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Is it crazy to think that I'm on my way to a Devils vs. Rangers hockey game? I mean, do you think I'm wearing blue or red?

Actually, I'm wearing neither. I decided to dress a little more casually, in a long beige coat with light blue jeans and black high-heeled boots. I could've worn the Devils' colors because I know my brother wouldn't be mad at me for not supporting his team at this game. He knows that in my heart, I'll always root for him no matter what.

Jack begged me to wear a red and white outfit for this game when he was getting ready for his morning practice. I was like, there's no way I'm wearing red in Madison Square Garden. That would be the end of me.

I lean over the sink to get a closer look at my lips in the mirror. I apply a warm pink lipstick and then toss it into my handbag.

Actually, I'm a little anxious for tonight. Jack and I aren't official or anything, but I guess you could say we're pretty serious. Since we said the three magical words, we haven't said them again. I mean, he's pretty much a big part of my routine. He's almost living in my apartment, and I told him that it was amazing but also impractical since he's basically working in New Jersey. But he's convinced it's worth the commute and also better than hearing Gab and Luke going at it all the time like two crazy animals.

Or maybe Luke was complaining because Jack and I were actually the two crazy animals. Because yes, that's the truth—I haven't gotten much sleep in the last couple of days since he can't stop putting his hands on me. But I'm not complaining.

Do you ever get that feeling that everything's going way too well, and you're just waiting for the other shoe to drop? Because right now, it feels like I'm living in a dream, and I'm just scared I'll wake up.

As I head towards the subway—because yes, even with my car, I'm still taking the subway for these kinds of events—I text Ced a quick message: "I wish you a good game, but I hope Jack beats the hell out of your team."

He responds with a long text about how he hates me, but he ends it with a heart emoji. I laugh a little as I take my seat, feeling the cool subway wind play with my hair. It's moments like these that remind me how much closer Ced and I have become over the last few months, despite the ups and downs.

Growing up, Ced and I weren't always this close. We had our fair share of sibling rivalry and cold wars. But lately, we've managed to bridge that gap, finding common ground and mutual respect. Maybe it's because we're both living our own lives now. 

The subway arrives at my stop, and I step out, making my way through the station and up into the street.

Tonight, some girls from the Devils WAG (Wives and Girlfriends) group invited me to grab a drink before the game. I agreed to just one drink, and they were all excited that I accepted their offer. It's nice to feel included, even though I'm still new to the group.

I head to the bar they suggested, a cozy little place not far from Madison Square Garden. As I walk in, I spot them immediately. They're huddled around a high-top table, laughing and chatting. When they see me, they wave enthusiastically, and I can't help but smile.

I immediately rush over to Gab, feeling better next to her. They all compliment my coat as I take it off and hang it over my chair.

"How are you doing, Ms. Hughes?" says Bratt's wife with a teasing smile.

I almost spill my water as they all 'ooh' and 'aah'.

"I'm so happy that we're now two Ms. Hughes at the table," adds Gab, giggling like a young kid.

It's not like they are totally strangers since I've seen them at almost every Devils party and event. It's just that now it feels so...real.

"So, how are things going with Jack?" one of them asks, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, J.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now