Chapter 12: The Bench

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George POV.

People were beginning to head towards the park entrance, all of them planning on spending the day around the dinosaurs, which I admittedly was planning on doing as well. However it was slow paced, since there was over thirty minutes until the park was going to open its gates for the day at 9am.

I was feeling cautious, wondering if it would be Dream who would meet me here and take me around the park like he told me he would. Honestly, I would be fine with Karl as well, but I obviously didn’t have the same connection with Karl that I had with Dream, especially after last night.

Not many people were at the education centre, and so I was able to walk up the steps and sit on a bench beside the door. I was planning on waiting patiently for whoever was going to give me the tour to turn up, and I pulled out my notepad.

I had tried to format everything neatly, dedicating certain pages for different things. There was a page for the trip here, with me including the nice staff and the travel time. Then there was a page for the hotel, which was comfortable and accompanied with a beautiful view. I also had a page for food, the education centre, and a page about the kind staff that would just be for me.

In my mind I began formulating what I could write about in the article, which features would be the best to include, alongside what photos would be best to include which were on my camera roll. It was difficult though, since there were lots of things to include.

“Excuse me sir, do you mind standing up for a moment.” My brows furrowed but I lifted my head to look at who was speaking. A grin grew on my face as Dream smiled down at me and I couldn’t help but pull him into a hug.
“I missed you,” I told him, even though we were only apart for an hour or so at most.

“Okay then, I didn’t know you were that desperate.” He rolled his eyes playfully and I blushed.
“I know, I just don’t want to lose my intelligent, funny, and… somewhat handsome tour guide to another guest here.” I explained, tucking my notebook back into my pocket as he took my hand in his own and led me away from the main doors.

“Where are we going?” I asked him, since the entrance to the park was through the doors of the education centre which we were walking away from. I glanced over my shoulder and back towards the front of the education centre, where the bench that I had been sitting on was swiped up by a group that was waiting to head in.

“Well if you want an exclusive early tour before all the noisy people scare the dinosaurs, then we will have to go through the staff door.” The blond explained. “If we were to go through the main doors then everyone would want to go through.”
“That makes sense.” I nodded.

“Well you did say that I was your intelligent tour guide.” Dream reminded me as he opened a door near the end of the building. I walked through it, feeling completely awkward about being in a place where only staff members were supposed to be. His hand took mine and I smiled softly at him.

“Are you excited to finally be able to see a dinosaur?” He asked me, seeming completely amused by my bubbly eagerness. This was something that was so common to him, he probably saw dinosaurs every day, honestly I was jealous. Regardless of my jealousy though, I gave Dream a nod to show that I was definitely excited.

His way of speaking was like a parent talking to their kid, when they were talking about something extremely common. The kid will think this is some unknown and baffling concept when in reality it is a common part of life, like taxes. “I have always wanted to see a dinosaur.”

“We saw the mosasaurus last night.” Dream reminded me as we walked. “Remember, it ate those birds that flew over a lagoon.”
“I’m still not convinced if that is a real dinosaur.” I replied. “It could just be another animatronic, or a hologram.”

“Sure.” The blond rolled his eyes. “But when you are able to hand feed baby dinosaurs and ride on triceratops then I think that you won’t be able to deny it anymore.” Well he was definitely telling the truth, and I definitely wouldn’t be able to deny it when I got to feed a dinosaur, I couldn’t resist the urge to be smug.

“Pretty sure there is an explanation.” I shrugged. “Advanced animatronics perhaps, it won’t be that good though since Disney has had those for years.” Suddenly I yelped as he grabbed my waist, then I giggled at the fact that I almost jumped at him grabbing my waist. After a moment his hands let go and he spoke.

“If you are being like this then maybe I’ll just have to take you back to the hotel.” Dream said, sighing as though he was contemplating what to do. When I muttered that I was sorry he let out a knowing ‘mhm’ as we continued through the staff corridor and we eventually entered back into the education centre.

We walked past the same exhibits as yesterday, although at the moment the lights were off in most of them to conserve power. It looked a lot different now when there were not dozens of families running around. I took a few moments to look over the exhibits and diorama before following the blond through to the main foyer.

A couple of young kids especially were peeking through the window, it made me feel like they were able to see everything. I blushed, feeling like a vulnerable animal in a zoo. My hand took Dream’s as he walked me through the open door which led through the park, letting sunlight wash over me as a breath of fresh air.

“Are you ready to find a dinosaur?” Dream asked, giving me the same smile that he had given me earlier, and after tucking a strand of hair behind my ear I nodded.
1058 words

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