Chapter 27: Camp-fire

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George POV.

The fire was warm, providing a dim glow and warmth as the four of us cuddled up close to it. This was the only thing that made us feel safe in the harsh, dark night. Sitting opposite myself and Dream were Sapnap and Karl, who themselves were wrapped in a blanket which had been sitting in the golf cart and was dirty but fine.

Alongside the blanket there had been a couple nut bars and bottles of water as rations. It wasn’t much, we’d already eaten all of the food. I was starving, all that was left to sustain me was half a bottle of water. My head was on Dream’s shoulder. The only thing stopping me from leaving to hunt for food was the warmth around me and the fear of a dinosaur nearby.

“You look tired honey.” Sapnap murmured to Karl, nuzzling against him as he spoke. “Why don’t you go to sleep? You deserve it after the day you had.”
“But shouldn’t we keep watch to make sure nothing comes after us?” Karl asked, too exhausted to even look at his boyfriend as he talked to him.

“I can keep watch.” Sapnap reassured. “If anything happens then I’ll wake you up and we can get out of here.” His hand ran through his boyfriend’s hair as Karl nodded, curling up with his arms hugging the raventte’s chest.

Me and Dream watched the two of them from the other side of the flames. We had hooked up in the past (yesterday, but it felt so long ago) but that wasn’t enough reason for us to go through the mushy gush. My head was on his shoulders and we both blinked slowly. It was clear we were both exhausted as well, yet neither of us made the offer to the other person.

I mean, Dream was the one who was injured, so perhaps it would be more fair to allow him to get the rest he needs. This place was completely foreign though. Dream knew it and I did not, I had no clue as to what could be lurking in the shadows, waiting for us to let our guards down, but he did. So perhaps it would be smarter for him to stay awake and me to sleep.

The decision made itself when I felt the blond going limp against me. He had clearly fallen asleep and so I shifted around so that he would be more comfortable while he slept. My hands slipped under his shirt, with my arms gently brushing over his bandages, assessing his injuries that I had attempted to bandage.

It seemed somewhat fine. There was no blood dampening the cloth, which made me believe that he was getting better. This was a good motivation to lead me to learning about health when I got home, that was more useful here than my journalism skills.

From through the flame I could see Sapnap’s gaze. He was watching the two of us as Dream slept and I assessed his injuries. “Is he better?” The ravenette asked me.
I nodded at him. “At least I think so. I’m not too sure about injuries.” He let out a hum of acknowledgement, turning his gaze towards the outlines of trees in the distance.

“Do you think we are going to get out of here?” I asked him. A bit of a deep question but I was morbidly curious either way. “Like… off the island?”
“I hope so.” He responded. “We know how to survive, plus there are lots of buildings where we can find food and new clothes in the morning.”

“Do you mean like the place we were in today?” I questioned. “With the raptors that killed all of those people?” My brows furrowed. Sapnap didn’t give me a verbal response, just looking downwards, reminded of the woman who he had come across, and I felt guilty for reminding him of that. “Nevermind.” I murmured.

“They shouldn’t. These are secure fortresses.” He told me. “They are built to withstand this kind of situation… not that this kind of situation has ever happened before.”
“But then how did they get in?” I asked him. I turned my gaze away as the flame was beginning to hurt my eyes. “If it was meant to stop the dinosaurs from getting in then how did they get in?”

“I’m… I’m not sure.” He paused, once again remaining silent and he took the time to look towards Karl and then towards the forest, keeping watch to make sure nothing was approaching in the shadows. Neither of us spoke for a while, both just thinking about everything that was happening today.

I missed home. I wanted to go and just curl up in the familiarity of my bed, not having to worry about travelling around or taking photos, just being able to stay home and safe and sleep. Tears traced down my face and I fidgeted around, everything just feeling tight and uncomfortable now.

“Are you okay?” I looked over, seeing Sapnap watching me and the tears which glistened in the golden flames. He had seemed so cruel earlier, but perhaps it was just panic. He was smiling softly at me, showing care in his vision.
“No.” I answered honestly, my voice shaky and shallow.

He watched me as I spoke, and I sniffled slightly. “I-I-I didn’t want to be a journalist reviewing theme parks and resorts… I didn’t want to come here. But… but now I am here and I can’t do anything to help you guys. You all know stuff about this place and I’m useless.” I shook my head. “I am so sorry… I feel like this is all my fault.”

“This is not your fault.” He responded, giving me a reassuring smile. “Plus, you aren’t useless. If it weren’t for you then Dream would probably have bleed out. Karl and I are both useless with bandages.” It was enough to stop me from crying and I used one hand to wipe my face dry.
“Thank you Sapnap.” I told him.

My eyes fluttered as I grew tired. I wanted to sleep however it felt unfair to leave Sapnap awake on his own attempting to spot and keep a watch for dinosaurs. “George, if you want to then you can go to sleep.” He told me, causing my eyes to widen as I realised that he noticed my drowsiness.

“No… I don’t need to sleep.” I tried to reassure, my gaze moving away from him. He noticed that I was exhausted and let out a sigh.
“George… please… I don’t think anything is coming our way and if something does, then I can wake you all up. I’ll just switch with someone else who can keep watch.”

“Okay.” I was quick to accept, seeing as he was the one to offer that. Then I added on a ‘thanks Sapnap’ as I snuggled into Dream for warmth.
“You are welcome.” He responded. “We need to work together if we want to survive… so get your rest.”

I was already asleep by the time that he finished that sentence.
1203 words

Will make an announce about continuing to write tomorrow.

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