Chapter 15: Fields

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Fun fact, I was originally planning to have Mr Beast or another member of the Mr Beast Crew eaten by a dinosaur.
George POV.

The smell of the saliva was enough to make me gag, it was also so sticky and slimy that I didn’t want to touch it, even as it was being held under the warm water in the sink. So I had to hold out my hand and I made Dream scrub it down for me.

“It’s not that bad George.” Dream said, rolling his eyes once again as he soaped up my hand for the fourth time. “I’ve been licked tons by the dinosaurs, you get used to it.”
“It is that bad.” I responded stubbornly, watching as he scrubbed . “It’s sticky and it smells and it’s stained my skin a completely different colour.”

“Your skin is not a different colour.” He replied. “It’s just the soap that we use. It’ll look normal when you’ve rinsed it off.” To prove it to me he ran it under the water and sure enough my skin went back to its regular tone. I sighed out in relief with Dream laughing at me. “For someone who was so excited about seeing dinosaurs you sure are scared of them licking you.”

“It’s not that I am scared of being licked by dinosaurs. I just don’t want to be licked because their saliva is sticky and it smells.”
“Uh-huh, sure.” His eyes narrowed but he let go of my hand so that I would be able to dry it off. It still smelt a little off, but I guess that it would be fine.

While I did that he went on his phone and let out a sigh of annoyance. “Guess we wasted your half an hour alone.” He muttered. “The park is going to open in a minute and we’ve only gotten to see two types of dinosaurs.”
“Don’t blame me, blame the dinosaur that decided to lick me.” I responded.

“You should be fine now.” The blond sighed, however there was a caring smile which grew on his face to show me that he wasn’t annoyed at me. “Now do you want to start walking somewhere before the crowd gets in? Then at the very least you will be at the front of the crowd for the best view.”

“Yeah sure.” I thought for a moment. I went and looked at the map which was by the entrance to the bathroom. Who knew why they put a map in the bathroom? It had a map of all of the exhibits as well as events like feeding times for the T-rex. There was also a line which showed the path that the buses travelled along for easy movement throughout the park.

“Despite the fact that most of the park is open, the fields aren’t allowed to be accessed for another hour. If you want then we could go there and spend more time instead of the allocated fifteen minutes.” The blond offered.

I considered it. It was an offer that I was really interested in since it meant that there would not be other people and I would be able to have plenty of great opportunities to take photos without them getting scared by all of the visitors.

“That could be good.” I smiled. “It would be cool to have the opportunity to photograph free roaming dinosaurs. I’m sure that it would encourage readers to come more if they can get up close and personal with the dinosaurs, living as they would back when they were alive.” Dream nodded, taking my arm and walking with me out of the bathroom.

“Well we can get close and personal with them, but only through bulletproof glass.” He reassured as we returned into the warm sunshine. “It can also get quite warm in the gyrosphere so I’ll grab us some chilled water from one of the staff rooms and we should probably put on some sunscreen.”

As we walked through the main path we were met with a stream of excited guests. Some of them were parents being dragged by children, others were excited chittering friend groups eager to see the dinosaurs. The blond held my hand tightly, as if one of us could end up being swept away.

It made me laugh as we weaved our way back through, since I stopped to take a look at the rush of people. Honestly I was surprised by how many people there were, it seemed there were too many for the amount that I had seen at the hotels and restaurants. “Come on,” Dream tugged at me. “It’s rude to stare sweetheart.”

A blush grew on my face at the pet name but I gave him a nod. My hand continued to hold his and our fingers intertwined themselves. The way that he smiled caringly at me as we walked made me want to let him fuck me again tonight, but then I giggled at how I was somewhat desperate I now was with this person who was a stranger only yesterday.

“The path to the gyrospheres is this way.” Dream let me know, breaking away from the crowd and off down a path which had a sign reading ‘Gyrospheres: closed until 10am’. He led me along the path which had been marked out so that people would be able to queue. Nobody even cared about us slipping away from the main area of the park.

One side of the path had railing, yet the entire walk was hidden under a canopy of thick leaves, with only a few slices of sunlight to show us the path. Insect chatter filled our ears yet there was an electronic sign telling us the wait time until the next ride which was currently switched off. “Are you sure that anyone is even here?” I asked, glancing at the blond.

“They will be getting everything ready, trust me.” Dream responded. His hand continued to hold mine and after a while we broke through the foliage into a clearing. “Perhaps I should have brought a picnic blanket.” He chuckled. “We could have eaten in the field.”
“That would have been amazing.” I responded, “Maybe tomorrow.”

“Perhaps.” The path rounded a corner and turned into a ramp going up to a large station platform. A pair of men were both hunched over a control panel, with a third standing slightly further away.

I recognised this third man as someone working with Mr Donaldson, the owner of the park. His name started with an ‘N’. Perhaps it was Noah or Nolan or something. When they saw us approaching they turned around. “What are you doing out here?” Noah…(?) asked, grinning at both of us.

“Well George was wanting to take a tour of the fields, he thought it would have some great photo opportunities.” Dream explained, squeezing my hand lovingly.
“I’m sure you will be allowed to borrow a Gyrosphere for the morning.” N,,, said to us, something which made me excited. “Would that be alright?” He turned to the two technicians.

“That should be fine.” One of them nodded. “We’ve activated this one that you guys can have for as long as you want.” He stood up and walked over. “So are you guys going to go now? Or is there something else you were wanting to do first?”
“Just put on sunscreen and grab some water bottles.” Dream shrugged.

The other technician stood up and nodded before walking through a gate labelled ‘staff only’ and down a staircase, likely to get what we wanted such as the water bottles and maybe even snacks. “Thank you so much.” I smiled at the pair who remained.

Nolan…(?) smiled at us until his phone vibrated. After he read whatever notification came up his smile didn’t return. However he looked at us and muttered for us to enjoy the day before hurrying off.
1426 words

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