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After a seemingly endless conversation with my enchanting, incredible, delightful, hilarious, mind-blowingly funny, captivating, whimsical...Alright, I'll cut the sarcasm here before it becomes a novel.

So, here we are, three weeks down the line, still knee-deep in that infernal contract with Bauer, alongside my esteemed employee Sam. It's been a rollercoaster, to say the least. From deciphering convoluted legal jargon to navigating the intricacies of corporate negotiations, it's been a marathon of a task. 

And let's not even get started on the countless cups of coffee and sleepless nights that have become our faithful companions throughout this endeavor.

The beeping of my car locking its doors cuts into the silence, signaling our arrival. As we ascend the stairs, my trusty bag slung over my shoulder and Sam trailing closely behind, I can't help but voice my concerns.

"So you don't have a clue who's going to be there?" I direct the question at Ced, whose laid-back demeanor remains unchanged.

He shrugs casually, his nonchalance almost infuriating. "Nah, not really. I know Cale Makar confirmed, had a chat with him. But other than that, it's a bit of a mystery."

Fantastic. Just what I need – the uncertainty of a gathering turning into a full-blown circus. Initially, I am adamantly against accepting this offer. Sam has been relentless, incessantly pushing me to secure a contract with Bauer. She practically badgers me into it.

I relent only after delving into the details and discovering that my brother is involved. That familial tie is the only thing that sways my decision.

It's a photo shoot deal for Bauer's latest campaign. They need someone to whip up the perfect set for the shoot. And let's be honest, the fat paycheck doesn't hurt either, so I figure, why the heck not? It's a two-day job, in and out, just the way I prefer it—two mornings back-to-back.

As we enter the arena, a sense of calm washes over me. It's a far cry from the madness of game days and practices. The only sound is the low hum of the arena's ventilation system. We're tucked away in a cozy little rink nestled in the New York suburbs.

After catching up with the crew I'd met a couple of days ago, we dive headfirst into prepping the set. One shoot is slated for the locker room, and the other on the ice—though my involvement in the latter will be minimal.

After catching up with the crew I'd met a couple of days ago, we dive headfirst into prepping the set. "Alright, let's get those lights set up over there," I call out, pointing to the corner of the locker room. "And someone grab those jerseys, we need them hung up ASAP."

The hockey photoshoot set starts to take shape, with Bauer's latest gear meticulously arranged around the locker room. Jerseys hang neatly in rows, catching the light just right to showcase the team logos and designs. Hockey sticks lean against the walls, their curves and edges adding an authentic touch to the scene. Pucks are scattered strategically, as if awaiting the next face-off.

Just as we're putting the finishing touches on the set, I hear a voice echoing down the hallway. My heart sinks as I recognize that voice.

I turn towards the door and see Jack's silhouette emerge in the doorway.

 Fuck me seriously. 

He looks just as surprised as I am. If I'd known he'd be here, I wouldn't have taken this damn contract. With a resigned shrug, I turn back around, refocusing on my task. Well, that's awkward.

"Okay, well, Sam, I'll let you finish this. I need to go talk to Ced," I inform her, and she nods in understanding.

Exiting the locker room, I scan down the hallway, but Jack seems to have disappeared somewhere.

SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, J.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now