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"Listen up, Sam," I declare, running a hand through my hair. "We can't do it. It's just not in the cards." I lean forward, gesturing wildly from across the desk.

Things have been moving a mile a minute lately. I've got this tiny office that's somehow become my kingdom, with me at the top of the food chain. Yeah, I'm the boss around here.

Sam's been relentless this past week, pushing for us to expand into movie sets and TV commercials. But that's not where I want to go.

"Come on, don't you see that this is a great opportunity?" she says getting up from her chair. 

I let out a sassy chuckle as she keeps on trying to sway me. "No way, Sam. We're sticking to what we do best: home design and photoshoots set up. End of story," I say, motioning for her to hit the road. I've got a ton of work to plow through.

At M. Carter designer, simplicity is our strength. Yeah, I know it's not the most original name out there, but it's easy to remember, and that counts for something. We might be small, just me and my four employees, but we hustle like a team of thirty.

It's not just about the work here; it's about the vibe. We're tight-knit, like a family. Each of us handles a different piece of the puzzle, and together, we make magic happen. And let me tell you, there's nothing more rewarding than seeing this little crew of mine come together to crush it day after day.

From solo act to the hottest ticket in town, that's the journey of M. Carter designer. It all started with just me, grinding away day and night to bring my vision to life. But now? Now we're the go-to designer company in town, no doubt about it.

It's been one heck of a ride, watching this little venture of mine grow into something big. But you know what? The best part is knowing that it all started with a dream and a whole lot of hustle. We might be at the top now, but we never forget where we came from.

Some days just drive me up the wall. Everything feels like it's going off the rails, nothing's clicking like it should, and my employees? Don't even get me started. They're pushing all my buttons, but deep down, I still love 'em.

It's days like today that make you question why you got into this game in the first place. But then you remember: it's the ups, the downs, and everything in between that make this journey worthwhile. Yeah, it's chaotic, it's messy, but it's ours. And at the end of the day, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

"But, Sam, I gotta hand it to you, you're relentless, and I dig that about you. Keep up the good work," I say, shooting her a thumbs up as she shuts the door behind her. Who knows, maybe I'll reconsider after all.

I rise from my chair, making my way over to the window to take in the view. The skyline of New York spreads out before me, and let me tell you, it's something else. People probably think I forked over a fortune for this office with a view like this, but truth be told, it's not half bad. 

I grab my phone and dial up my sister. Her voice comes through the line, full of excitement, and it brings a smile to my face as I watch her on the FaceTime screen.

"Hey, sis, how's life treating you out in Berkeley?" I ask, leaning in closer to the screen as if it could bring us even closer together.

As she spills the beans about her life in Berkeley—her friends, her dorm antics, the whole nine yards—I can't help but feel a twinge of envy. Man, I'd kill to have a taste of that experience.

I remember when she spent her summer up in Michigan. I got to see her for a week when I swung by to visit, but it's never quite the same as living it day in and day out, you know?

SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, J.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now