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Recap of the last two days: We showed up to the Burberry head office in London and put our project into action. It was insane. Let me repeat, insane.

Everything worked out perfectly. Sam and Leia were so good at it, they almost took my job, like seriously. They were like pros out there. And the Burberry team, they loved it. I sent a couple of pictures of the project to Rachel, because she's like my mentor at this point. Remember Rachel from fashion week? Well, that's mostly because of her that I'm here today.

Yesterday, we participated in the photoshoot. It was mesmerizing to see how effortlessly the models were doing it. Like, I could not.

I'm trying to stay off my phone a little. I FaceTimed my mom and dad to show them my work, and they were so proud of me. That's pretty much it. I want to stay focused on the plan and make this Burberry project work out perfectly.

Now, the job is almost done. We only have to see the final result in a short couple of weeks. It's exciting to see everything come together, and I can't wait to see the finished product.

"Look, girls, we're entering the long undersea tunnel," Sam says excitedly from her seat, like a kid on a road trip.

I turn my head towards her. "Yeah, you mean the Chunnel," I chuckle lightly, feeling exhausted from our hectic schedule.

Leia doesn't even bother to look over; she's fast asleep in her seat, mouth wide open, with a blanket draped over her body. I can relate—I'm so tired too. Jet lag is hitting me hard, but we don't have time for it. It's like when someone's sick but you can't afford to be sick too.

Anyway, we're in the last 48 hours of our six-day trip. I miss home, and I hate it. I've only slept in my bed once in almost the last two weeks, and I'm craving it like crazy.

We decided to take the train from London to Paris. It's about a 2-hour and 30-minute ride in general, but I think today we're arriving a little sooner than what was on the schedule, by only five minutes. We're arriving at 10:20 am, and at 3 pm, we're visiting an apartment I really want to maybe sign for.

I'm happy to have the girls with me since I really need help to make a decision. I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my life. It's really scary; my world will turn upside down. But it's okay; I think I'm making a good decision. There's nothing holding me in New York except for my office, which the girls will take on, and I'll open another one here in Paris where I can work from. Over time, I'll travel to New York to connect our work.

Except for my family, I don't think it will make a difference whether I'm in Paris or New York. It's a big step, but I feel like it's the right one for me.

My sister is begging me to stay in the US, saying I'm only running away. But I'm confused; what am I running away from? I have nothing good for me in New York, and was there something in the first place? 

Anyway, this morning I agreed to check out the touristy stuff in Paris since it's Leia's first time here. Sam said she came when she was a kid but doesn't remember much, except for the Eiffel Tower—that's stuck in her mind.

Once we arrive in Paris, we grab our luggage and immediately go through customs. Our taxi is already waiting for us, so we quickly load our bags and hop in, eager to start our day.

As we drive through the streets of Paris, I feel a mix of excitement and nerves. It's a beautiful city, and I'm glad to be here with my friends, even if my sister thinks I'm running away.

We pass by a few landmarks, and I point them out to Leia and Sam. Paris is everything I imagined and more. As we continue our drive, I feel a growing sense of excitement about the possibility of making this city my new home. Despite my sister's concerns, it feels like the right place for a fresh start.

SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, J.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now