Chapter 47: Hospital

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I would like to apologis if this chapter is weirdly written, have not written anything with main characters like this/going through this before.
George POV.

Cautiously I held the ladder, before looking up to see Techno alongside a man and a woman who were all looking down at me. I gave them a nod, a sign that I was alright and they could pull me up, before holding tightly as I felt myself being pulled up. To start with my slow climb my eyes were screwed shut.

From somewhere above me though I heard a swear word and a shout, with my eyes opening to see what I had feared. The large dinosaur, inches away from me. Somehow I hadn’t noticed it. It growled before striking me without hesitation. I let out an ear piercing scream before being tugged upwards, and all I could focus on was the pain.

Somehow I had managed to keep holding onto the ladder as I was tugged onto the surface of the copter and felt it lurch beneath me. I couldn’t move, only being able to look around and sob as Dream grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. “Dre-” I sobbed out, barely managing to make out any words between my crying.

I glanced over my shoulder, seeing the woman who had pulled me up now wrapping my legs with some bandages from a first aid kit. Sapnap and Karl knelt alongside Dream, all of them muttering stuff which I couldn’t pay attention to.  The blond’s arms wrapped around me, and I didn’t say anything else as my eyes slowly fluttered shut.

“Dream.” I murmured out one more time before falling silent. The pain subsided in the darkness and with a final breath I slipped into the silky sheets of the oblivion of dreams. I found I no longer cared about what was going on, I couldn’t even feel my arms which had been wrapped around Dream. Nor did I care.

??? later

Truth be told, I felt like I was dead when I opened my eyes and saw bright white light above me. I was never a religious person, but I was believing this might be heaven. My body was numb, I felt nothing except calmness, as though I was familiar with this place although I wasn’t. I looked around, and was both disappointed and relieved that it was a hospital.

I managed to sit up, my body aching as I took the chance to look around better. Next to me was Dream, with Sapnap next to him, and Karl next to Sapnap. All of their eyes were shut, but the heart monitors showed that they were alive. I took the time while I was awake and alone to look around at what there was.

“George.” I looked over, seeing Dream sitting up. I smiled at him, letting out a small, airy ‘hey’. “I was so worried about you. The doctors were unsure if you were going to live.”
“I was unsure if I was going to live.” I responded with a chuckle, but when his expression seemed solemn I changed. “Dream?”

“George.” He repeated, his voice sad and monotone. I asked him what was wrong, being unsure as to what his tone could mean. He lowered his head down.
“Dream please?” I repeated. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
He motioned to the blanket wrapped around me. “Take that off.”

Slowly I did as he said, glancing over to him the entire time with caution. When I pulled the blanket away though I freaked out, seeing that instead of my legs ending in feet they were instead ending in stumps. I couldn’t help but let out a lou cry, before being quietened down as Dream pulled me into a hug.

“Shh… shh…” he quietened me down. His arms wrapped around me as I managed to quieten down for a moment. “I’m sorry.” He muttered. “I’m so sorry. This is all of my fault.”
“No.” I managed to respond. “This isn’t your fault, Dream.” I managed to move over, giving him room to climb on the hospital cot with me. “If it wasn’t for you I would be dead.”

“Without you I would have been eaten by a dinosaur.” I told him. My arms tightening around him. I screwed my eyes shut and attempted to think about the lack of feeling in my legs, something which was strange and painful. “Well part of me was… but more of me would be.”
“Don’t worry.” Dream smiled. “I told you I would protect you.”

Both of us smiled as I curled up against him, as much as I could with my legs like this. I tried to keep myself happy, after all not many people had managed to get off of the island, and I should be happy that most of me got off the island. “I love you so much.” Dream told me, a hand rubbing small circles on his back.

“I’m not sure.” I muttered. “Look at me. I am disgusting. You don’t have to pretend anymore, not now that we are off the island.”
“George.” I heard a voice from further away. I glanced over to see both Sapnap and Karl awake and looking over at me. “You look badass.” Sapnap reassured me.

I still was anxious, but their niceness did make me feel slightly better. As I leaned into Dream he continued to murmur quiet comments to me. I was feeling drowsy, wanting to just go back to sleep. Dream’s comforting movements were almost luring me into that.

Dream POV.

George was still asleep, I found as I studied over him. For the past few weeks he had basically been in a coma. Nurse Celsie came in as she did every day like clockwork. “Good afternoon Dream.” She smiled, greeting me as usual.

“Afternoon.” I responded as I watched the brunette woman work. I wasn’t really in the mood for conversation, even Karl and Sapnap in the next bed over weren’t able to motivate me. The two of them were asleep.

We had found out that Karl and I both had some internal bleeding after returning to the mainland and so we were required to stay here as well. Sapnap wasn’t injured, at least not physically, but he wanted to stay here with me, Karl and George. The hospital staff were all fine with it, after they had heard about what we had been through.

Nurse Celsie finished up what she was doing and turned to leave, taking a moment to fix George’s blanket. I found myself staring at the blanket, knowing what had happened and how he would probably  act when he woke up. “Have a good afternoon Dream.” I noticed her finally walking out, and I nodded but didn’t respond to her.

My eyes closed. I had nothing to do after all. My breathing calmed, while I waited for… well I guess for the next main part of the day at dinner. Then I heard something moving around. My eyes opened and I saw George sitting up, glancing around the room in front of him.

I was cautious, knowing that he was likely going to freak out in a moment. I took a couple of seconds to admire him before calling out to him. “George.” Although he was shocked, a small and cautious grin appeared on his face. ‘Hey’ he responded.  “I was so worried about you.” I told him. “The doctors were unsure if you were going to live.”
1307 words

Yeah so I've never written a character who is an amputee before, so I hope that I did alright with that. But then again I also haven't written a character getting their legs chomped by a dinosaur before.

Anyway final chapter tomorrow, plus you can go check out my new story too.

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