okay.” He smiled, walking into the room, looking over each of us. I noticed the way that his smile flickered and it seemed that Sapnap noticed that as well.
“We did, mostly” the ravenette nodded, as though he didn’t just see Jimmy’s annoyance. “Thanks for caring enough to visit.”

“Of course, you three are my friends.” He then sighed. “I apologise that we left you on the island. It was just too dangerous to stick around. You guys understand.”
“I can’t say that we do.” Sapnap responded with clear passive aggressiveness. I didn’t speak either, just glancing down at George who was listening without moving.

“Despite how you may feel I have decided to still give you your share of the money, plus a little extra to apologise.” He had three envelopes which he threw carelessly onto each of our beds, then he sighed. “The others were all also upset about the fact I left you, despite the fact they all agreed that I was in the right.”

Karl’s gaze moved up when he heard that. “Even Kris?” He quietly asked. Of all of Karl’s high-ranking coworkers, Kris was the closest to him. The two of them were even closer to each other than either of them were to Jimmy.

“Except Kris.” Jimmy slowly told the brunette. “She was extremely annoyed with me for leaving you behind. I knew that she was planning on exposing everything, and we couldn’t have that.”
Cautiously Karl scooted closer to the end of the bed. “Where is she? Can I talk to her? She’ll want to know I’m alright.” He asked, but the man shook his head.

“She had an accident.” He informed us, his hands moving behind his back. “You understand though, right? All of us would have been at risk if she had gone to the police, which she planned on doing from the moment she found out I left you.”
“You killed her?” I asked, my eyes narrowing.

Jimmy didn’t give a proper response, instead his eyes widened. “Actually that reminds me…” he pulled out a gun, wordlessly aiming it at George who had just sat up before shooting him. The brunette immediately fell limp, his arms falling away from me before he fell from the bed. My mouth parted, agape.

“What the fuck?!” I asked, looking over at him. “You killed him!” After everything he had been through, we had just gotten home and he had just survived before getting shot.
“He’s a reporter.” Jimmy reminded me. “He’d tell someone.”
“Why would you think that?” I asked. “He’s my boyfriend.”

“Oh… that’s new.” Jimmy muttered, since my relationship with George only started a few weeks ago. “And I’m sorry Dream, but this is for all of us.” He paused, looking over each of us before pocketing the weapon. “I’ll leave you all to rest.” He walked out of the room, not even caring about the fact that I had my boyfriend’s blood over me.

None of us spoke when we were alone and tears pricked at my eyes. Karl and Sapnap looked over at me, not saying anything once they had asked if I was okay. I didn’t say anything, just slowly moving from George’s bed to my own one before seeing multiple bits of paper folded up, with George’s hand writing on the side facing up.

‘If something happens, take this to Philza at ‘The Truth’ magazine’ it said, and I opened the paper before beginning to read what was written. I looked over at George’s body before standing up. “We need to go.” I told the pair.
“Where?” Sapnap questioned.

“Wherever they publish this magazine.” I told him. “For George’s."
1369 words

Well I spoke too soon.

George got fucking shot LOL

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the book, check out my other stories if you have. And yeah.

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