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We're pulling into the parking lot of this pizzeria that Jack absolutely loves. Nico and Luke decided to stay along while the other guys stayed at the club. Nico said the brunette girl wasn't even that interesting, which we all thought was pure BS.

I glance at my phone. It's just about to turn midnight. My head falls back against the seat, and I can't help but let out a sigh. This night did not go as planned. When I saw Hunter coming my way, my heart stopped. My jaw literally dropped. I turned to Luke and laughed out of sheer panic, having no idea what to do.

Dominic Fike's "Babydoll" is playing in the background as we're all looking at the view.

Jack cuts the engine and turns to me, his hand finding mine. 

We step out of the car and head into the pizzeria. The familiar smell of melted cheese and freshly baked dough hits me. Nico and Luke are already at a table, debating over which pizza to order.

"Pepperoni or margarehta?" Nico asks, looking up as we approach.

"Both," Jack replies, pulling out a chair for me. I can't help but smile.

Sitting down, I take a deep breath. "Sorry for dragging everyone out of the club."

Luke shakes his head. "No worries. I prefer getting drunk off a pizza slice than with a tequila shot." Just by saying and hearing the word tequila, we all gag in unison.

"Seriously," Nico adds, "last time I had tequila, I woke up with my head in a trash can. No thanks."

Jack laughs. "Pizza hangover is way better anyway."

The waitress comes over, and we place our order. I can feel the tension from earlier starting to melt away. The company of my friends are exactly what I need right now.

"So, what's the plan for the rest of the night?" Nico asks, leaning back in his chair.

Jack has been such boyfriend material lately, pulling out my chair, sending me little texts about how I inspire him, how he wants to... Yeah, you know. He touches my hair and skin in that sweet, affectionate way that makes me remember how much he loves physical contact.

We all agree that we'll eat this pizza and after head home to crash and sleep. 

When the pizzas arrive, we dig in, the cheesy goodness hitting the spot. It's comforting, like a warm hug after a rough day.

"Wait, let's do the prayer," says Luke, a mischievous grin on his face.

"What the hell, man," Nico says, already taking his first bite.

I laugh, remembering when Luke slipped a Bible into Jack's bag the other day as a prank.

"Nico, it's Thanksgiving, come on," Jack says, playing along like he's really expecting us all to pray and share our gratefulness.

Nico rolls his eyes but puts down his slice. "Alright, alright. I'll start. I'm grateful for... pizza. And that brunette wasn't that interesting, so I dodged a bullet."

We all laugh, and then it's Jack's turn. "I'm grateful for friends who have my back, and for Morgan, the prettiest girl here," he says, squeezing my hand under the table.

I smile, feeling the warmth in his words. "I'm grateful for nights like this, where everything just feels right," I add.

Luke nods, "I'm grateful for all of you guys, and for the reminder that sometimes, it's the simple things that matter most."

"AMEN! Mother fuckers," screams Nico, making the two other customers in here turn their heads our way as we stifle our laughter.

Jack shakes his head, still grinning.

Between mouthfuls of pizza, we're all chatting about our plans for Thanksgiving weekend. Nico's face lights up as he eagerly mentions that his sister is flying into town, and he's stoked to show her around and hit up some new spots.

Luke nods enthusiastically, casually adding extra pepperoni to his slice.

Jack, with that charming smile of his, confirms what he'd mentioned earlier this week: his parents are arriving tomorrow. He looks over at me, that hopeful glint in his eye, insisting I join them.

"I'd love to," I reply between bites, "but I've already got a family brunch in the morning. You guys are welcome to swing by later, though."

Once we're done, we all sit back a bit, gently rubbing our full bellies. The conversation keeps flowing, with Jack and Nico playfully bickering over the last slice of pizza. Luke, looking like he's about to doze off, leans back in his chair.

Luke stirs from his half-dozing state, blinking a few times. "You guys are animals," he mumbles, rubbing his eyes.

SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, J.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now