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I've waited so long for her to tell me that she's in love with me. I make it look painless, but now that she finally says those words, I feel their weight in my bones. It's worth more than anything in life.

At first, I'm not sure if I really understand what she just says. I'm confused. Seconds ago, I'm brushing my teeth, about to go to bed. Then she knocks on my door, and it's like my whole world turns upside down.

I see her running, and I think, "No, I can't let this happen again. This needs to end. I need her right now."

My eyebrows furrow as I see her hurrying towards her car. My hoodie is drenched in the rain. It feels like the world is fading away, and there is this light over her head leading me to her. I don't care if anyone sees us or anything else; I need to live this moment with her. Everything I know seems to vanish in this instant.

"M, wait, fuck," I scream, my voice cracking with emotion. But this moment is all I ever want with her.

She turns towards me, stopping in her tracks. She seems out of breath, her chest rising and falling with each gasp. She's the love of my life.

I stand there, soaked to the bone, watching her catch her breath. Every second feels like an eternity. My heart races, pounding so loudly I can barely hear the rain.

I feel an overwhelming rush of emotions—love, relief, fear. Love because she's everything I've ever wanted, the one person who completes me. Relief because, after all this time, she's finally here, confessing what I've hoped to hear for so long. Fear because this moment is so perfect it feels fragile, like it could shatter at any second.

I've loved her through the silences and the laughter, through the good times and the heartache. I've loved her when she was near and when she was far away. Every time she walked into a room, my heart would skip a beat, and every time she left, it felt like a piece of me was missing.

Love is patient, they say, and I've learned the truth of that. Waiting for her, longing for her, was a test of patience, but it was a test I was willing to take. Because loving her was never a choice; it was a necessity. It was like finding a piece of my soul that I didn't know was missing and knowing I could never let it go.

In her eyes, I see my past, my present, and my future. I see the person I want to become, the life I want to build, and the dreams I want to chase. With her, everything feels possible. With her, I'm home.

She makes me want to be a better person, to strive for more, to dream bigger.

I love her not just for who she is, but for who I am when I'm with her. She brings out the best in me, sees the best in me, and believes in the best in me.

"I would be the dumb one if I didn't love you back." 

I scoop her cheeks into my hands, and she looks at me with anticipation. My eyes travel over every feature of her face, and I realize that this is really happening. Suddenly, I kiss her with an urgency I can no longer contain. It's the most romantic kiss I've ever experienced, the rain gliding between our mouths. Nothing can stop us. It's as if our worlds are colliding. My sweet little angel. When we finally end the kiss and I look into her eyes, it's like I hear the same melody I've always imagined when I think of her, this beautiful chant playing in my mind.

With our foreheads pressed together, I confess, "I've waited so long for you to want me. I've loved you, and I'll always do. I love you so much."

We both look up towards the sky, and a laugh escapes my lips as the rain falls on our faces.

I can't help but marvel at her. Her hair clings to her face, soaked and tangled, but she looks more beautiful than ever. There's a light in her eyes, a joy that matches my own, and I know in that moment that everything we've gone through was worth it.

"This is just the beginning," I say, my voice steady with conviction. "I want to build a life with you, Morgan. I want to wake up next to you, laugh with you, grow old with you."

Her eyes lock onto mine, and she nods. "I want that too," she says, her voice trembling with emotion. "I love you."

"I love you too," I reply, my heart swelling with a happiness I've never known.

We stay like that for a while, holding each other close, letting the rain wash over us. Eventually, I take her hand and gently invite her to follow me inside.Silence falls between us, but it's a comfortable silence, filled with the promise of everything that lies ahead. 

As we enter the warmth of the house, the comfortable silence between us continues, carrying with it the anticipation of what's to come.

I can't help but feel a rush of relief that Luke decided to stay at Gab's apartment tonight. It's like the universe aligning in our favor, giving us this moment alone together.

We quickly shed our wet clothes, struggling against the fabric clinging stubbornly to our skin. I glance over at Morgan and catch her eye. There's a vulnerability there, a rawness that tugs at my heartstrings. Her eyes hold traces of exhaustion, as if she's been carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Taking her hand gently, I lead her towards the shower. I start the water, letting it cascade down until it get warm enough. 

When I turn around, I see Morgan staring at herself in the mirror, her hand tracing along her arm as if trying to hide herself from her own gaze.

Without a word, I step closer to her, wrapping my arms around her from behind. I press my lips against the curve of her neck, feeling the tension slowly melt away from her body. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen,"

She looks at me through the mirror, and I can see a light smile appear on her face, as if my words meant the world to her. Taking her hand, I lead her into the shower, where the warm water cascades over us, enveloping us in its comforting embrace.

I start to take care of her, massaging her hair with gentle strokes and caressing every inch of her body with tenderness. With each touch, I feel her relax further, her muscles loosening under my ministrations.

Eventually, we finish our shower, but the connection between us remains. Wrapping her in a towel, I guide her out of the bathroom and into the warmth of the bedroom.

We settle onto the bed, cocooned in each other's arms, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting a warm, intimate light. I brush a stray strand of hair from Morgan's face, tucking it behind her ear as I gaze into her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper as I stroke her hair.

Morgan nods, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I am now," she replies, her voice soft but filled with sincerity.

"You know," Morgan begins softly, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability, "I never imagined I could feel this way again."

I turn to her, studying the gentle curve of her features in the dim light. "Feel what way?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper.

"Alive," she replies, her gaze meeting mine with an intensity that takes my breath away. "With you, I feel alive."


Hey you guys,

I'm so excited! May has been such a nice month. Pretty much all month, I've been out of the country traveling around, and it's just the beginning of the summer since I'll be spending the entire summer in France and Europe. I'm so excited.

ALSO, speaking of exciting things. This weekend, I'm going on a trip to the F1 Grand Prix. I received this as a gift a long time ago.

Anyway, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to post, but I'm sure I'll find some time. And you know what, I'll be back in the fall and post every day without exception.

Much love, xxx

SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, J.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now