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One thing I'm really focusing on is keeping my promises. So, here I am at the Prudential Centre, sitting on Gab's side while she chats with Ellen on her other side. As they're engrossed in their conversation, I can't help but let my gaze wander across the arena.

My eyes scan the Prudential Centre, taking in the sights and sounds, but there's a knot of anxiety in my chest as I replay last year's events in my head.

Let's not forget about my car that got towed this morning, I watched her get away from me with tears in my eyes. The mechanician told me that there was nothing he could do to repair her, she's dead. Luckily Sam came to my rescue and finally got me home. And tonight Gab came to get me for the game. I feel like a loser asking ride from people, but that's temporary. 

I spot some unfamiliar faces waving at me, and it's evident they recognize me. With a genuine smile, I wave back, but I can't help but wonder what they're thinking. They probably know I'm here for Jack, considering I'm practically seated with his family. I can already envision the gossip articles speculating about us seeing each other again. But, let me set the record straight: Jack made it abundantly clear yesterday that we're just good friends.

I try to slip into incognito mode by adding a New Jersey Devils cap, just like Joe Goldberg would've done in "You." But it seems my attempt at blending in has failed as familiar faces continue to spot me.

Thirty minutes later, Quinn returns from his beer run, letting out a loud sigh. "Well, I don't need to explain why it took so long," he says, frustration evident in his voice. "A lot of people were stopping me for pictures."

I chuckle, understanding his plight all too well. It seems anonymity is a luxury neither of us can afford tonight.

One thing I have to admit is the incredible energy pulsating through the building. You can practically feel the excitement and anticipation radiating from everyone in the arena, gearing up to witness the first game of the season tonight.

As the light show begins, signaling that the start of the game is just around the corner, I can't help but feel a rush of excitement.

Reflecting on yesterday, I remember the satisfaction I felt when Jack admitted that having me at the game would make him feel better. It's a small victory, but it's a reminder of the influence I have on him. 

As the national anthem fades and the customary pre-game rituals conclude, the players step onto the ice, ready to face off against the Hurricanes. Tonight, it's the Devils versus the Hurricanes.

But as the puck drops and the game begins, it's important to remember that whether they win or not, this game holds little significance for their season. It's only the preseason, after all, meaning the outcome won't count towards their official stats. Still, it's a chance for the team to fine-tune their skills, test out strategies, and build chemistry before the real action begins.

As the game unfolds, both teams execute plays with precision, each striving to gain an advantage as time slips away. However, the flow of the game is interrupted by a surprising number of penalties, leading to a rough start for the season for both teams.

Despite the chaos, Jack remains remarkably calm, a stark contrast to his usual fiery playstyle from last year. Instead of engaging in the physicality and agitation that penalties often bring, he focuses on maintaining control of the puck and making smart plays.

Jim, typically animated and vocal during games, surprises me with his calm demeanor. He sits on the edge of his seat, his fist against his chin, silently analyzing each play with intense focus.

Ellen, on the other hand, seems more interested in the social aspect of the event than the game itself. She chatters away, seemingly oblivious to the action on the ice, much like Gab, who's engrossed in their conversation, her laughter blending seamlessly with the crowd's cheers.

SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, J.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now