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Let me tell you, Jack didn't insist on offering me his bed. In fact he didn't even offered me his bed. 

Here I was, in need of a place to crash for the night after a series of unfortunate events involving my car, and Jack, being the gentleman he usually is, offered to help. But instead of the grand gesture of offering me his bed, as he had done in the past, he pulled out an inflatable mattress from his wardrobe.

Now, don't get me wrong, I wasn't expecting him to roll out the red carpet or anything, but there was a part of me that couldn't help but feel a bit let down. You know, that feeling when reality doesn't quite match up with the romanticized version in your head?

I quote what he said in a whisper "You'll be comfortable on this mattress," his tone dripping with icy detachment that made me want to crawl into a hole.

I'm watching in silence as the three boys are  set to work inflating the mattress, The only sound that cut through the heavy silence of the room is the incessant buzzing of the machine, filling the air with an eerie sort of tension.

My fingers are tapping on my phone's screen while I answer Sam's texts. 

Sam: You could walk to my "house" if you want to escape them. 


I'm seriously considering it, no joke.

Sam: Do it. DO IT! 

But hey, at least you'll have a comfy mattress to crash on... sorta.


Yeah well, they're blowing my my mattress as if trying to inflate a balloon big enough to lift them to the moon Fuck. 

With a smirk, I set my phone aside and let out a small chuckle. Jack's parents were already tucked in for the night, claiming they were trying out this new routine of hitting the hay early. It was just me and the boys now.

As soon as they finish inflating the mattress, Luke wastes no time in putting it to the test. With a mischievous grin, he launches himself onto it, causing the mattress to emit a strange, ominous sound, like a balloon on the verge of bursting.

Jack, Quinn, and I can't help but let out a collective gasp of horror as we watch, frozen in disbelief. 

But to our surprise, the mattress holds firm, much to Luke's delight. He lets out a triumphant whoop, oblivious to the panic he has just induced, while the rest of us breathe a sigh of relief, our hearts pounding in our chests.

"I swear it's fine," Luke mutter, his voice laced with uncertaincy.

Jack and Quinn exchange a glance, their expressions a mix of annoyance and amusement. It's just another typical moment with Luke.

My hand still covering my mouth in disbelief, I shoot Luke an incredulous look as he rolls his eyes, still sprawled out on the mattress. "Okay, seriously, stop looking at me," he quips, attempting to deflect the attention away from himself. Then, in an attempt to help me out, he turns to Jack. "Anyway, Jack, you should've offered your bed to M."

I feel a surge of gratitude mixed with annoyance at Luke's attempt to intervene, but it's quickly dashed as Jack shuts down the suggestion without batting an eye. "No, I'm sleeping in my bed tonight. I'm sorry, M, but I don't want to offer my bed," he says, his tone firm and unyielding.

SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, J.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now