Chapter 36: Hospital

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Huh Mr Beast chapter.
Also is it weird that I have Mr Beast as a character. Like he makes sense for the story but is it weird?

Anyway results at the end of the chapter.
Jimmy POV.

“Okay Mr Donaldson, we have finished running the tests and your arm is fully healed.” The nurse smiled at me, and I managed to give her a smile back. “We will be able to release you either tonight or tomorrow morning.”
“Thank you.” I said. “It is really easy to recover with such a kind and pretty nurse.”

It was a lie of course, but she was confident that the nurse routine was like every other hospital she had worked at in her life. My own private hospital meant that I was the one in charge, if I wanted to leave I was able to, I didn’t need to be released. Still though, a nurse could easily kill a patient so I didn’t complain.

“How are my friends going?” I asked her. “Is there anything wrong with them?” No, I knew there wasn’t anything wrong, but all four of us decided to play along. It was much easier to do that than try and explain that there was nothing wrong with us.

She was holding a clipboard which had information on all of us, and she glanced down at all the information she had written down. “Your friends are all physically fine.” She reassured me. “But Kris has seemed quite distressed about something. Dr Philza has written that she has been quite closed off.”

My smile fell. “I’m sure she is mourning the loss of everyone on that island. It’s heartbreaking really. I know exactly how she feels.” That annoyed me. Kris knew exactly what was going on, yet she continued to cry over something that she knew was a possibility from the start. I’d probably have to deal with her after this all behind us.

“And there is another thing too, Mr Donaldson.” She had gone back to her smiley personality again. I gave her a ‘what?’, my kindness slipping away momentarily. “A person from the military is here. He wanted to talk to you about the island.” At the mention of that my eyes widened, but I looked over at her and nodded to continue.

“He said it was urgent. Would I be able to let him in now? Or should I tell him to come back later?” I stood up from the hospital bed, seeing that when I was standing up she was a lot shorter than me.

“That would be great. But could you get me some clothes to change into? My assistant should have brought something along.” She nodded. “Then you can let him in.”
“Of course sir.” She smiled. “I will be back in just a few minutes, then I’ll let him in for you.” She then turned and walked off, leaving me alone.

When I had gotten changed the bubbly nurse let the man from the military that she had told me about. He wasn’t dressed in military gear like you’d expect. There weren't any patches on his clothes, or camouflage, or uniform. Instead the man was dressed in black, except for his striking red eyes and long pink hair.

“Good afternoon Mr Davidson. My name is General Technoblade.” I almost let out a snort at the name. There was no way his name could actually be Technoblade.
“I must have done something pretty bad to get someone as high ranking as a general here.” It was meant as a joke but when I saw his stone cold expression I went quiet.

“It was.” He confirmed. “Your park has drawn quite a lot of attention over the years.” I nodded, not having to be reminded of that. “And now that you’ve lost control of the dinosaurs I feel like it is time to talk to you about them.”

“Would you like to sit down to discuss this?” I asked. There was a table in the room overlooking the city. “It would probably be much more comfortable, and I can organise for some food to be delivered as an apology. I mean, how long did you have to stand and wait for me?”
“I waited one hour and seventeen minutes.” Technoblade told me.

“Would you like something to eat?” I asked, sitting down on the seat. He just shook his head, not moving to sit himself down either. After taking a moment to get comfortable I spoke to him again. “So… what specifically is it that you want to talk about?”
“I think you know.” He told me, his voice monotone.

“There’s been dozens of conversations with you in the past about how dangerous your dinosaurs are.” He explained, with me nodding at him. “You have agreed with us on many occasions that they would be dangerous living weapons in the wrong hands, especially with any modifications made to their DNA.”

My brows furrowed. “We want to buy the dinosaurs.” He said, catching me off guard. “We are wanting to go to the island and try to capture as many of the dinosaurs as possible, as well as any remaining civilians.” My eyes suddenly widened, but I averted my gaze to keep him from seeing that.

“I doubt that will work.” I told him, thinking desperately of a way to stop him from going to the park. “We spent years researching them and we couldn’t control them. What makes you think that you will be able to control them?”
“Because we are the US military.” General Technoblade answered.

“And what branch of the US military are you?” I responded, feeling perhaps too confident. “You aren’t wearing proper military uniform.”
“I’m in a part of the military which deals with shit that rich people like you create when you are bored. We’ll be able to handle your dinosaurs.”

“I doubt there is anything left.” I told him. “They’ve probably all torn each other apart by now.” I tried to phrase it as though I was being helpful, but honestly I was beginning to freak out. Surely Karl had to be dead by now, along with anyone else who would have a hint as to what was going on.

“We’ll be the judge of that.” The pink-haired General told me. Although he didn’t know it, he was answering both what I had said out loud and the fears that were building up inside of me. I couldn’t tell him anything without exposing our large scam. A smile managed to grow on my face.

“Have a look if you like. Everything is probably destroyed by now though, so don’t be surprised when there is nothing worth your time.”
1192 words

Mr Beast is out for blood and just wants Karl dead 💀.

Anyway, what you guys are all waiting for...

The next story to be written is Cupid (obviously). With Karlnap as the Cupids getting Dream and George together.

This story will be published after 'Is This True Love?' Where George doesn't know he is in a TV show and everyone else does.

Anyway, have fun waiting for those.

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