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You know, I gotta say, life's been treating me real good lately. I'm in this phase where I'm just living for me, you know? Independent era and all that jazz. And let me tell you, I've never felt happier. It's like happiness just radiates from every pore.

Just got back from this summer trip, and now we're rolling into September, where Aubrey and Jamie are tying the knot. 

Big congrats to them, seriously. Raise my glass, I wish them all the luck, and secretly hope they don't end up in divorce court.

Marriage? No, not my thing. I'm all about embracing the single life. Me, myself, and I - that's the dream team right there.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a sucker for romance. Being in love? Yeah, that's the good stuff. But for now, my friends and family's love is all I need.

Sure, I may have had a couple of steamy nights with some European hotties, but nothing serious. Honestly, if I ended up pregnant, I wouldn't have a clue who the baby daddy is. Cue the "Mamma Mia" remake, but scratch that - bad idea.

But here's the kicker: I'm living with zero attachments. And speaking of attachments, I'm seriously considering cutting ties with New York. Still there for now, but Paris? Now that's got me thinking big. Why not, right? I wanna get closer to my cousins, with who I spent the whole summer with. 

We did this big Euro trip, hitting up every spot with my four cousins who still call Nantes home. So yeah, Paris might just be the move. Watch out, world, 'cause I'm thinking global.

"Alright, you may kiss the bride," Aubrey's sister announces.

Jamie leans in, sealing the deal with Aubrey, and the whole wedding crowd erupts into cheers. Snaps me right outta my daydreaming. 

I mean, sure, weddings aren't usually my thing. But seeing Aubrey and Jamie up there, declaring their love for each other in front of everyone they hold dear... it kinda made me believe in love all over again, you know?

It was like the whole world was celebrating with them. I couldn't help but get swept up in the moment, clapping and cheering along with everyone else.

I can hear the music fading out in my head. What song should it be? I've skimmed through every cliché love song on the billboard, but the only one that keeps coming back is "Hate It or Love It" by The Game and 50 Cent... It's not even a love song, and the lyrics don't even match the scene, but whatever, I guess I'll go with this one.

Eva stands tall among the bridesmaids, a radiant smile on her face, radiating pride for her friend. And Trevor, sharp as ever, holds his own on the groom's side, probably already planning the after-party in his head.

With Aubrey and Jamie's kiss sealing the deal, the atmosphere shifts into pure celebration mode. Jamie playfully sweeps Aubrey into his arms, and they stroll up the aisle together as guests shower them with flowers. The photographer captures the moment, freezing it in time for eternity.

Thanks to Aubrey's wedding rule number 4—no cell phones during the ceremony—everyone is fully present, fully engaged in the magic of the moment. It's just them, surrounded by the love and support of their closest friends and family.

As the ceremony wraps up, Aubrey and Jamie lead the charge to the reception venue, their smiles lighting up the night like fireworks. The whole crowd follows, buzzing with excitement and high-fives as we head to the party.

Inside, the place is decked out to the nines. Think twinkling lights, elegant décor, and a vibe that screams "Let's get drunk" We all settle in, clinking glasses and raising a toast to the newlyweds.

SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, J.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now