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Jack's pov

"Stop it, Curtis," Luke laughs, his voice filled with amusement as he watches Curtis playfully laugh at him.

Luke and I pushed Quinn to join us, but he brushed it off, claiming he needed to be sharp for his flight tomorrow. It's frustrating how Quinn's turned into a buzzkill lately, acting all responsible like a dad instead of just being one of the guys.

Taking out my phone from my back pocket, I hope to see a text from Morgan indicating she's here, but as usual, there's nothing. I'm always hoping, longing to see her name light up on my screen, but she never does.

With my drink in hand, I decide to make a quick trip to the restroom. Maneuvering through the crowded stairs, I glance down and unexpectedly cross paths with Gab. "She's at the bathroom," she informs me before continuing up the stairs without stopping. I mutter a small thanks, feeling a bit bewildered by how she seemed to know I was secretly hoping to find Morgan along the way.

Quickly checking myself in the reflection of my phone screen, I readjust my shirt, making sure I look presentable enough to potentially run into Morgan. Following the directions, I navigate through the corridor towards the restroom. From a distance, I spot her, and my heart skips a beat as I see Marino standing in front of her.

A pang of fear courses through me as I think about how much she cares for him. Despite the fact that she hates him, and so do I, I can't shake the feeling of unease. I wish things were different, but I know it's just wishful thinking.

Walking past them, I address Morgan, "Hey M, wait for me outside," before taking him by the arm and leading him away. I hear her agreement behind me as I guide Marino into the bathroom.

Once inside, I quickly head to the urinal, feeling a bit embarrassed by the situation. We remain in silence as we do our business, and as I wash my hands, I glance at Marino. Checking under the stalls to ensure we're alone, I confirm that we are.

"What's up, Jack," Marino says, scratching the back of his head nervously.

Marino and I, well, let's just say we haven't been on speaking terms lately. Ever since my last visit to the coach's office, I've made a conscious effort to steer clear of trouble. I don't want to cause any problems here tonight.

"Can we just act like nothing happened, at least for tonight?" I ask, taking a sip of my drink.

We're two grown men, and I believe we can have this conversation respectfully. I mean, I feel like I'm at the peak of my career, and the captain's "C" on my jersey is calling out to me. It's not the time to mess things up, so I have to work things out with everyone on the team, and that includes Marino.

"Sounds like a plan," Marino says, extending his hand towards me for a deal.

I feel a surge of irritation at the audacity of his gesture. Without pity, I don't even bother lowering my eyes to glance at his hand. How dare he even think about shaking hands with me after everything that's happened?

I take a sip out of my drink, refusing to look away from his gaze. I can see his smile falter as he realizes that I won't shake his hand. Despite the tension between us, I stand my ground, unwilling to let him off the hook so easily.

The situation is sick and twisted, no doubt about it. Marino used to be one of my closest friends on the team, and I considered him one of my favorite teammates. But when he turned his back on me, it felt like a betrayal I'm not willing to let slide.

"Yeah, good night," I reply, stepping out of the bathroom.

As I emerge, I'm greeted by the sight of a beautiful Morgan waiting for me patiently. The tension from my encounter with Marino melts away as I catch sight of her, and a sense of warmth washes over me.

SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, J.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now