Chapter 45: To the Rooftop

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George POV.

“We’ll be alright, right?” Dream reassured the three of us. “We’ve made it this far and we know that this place is safe. After all, the earthquakes have stopped.” The two guys we were looking at nodded, trusting what he said. But they needn't have, as a man with pink hair came breaking through the bushes.

All four of us gasped, looking up at the man cautiously. The man in return looked at us with red eyes, the brows furrowed in curiosity and concern. My gaze drifted down, away from his strange face and over his outfit which looked like it belonged to… “He’s military.” I told the group, pointing. “Look at his uniform.”

The others all looked over at him and saw what I had seen. Karl spoke up. “Are you here to save us? Will you get us out of here?”
The man looked over each of us, studying us. Then he answered. “I am.” The simple words of confirmation. “Are you all okay? Are any of you injured?”

“Dream and George are injured.” Sapnap stated, motioning over to us when the man looked over. “But Karl and I are fine.”
“Um… who are you… might I ask?” Karl cautiously questioned.
“I’m General Technoblade.” The man gave a nod. “The US military has sent me here.”

He then moved over to me and Dream, looking over us. “You two are Dream and George, correct?” He questioned, to which we both nodded. “What is injured? Can you walk?”
I glanced over at Dream before nodding. “It’s my arm that’s injured, and his chest… but we’re getting better.” Technoblade glanced over Dream who nodded in confirmation.

“Alright… good.” He spoke, his voice quieter yet still remaining just as firm. We all continued to watch him, seeing the way his eyes continued to dart around the clearing while we waited.
“General… sir.” Karl hesitantly spoke up again. “What about the helicopter? We saw it flying in and landing somewhere by the main street.”

“It’s gone.” He answg up to the roof. Behind us was the General, silent as he stayed a few feet behind us, possibly to assist any of us if we ended up tripping or falling down at some point.

The dinosaur continued to roar out painfullyered, his voice monotone. He glanced over towards us. “It was full of other civilians we rescued, it’ll be coming back for us. We just need to wait until then.”
“How long will that be?” Sapnap asked. “I don’t know how long I can stay on this island.”

“It should be back in around five minutes.” He reassured me. “If there is anything that you are wanting to grab then I’d say do it now.” The pink haired man spoke in a monotone voice, his gaze finally moving up to the building.

I looked over at the other three men. This place meant nothing to me, after all the only time I had spent here was when I went to visit Jimmy Donaldson, the head of the park, and when I slept here last night. Those three however had lived there for months, possibly years. It was natural that they’d have treasured items there.

But much to my surprise (not that I showed it), the three all shook their heads. “There’s nothing here worth getting.” Sapnap muttered. “Leaving the island with my life and my boyfriend is more than enough.” He gave Karl a loving look which Techno didn’t seem to care for. My glance shifted over to Dream who merely stayed silent.

“So what should we do?” Karl sprung up. “Are we walking back to the main street? Is that where the helicopter is meeting us? Will-” He fell silent when Techno lifted a hand.
“I’m not sure.” The pinkette spoke gruffly. His eyes narrowed as he turned to look. “Originally the plan was for the copter to land here, but I’m not sure if the clearing is big enough.”

“What about the roof?” Dream offered. “There is plenty of room up there, and no dinosaurs could get to us.” As he spoke he motioned back to the building. “It’s just climbing four sets of stairs.” Techno shook his head, examining the building before talking about how it was too unstable and wasn’t worth the risk.

I studied the General, watching the way that he calmly examined the surroundings, coming up with a list of different ideas as to what to do before addressing us. “If any of you feel as though you won’t be able to walk a long distance then let me know now.” None of us spoke up and Techno looked at each of us in turn.

“Then if that is the care we…” He was cut off by a loud cry, coming from somewhere above us. We looked up, unsure of how we hadn’t noticed it before as a looming dinosaur peered down at us, eyes narrowing. Apart from its eyes drifting around the oversized reptile didn’t move. I wanted to shake, but after all I had been through I refused to do something stupid and die here.

The first one to move was Techno, slowly backing up. He didn’t take his eyes off of the dinosaur, the oversized one that couldn’t possibly be natural. The pinkette seemed to be an expert at this, as though he had spent years living alongside these things and knew every move that he should make. Slowly he closed the distance between us and them.

“I want you all to move back.” He instructed, voice soft as the dinosaur's head lowered itself closer again and growled. “Get into the building. Head up to the top floor like you said. We’ll wait for the helicopter there.”

We were meant to be slow but I felt quick movements on my hands. I spared a glance down to see Dream protectively grabbing it tightly, as though his entire survival relied on his ability to hold my hand. From the corner of my eye I saw Karl and Sapnap disappear into the building, footsteps tapping softly against the floor.

Techno spared another glance back, and in that brief moment the beast decided to close the gap. If the military general hadn’t run he would be trapped inside of the dino’s jaws right now, but instead it just bit down on air. Techno had reached us and dragged us inside. A clawed three-fingered hand attempted to reach into the doorway but was unable to grab us.

“Upstairs.” Techno instructed. A loud roar echoed out from behind us as we ran, and the floors began to shake. I watched as the pink haired man lifted his hand to an earpiece in his hand. “Chopper one?” He asked. “This is General Technoblade. We are heading to the roof of the staff quarters.”

A few milliseconds passed before he continued. “There is a hostile outside, something not like the other dinosaurs we’ve been studying. Remain cautious.”
1170 words

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