Chapter 41: Laying

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Chapter written by EZRAisTHEBEST who couldn't be bothered writing his own smut chapters and came to harass me instead.
Dream POV.

George continued to whisper to me. “I know that you know this place, but I’m not sure if we’ll both get out of here.” He managed to roll around before facing me. “I know we’ve only known each other for a few days but in case something happens I want you to know I love you.”

His words were quiet, yet they still echoed in my ears and drew a smile to my face.
“George… that’s so sweet of you.” I smiled. He looked at me, slowly bringing a hand up to my face, cupping it lightly before connecting our lips in a kiss. I allowed him to do as he wished, with him tilting his head and attempting to deepen it.

I knew that we had a large chance of getting off the island, especially after managing to put a cool through to 911 earlier today. But being able to have a gentle make-out session with a beautiful brunette wouldn’t harm anyone. His eyes fluttered shut, clearly melting into the gentle, loving interaction.

Just like how he initiated the kiss, he was the one to eventually pull away. “I love you.” He repeated again, eyes darting all over my shadowy face, admiring me. “You are the most kind, attractive, noble man that I have ever met.”
“Are you saying this because it’s true or because I might be the last man you sleep with?”

My question was meant to be teasing and it made him blush. He didn’t say anything though as his face moved to my neck, beginning to suck a gentle mark against my skin. My hands held his waist, pulling him closer to me with my breathing uneven. “You feel so good against me,” I whispered, turned on yet trying to be quiet.

He attempted to deepen the kiss, his tongue prodding at my lips which I parted for him, thinking that it was better than him making me let out some uncontrollable noise to wake up Sapnap and Karl. “You feel so good.” I managed to let out, hearing him hum in response.

Then he pulled away and averted his gaze. It seemed that he was feeling awkward about something but I didn’t say anything, allowing him to take his time. “Um… so… Dream.” He hesitated. “I was wondering something, but it might sound kind of weird.”
My brows furrowed. “You can tell me.” I offered, and he spared a glance at that.

“Well… if we aren’t going to be getting out of here.” He said, taking a few hesitant breaths. “And if we are going to die I don’t want to die unmarried.” He was still feeling very awkward, and now that I heard what it was that he wanted to see I was beginning to feel awkward too. I didn’t say anything, and after a few moments he seemed to realise that I needed more explanation.

“I‘m sorry Dream.. It is sudden.” He took a few breaths. “But if I am going to die… I want someone else to be with me. Like… if you live you can have all of my stuff.” He hesitated. “But maybe I’m being crazy. It might just be the poison.” I didn’t answer him for a moment, but then I responded after a few slow breaths.

“Let me get this straight. You want to marry me?” I asked, a small smile growing on my face. It was strange, however as cute as he was, the fact remained that I have only known him for three days. George glanced away, ashamed. “I’ve only known you for… three days.” I reminded him. “A bit too soon for marriage, don’t you think?”

“It was stupid.” George began suddenly, pulling his hands away from me before rolling over. “I don’t know what I was thinking. It's poison so y’know.” He seemed so anxious, so embarrassed, I couldn’t help but feel bad for him.

“We don’t have to be married.” I told him. “But it is too soon.” He knowingly looked away. “However, maybe we could be dating instead.” The brunette let out a gasp as he heard me, but he didn’t move at all, instead just listening to me. “Perhaps… only if you want.” I waited for a few seconds before he rolled over and kissed me.

“That could work. I was just being weird and paranoid.” He mumbled out. Then he kissed me again. “Since we are boyfriends should we… I don’t know, do something?” I smirk grew on my face as I pulled him close again.
“Sapnap and Karl are nearby.” I reminded him.

I continued to grin. “We can be careful.” I reassured him. “And quiet. Since we are now boyfriends.” After a few moments he slowly agreed, and the two of us connected our lips once again. Our legs intertwined and the brunette’s hands moved to cup my face.

Brief smut warning

My hand drifted itself down between our warm bodies. He let out a sound of shock as I snuck it into his pants and gently wrapped it around his slowly hardening cock. “Dream!” He gasped out before sparing a glance over towards our two friends who were still contently sleeping.

“Are you okay with this?” I asked, giving him a concerned look. “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.” My kiss was gentle and caring this time.
“Yes please.” He hummed, his voice soft and somewhat desperate. “I want you to touch me.” I rolled my eyes but obliged, slowly stroking him.

He shuddered lovingly. “You feel so good.” I couldn’t help but chuckle, seeing the way that my new boyfriend was squirming around. Nothing about this was traditional; we’d only met three days ago, both of us had almost died multiple times, he probably was affected by poison, and he had just asked me to marry him.

Regardless of all of that I smiled, loving to watch him move around. His hands were clutching my face, keeping me in a kiss so he didn’t end up accidentally making noise. I pulled away for a moment. “You are so cute.” I whispered to him, my thumb brushing over his tip with a firm pressure.

“Oh my god.” He gasped out, perhaps a little too loud. I connected our lips again before he had the chance to speak, feeling his hips buck against me. He attempted to say something but our lips were trapped against one another. My hand continued with my repetitive motions, and after a few moments he released into my hand.

It coated my hand, alongside his own pants and he let out a pathetic whine. But he relaxed against me nonetheless and I smiled at him. “How about I go find you some clothes so you can get changed?” He gave a small nod, thanking me.
1198 words

He wanted to do smut because the last time that happened was over 30 chapters ago and this story will not end with smut (spoilers).

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