Chapter 28: Stampede

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Dream POV.

The four of us walked weakly through an open field. Off to one side was a forest, with trees growing tall to allow our bigger dinosaurs to snack. Many rocks and dips were around the area as well, creating multiple different forms of enrichment for the herbivores coexisting. George walked alongside me while Sapnap and Karl were in front

“I’m so hungry.” George groaned out the complaint, leaning into me as he spoke. He looked up at me, blinking tiredly. I nodded in understanding, knowing the sadness and pain he felt.
“We can find something.” Sapnap reassured the rest of us. “There has to be a building somewhere with food. Maybe another emergency kit in another golf cart.”

“How far are we from the docks?” George said, now acknowledging the ravenette. “You said that we can get off the island from there.”
“It should be… like ten miles or something.” Karl told me. “Nobody really walks from the fields to there so I don’t know how long it’ll take.”

It clearly didn’t fill George with any confidence, however the shorter brunette didn’t say anything and instead just looked over into the distance where the fields rose up towards the mountains. It seemed as though he was lost in his thoughts. I wondered what it was that he was thinking about, it was obviously about the island, probably thoughts and hopes about back home.

“Don’t worry.” I whispered to him, standing nearby. “I promise you that I will do everything that I can to make sure you get home. You shouldn’t be in this situation.” He looked over at me, blinking as he processed my words, but then he shook his head.

“If it weren’t for you I would probably be dead already.” George told me. “You don’t owe me any protection.” He gave me a small smile though. “Thanks though Dream.” One of his hands moved loosely around my shoulder and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“Any time.” I replied. If we weren’t in a life or death situation I would have blushed.

From somewhere in the distance a high pitched screech echoed. It was followed by a stream of others and I recognised them instantly, muttering a swear word. “Dream?” George asked, looking over at me as he noticed that all three of us were freaking out. “What… what was that? What’s going on?”

None of us spoke, instead we all looked around for the source of the cry, just in time to see a mass of narrow dinosaurs appearing over the hill. The cries echoed like a ripple of the sickly yellow lizards as they ran in our direction.

All of us watched to see where they were heading, preparing to run if the stampede should turn towards us. “What are those?” George asked, glancing over to me.
“It’s a herd of Gallimimus.” Karl explained, shocking me as I didn’t know he knew about the dinos we had. “We have hundreds of them… maybe thousands.”

“They are pretty harmless.” Sapnap added on. “Except when they stampede… exactly like that.” The group ran towards us, and George started to hyperventilate, stepping backwards.
“Should we run?” He asked as thundering footsteps began to get closer. His breathing was uneven and panicked.

“No.” I turned away from the stampede and towards the field. “I can’t run… I wouldn’t make it ten feet before they caught up.” Then I grabbed the brunette's arm and pulled him down behind a rock. A loud screech echoed through the area, causing our ears to ring.

Sapnap was holding Karl as thousands of the sickly yellow bodies rushed through like a river of living bodies. Some of them jumped directly over us with no care. It was a loud screaming whoosh of living water, not even allowing us to move the smallest inch as it would result in us getting ripped away.

George was tense, his body held against my chest so that there was less chance that he, a civilian, would get hurt. “Don’t worry.” I muttered, to myself or him, either option worked. “I won’t let you get hurt, okay?” Honestly I wasn’t sure if he heard me over the thundering movements and rumbling earth beneath me.

I think that he responded, however I couldn’t hear him at all. Everything that came from him just sounded fuzzy. But eventually the sounds of thunder quieted down and the yellowish blurs on either side of me disappeared as they ran into the distance. To my left Sapnap and Karl were curled up just like me and George, and we all unravelled ourselves in this safety.

Before we had the chance to move though another figure raced through, one much bigger than the gallimimus from the herd that had just passed. It stepped right over our hiding places without a care in the world, except for hunting down the swarm of Gallimimus, feet digging into the ground and tail swinging back and forth eagerly with each step.

“It must have been hunting them.” Sapnap stated between breaths. “That was why they were running.” It was an obvious statement, but none of us complained to him about it.
“That herd seemed a lot bigger than normal.” Karl furrowed his brows. “They… they couldn’t have... they wouldn’t have been able to breed would they?”

Neither me nor Sapnap answered him, just staring towards. George was quiet and I looked back over at him. “Are you okay?” I asked, seeing a large cut on his arm.
He studied his injuries for a few moments before giving a tentative nod. “Just a scratch.” He reassured me, managing a smile.

I was thankful that George was okay. After all he was a civilian who happened to be stuck in this situation, whereas the three of us all had training (even if one of us only had the most basic training) to deal with this situation. Well obviously not this situation but stampedes or getting scratched by a sharp gallimimus claw.

“We’ll have to disinfect the wound when we get the chance.” Sapnap added. “You don’t know what those dinosaurs have stepped in.” George’s face contorted, seeming uncomfortable, but once again he nodded. My arm went and entwined with his, giving him a show of support which he embraced as he leaned into.

All four of us watched as the dinosaurs disappeared into the distance. It worried us. This was the fifth or sixth predator we had seen running around. The two of us could only imagine how many of them there actually were. We had forty-three carnivores in total, ranging from small Compys to giant T-rex’s.

“How many of them could be running around?” George asked, feeling cautious and seemingly reading my mind.
“I’m not sure.” Sapnap answered, his brows furrowing.
“It doesn’t matter.” Karl muttered. “We need to keep heading back towards the main street.”

“But that’s the way that the gallimus… gallimyus? went.” George muttered. “Is that a good idea?”
“That’s the only way back to all of our supplies.” He answered. “And that’s the way towards our boats so we can evacuate.”

“Plus,” Sapnap added. “There could be survivors… there will be survivors. We should find them and help.” The thought of other people on the island shocked me. It had only been yesterday morning that all of this went down, but it felt like centuries since I had seen someone other than George, Sapnap, or Karl.

With my face stoic and firm I held George’s arm and the four of us continued on.
1277 words

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