Chapter 18: Argument

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What is everyone's favourite kind of dinosaur?
George POV.

“Who is this?” I asked as the golf cart slowed to a stop in front of us. Whoever he was, he obviously worked here (due to the fact that he was allowed to drive on the golf carts which were meant for staff), but he didn’t seem like he was the brightest because now all of the dinosaurs in the area were letting out loud noises at the shock of the cart speeding across the terrain.

“This is my friend Sapnap.” Dream answered, glancing over awkwardly. “But… what are you doing here?” He turned over towards his friend. “Shouldn’t you be working?”
“Karl said he needed you.” The ravenette answered. “Like… right now.” He grabbed Dream’s arm and pulled him towards the golf cart.

A curious Iguanodon had approached and begun sniffing at the cart, curious to see what was going on, Sapnap quickly shooed it away though. Before he could get into the cart Dream pulled his hand free. “What is going on?” He asked. “You can’t just pull me away from work right now without any notice.”

Sapnap leaned in close to the blond, speaking quietly to his friend. I wasn’t able to hear whatever it was they were talking about and leaned back, waiting patiently for them to finish whispering. “Already?” Dream questioned, raising his voice before glancing over at me.

His friend nodded before glancing at his phone. “We have about eight minutes, so we have to leave now.” The ravenette climbed into the golf cart once again, his hands immediately going to hold onto the wheel. “Come on.” He said firmly.

“What about George?” Dream asked, finally looking back over at me. “We can’t just leave him here to make his own way back.”
Sapnap’s brows furrowed. “He can take the Gyrosphere, let him keep looking at the dinosaurs for as long as he wants.”

Immediately Dream responded with a firm ‘no’. “I am meant to be his tour guide.” He reasoned. “I can’t just leave him here.”
Sapnap let out a muttered out sentence which seemed to be a ‘yes you can’, but then he sighed. “The golf cart only has two seats.”

I’ll sit on the back then.” Dream offered. It had a bed behind it, a place for putting bags or anything else so staff wouldn’t have to keep it on their laps. Although Sapnap seemed annoyed he allowed me to climb into the passenger seat beside him, with Dream doing as he said and settling in behind us while holding onto the metal frame with one hand.

“Shouldn’t we tell someone about the Gyrosphere?” I asked before either of them could turn on the golf cart or anything. “They probably cost a lot and I don’t think your boss will be happy if we leave it in the middle of the field.”
“It’ll be fine George.” Dream reassured, one hand moving to rest on my shoulder.

A few of the dinosaurs were beginning to curiously approach the cart. Perhaps they thought that the cart brought them food. “Why aren’t we going?” Dream asked, looking over at the ravenette who was growing more frustrated by the second.
“It’s not starting.” He responded, seeming agitated. “I’m not sure what’s wrong with it. I’ll try to call Karl and see if he can come and get us.”

“Well if we only have eight minutes maybe it would be quicker to walk.” The blond spoke bitterly, earning a glare from Sapnap.
“He should be somewhere around here. We both came looking for you as soon as we heard about what was happening.”

“What is happening?” I asked, since up until this point I had been told next to nothing and I was feeling really confused. The two of them both looked over at me for a moment, neither of them said anything and then they both looked away. “Dream,” I continued, my voice lower, hoping that he would tell me something.

The blond refused to make eye contact, causing me to fall silent and lower my gaze. Perhaps it was unfair of me to believe he would tell me when someone else (who was a much closer friend than I was) had sworn to silence. They could have been best friends, and all we did was fuck once (or a couple of times) yesterday.

Suddenly an alert rang out. It came from the golf cart, and from the Gyrosphere, and from what seemed like the entire world around us. “Warning. Warning” The robotic voice sounded out. “There has been a power malfunction in the main park. All non-essential doors will be locked immediately. Please remain in your place until a member of staff comes to collect you.”

“Sapnap I thought you said there was eight minutes.” Dream hissed. From in the bushes where we had come a loud whirring noise started up followed by the bellowing cries of the dinosaurs.
“Wait… what’s that?” I asked, glancing over in that direction.
“The gyrospheres.” Sapnap explained. “They are programmed to head directly to the station.”

“Fuck.” Dream grumbled, his head falling into his hands. I was still confused as to what was going on, but the blond’s anger had put me on edge. “Try calling Karl again!” He demanded.
“I’m trying.” Sapnap snapped back. “Do you think that I haven’t been trying? What we’ve been told is obviously bullshit!”

The two began arguing, with me watching the way Dream seemed cruel in this moment. I stepped out of the cart without them noticing and just walked through the grass. Neither of them spoke to me, neither of them told me to come back or even acknowledged me.

I wandered for a few moments before hearing something causing me to turn back. I thought that it was maybe one of them yelling, but it wasn’t. My eyes widened as a large figure broke through the green, letting out a large, billowing roar.

“Dream!” I caught his attention, he had somehow been so focused on arguing with the ravenette that he hadn’t noticed the monstrous figure breaking through the trees and into the sunlight. It roared again and as the pair of them both looked over a dinosaur ran past and got caught in the snapping jaws of the carnivore.

Then the T-rex looked towards the golf cart.
1064 words

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