Chapter 31: Back at the Mainland

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3rd Person POV.

The chugging of a tugboat filled the early evening, mixing with the low rumble of the repeated waves it filled the ears of anyone listening from the docks. Sitting in the boat, all equally stiff, were four people. The three men all had their heads lowered and the woman kept her gaze over towards the bobbing waves.

A man was there to greet them, a man of authority. After hearing of the boat that came from Jurassic Park being directed to shore he had to be there. The man was a member of the coast guard, and he had been alerted to the fact that the ship that was meant to bring at least twenty guests home had gone missing.

One of the men on the boat lifted his head, tilting it to look towards the others. “Remember our story.” He murmured lowly. “We get one detail wrong and the truth will be revealed.” His harsh gaze softened when he looked at the woman and her distracted demeanour. “Kris, are you okay? What is wrong?”

“I am just worried about Karl.” She responded. “We left him there alone. He could be hurt. He could be dead. So could Sapnap and Dream… my friends.”
“Let’s hope they are dead.” Another one of the men responded. “If they aren’t then they know enough to put us onto death row.”

“That’s a very good point Nolan.” The first man nodded. Subtly, as to not catch the gaze of the people waiting on the shore he pulled a remote from his pocket.
“Jimmy, you can’t seriously be doing that!” Kris’ eyes widened. “You’ll-you’ll kill him!”

“It’s them or us.” One of the other men said. The one holding the remote held it, ignoring Kris’ desperate cries and begs and pressed three different buttons. Then, without a word he snapped the remote effortlessly in half and threw it into the water to never be seen again.

After watching it sink out of sight he lifted his head. Jimmy looked completely distraught, his hands went to rest on his lap and a mournful look was in his eyes. “It’s a shame that Karl and all of those other people on the island did. Truly the insurance, the billions of dollars of insurance, are not worth those thousands of lives destroyed.

Nolan, Chandler, and Kris all nodded. They were quiet, none of them saying anything as the boat got closer and closer to the shoreline. Eventually it stopped close enough that they could get out if they wanted. The plastic side gently bumped against the concrete of the wharf. None of them reacted and the man who had been standing watch stepped down to them.

“Are you all okay?” He asked, a thick moustache obscuring half of his face. Yet even with half of his face missing there was an overflow of emotion in his eyes.
“No.” The man on the left said, shaking his head with tears pricking in his eyes. “I… we were taking the boat out, we were coming to the mainland for a meeting…” He began.

The man next to him, wearing a black shirt and a white baseball cap, having facial hair more prominent than the first man. “We weren’t far from the island before we heard sirens going off. We turned back and…” He hesitated, taking a few breaths and trying to compose himself. “We tried to help but by the time we were back we couldn’t spot any survivors, except the dinosaurs.”

“You have to understand.” The third man took over. His face was clean shaven and his hair was slightly more fluffy looking along with a light hazle-nutty brown. “We didn’t know what we could do. We didn’t know if anyone was still alive. And we tried to radio for help but it didn’t work, we couldn’t contact anyone.”

The three men turned to the woman at the end of the line, the one who had been staring at the water. Kris felt her gaze on them, but the guilt and concern was too present in her mind to allow her to contribute. The pristine man in uniform who had been listening to them fell for their lies and gave them a sympathetic look.

“I will take you all inside.” He spoke caringly, taking a step away from us and looking over towards the people standing to attention waiting for his commands. “Take them inside and make sure they are all okay. Get them something to eat and drink and take statements.”
“Thank you so much. Today has been difficult.” Jimmy spoke gratefully.

Karl POV

“N-no…” My eyes widened as I saw a creature across the river, one with fury running through its eyes while destroying every tree, bird, and dinosaur that ended up passing by it. “How could they?” I asked. They were my friends and yet they sent this power hungry beast to kill me.

I climbed off of the bed, keeping my eyes on the large dinosaur that shook the ground with each step. There was no question about the dinosaur. I knew it had been designed secretly as a weapon, with Jimmy planning to sell it off to the highest bidder. It is a killing machine and so I knew that it would be a way to deal with any survivors.

The anger I had directed towards Sapnap because he was being hypocritical disappeared and was instead replaced with concern as the building shook. I ran out of the room, calling out his name. “Sap! Sap! Where are you?!” I asked. “Dream? George?” There was no response.

I began to panic, feeling concerned that maybe something had happened as I headed to Dream’s room. Every so often I hesitated, balancing myself to avoid falling during the massive shakes. “Why would they do this?” I asked myself, speaking in a hushed voice.

Up ahead Sapnap was standing in the doorway of our blond friend’s bedroom. He looked over at me just in time for another set of shaking and opened his arms for me. I hid myself under the doorframe, so if there was any rubble collapsing from the roof we wouldn’t get hit as easily. Both of my arms found themselves around Sapnap’s waist and he held me close to them.

A loud roar rumbled through the area, earning a gasp over from the bed and I looked over, seeing George and Dream cushioning themselves under the bed. We all took a moment to prepare ourselves to move before standing up. “Has it stopped?” George asked. “Are the earthquakes over?”

“I doubt it.” I answered truthfully, letting go of the ravenette and glancing down shamefully. “They’re being caused by a dinosaur. It’s likely they’ll keep happening.”
“No dinosaur is big enough to cause earthquakes.” Dream responded with his brows furrowed.
“No natural dinosaur.” I answered.

It was clear he was confused, but he didn’t say anything to me or to anyone else, instead just looking back down at the boy in his arms.
1205 words

I wonder if me mentioning Mr Beast a dozen times over will end up being important to the overall story. Maybe the resolution requires him in some way.

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