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As I slip off my shoes, lightly touching the wall for balance, a flutter of excitement dances in my stomach. Ellen's melodic voice floats from the kitchen, blending seamlessly with the chatter of the boys. Luke, who just entered, kicks off his shoes with a smirk, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Seriously, what's with the nerves?" he whispers, a playful grin curling his lips as he mimics my careful movements.

"I'm totally fine," I insist, trying to maintain my composure despite the slight flutter in my stomach.

"Sure thing," Luke teases, his tone laced with amusement. "You look like you just faced a ghost."

I shoot Luke a playful glare, brushing off his comment as I try to ignore the fact that his dad is casually sorting cables nearby. Luke gives me a light shake. "Chill out, M."

I'm not exactly sure how he expects me to chill out, but honestly, in my shoes, anyone would be feeling the same way.

"Is Morgan's car okay? Poor sweatheart," Ellen's voice suddenly sounds closer than before. "She's here, Ellen," Jim announces as he closes the wardrobe.

My heart sinks as I realize she had no idea I was coming. I had hoped that maybe Jack would have given her a heads-up before I arrived.

Next thing I know, my eyes lock with the warmth of Ellen's gaze. Her mouth forms a surprised 'O' before she opens her arms wide, beckoning me into a warm embrace. She's always been like this—loving and welcoming. She was ike a second mother to me. Our bond was running deep, even before my relationship with Jack.

I step into her embrace, feeling the familiar comfort of her presence wash over me. Despite the initial surprise, her hug instantly eases the tension in my shoulders. It's as if her warmth has the power to melt away any worries or doubts I had been harboring. In her arms, I feel safe, accepted, and cherished.

"Look at you, all grown up. You are so pretty," Ellen says, her hands cradling my head with tenderness, her words filling me with warmth.

"See, I told you. You had nothing to worry about," Luke chimes in, playfully revealing my earlier shyness to everyone present.

As Luke's playful teasing draws a blush to my cheeks, Jim's disapproval cuts through the light-hearted atmosphere like a knife.

"Oh, seriously Luke, that's not okay," Jim's voice carries a hint of disappointment as he exits the room.

I shoot Luke a stern glance, silently conveying my displeasure at his antics. But he just shrugs nonchalantly, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes.

Eager to escape the awkwardness, Ellen intervenes, offering me a welcome distraction.

"Come on, let's head to the kitchen," she suggests, her voice gentle and soothing. "Jack and Quinn are snacking on veggies."

As I step into the kitchen, Jack and Quinn are perched on their high chairs, sharing a laugh together. But as soon as Jack notices me, his expression shifts, and the warmth in the room seems to dim.

"You want something to drink?" Jim asks, rummaging through the fridge with a casual air.

Before I can respond, Ellen jumps in with a cheerful offer. "Hey, I just popped open a bottle of wine. Care for a glass?" She extends the bottle toward me, her smile inviting.

I return her smile gratefully, nodding in agreement. "Sure, thanks," I reply, relieved for the opportunity to break the tension with a casual drink. Taking the glass from Ellen, I raise it in a silent toast. 

As I glance at Jack, I can't help but wonder what might be going through his mind, what's causing this sudden shift in his attitude toward me. Did I cross a line by stalking him?

SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, J.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now