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Back in 2017-2018

Stepping onto the ice sends this chill that's, like, electric, you know? I mean, I'm all suited up in my gear, but that first touch of the ice still gives me goosebumps. And being the captain? Man, it's wild. Like, I've never felt this kinda power before. It's like I'm the lead in my own hockey movie or something.

So, there I am, leading the pack onto the rink, trying to be all cool and confident, but inside, I'm buzzing with nerves and excitement. This year, they gave me the C, and it's a trip, let me tell you. My teammates are looking at me like I've got all the answers, and I'm just trying to keep it together.

But you know what's really on my mind? The draft. Like, I wanna make it to the NHL, be the top pick and all that. Who even dreams of being second best, right? And there's this scout, eyeing us up from the stands, and I want to blow his mind. 

I spot my mom in the stands, waving like she always does, but there's someone missing. Where's she at? She's never missed one of our games, especially not a home game. It's weird, man.

I give the crowd another look, hoping to catch a glimpse of her, but no luck. It's like there's this hole in the stands where she's supposed to be. It's messing with my head, you know? She's always been my biggest fan, always cheering the loudest.

As the ref gets us started, I try to shake off the weird feeling and focus on the game. But it's like I can't shake the worry about where she is and if everything's cool. Maybe she'll show up later, but right now, it's like playing with half the energy.

As soon as the ref whistle, my first play locked in, I hustle back to the bench, ready to get back in the game. Sitting between Cole and Ced, I'm amped up, itching to hit the ice. Cedric, well, he's a senior, a beast on the ice, and probably one of the hottest prospects for the upcoming NHL draft. He's like the big brother we all look up to,

I catch him waving to someone in the stands, so I sneak a peek. And there she is, sitting with her mom. Phew, I was starting to worry she wouldn't show. But then Cole has to go and ruin my vibe with a fucking reminder: "Hey man, that's Ced's sister you're crushing on."

I slump a bit, yeah, I know the rule about teammates' sisters. It's like, bro code or something. The golden rule of teammates: stay away from their sisters. I mean, I get it. Cedric is protective as fuck, and if he finds out I'm crushing on his sis, he'll freak out.

Next year, Cedric won't even be on the team. So, what's the harm, right?

I'm always giving my best so I can impress her, and I hope she notice. 

 She's in my geography class, but she's always buried in her books, like she doesn't even notice me. Ah well, maybe it's for the best. I've got enough on my plate with hockey and all. 

She's not just any girl, though. She's like... I don't know, she's got this vibe, you know? Smart, focused, the whole package. And yeah, maybe I've had a thing for her since, like, forever.

I've never had the guts to make a move or anything. But lately, with Ced graduating and moving on from the team, it's got me thinking. Maybe now's my chance to finally make a move, you know? Take a shot and see what happens. But then again, I don't want to risk messing up the dynamic with Ced or anything.

It's like I'm stuck between wanting to go for it and being scared of striking out, you know?

Keeping it low-key is the name of the game right now. I mean, especially with the worlds coming up and all.

SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, J.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now