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I shake my wet hair, feeling the cool breeze against my skin. Who needs a hairdryer when you've got nature's air-drying technique? Being out on this boat with Z is just perfect. We lucked out with this rental deal, getting it at half the price.

Trevor might not seem like the thrifty type, but he's got a knack for sniffing out bargains. Maybe it's those golden locks giving him some sort of charm

As I reach for my towel on the seat where I left it earlier, I catch Morgan stealing a glance at me over her book. Her eyes peek out from above the pages, but she quickly tries to hide behind them when she realizes I've noticed. I can't help but chuckle, and she swiftly raises her book to shield herself, pretending to be engrossed in the pages.

I can't help but raise an eyebrow as I catch a glimpse of the book Morgan's reading. It's not exactly what I expected to see her engrossed in. I mean, it's wild. And by wild, I mean off-the-charts crazy. There are steamy sex scenes and scenarios that I couldn't even imagine her getting into. It's like discovering a whole new side to her that I never knew existed.

As I catch Morgan with that book, I can't help but do a double-take. I mean, who knew she was into that kind of stuff? It's like stumbling upon a secret side of her I never knew existed. But you know what's even weirder? She seems different lately, like she's undergone this total glow-up.

Okay, so, like, it's not because of the book. Like, for real, that part of her isn't what's getting me all hyped up. But, like, yeah, now I'm feeling all mixed up, and that's not what I was going for, you know?

Yesterday, when I said she felt like a stranger, I wasn't dissing her or anything. It's just that she's morphed into this whole new vibe. She's all soft and gentle now...Well not this morning but it's already a total 180 from a few months back. It's like she's shedding her old skin and embracing this new, more delicate version of herself. And honestly, I'm kinda digging it. It's like watching a real-life makeover happen right in front of me.

"Hey bud, want one," Trevor asks me offering me a beer.

"Thanks, but I'll pass," I say to Trevor, waving off the beer he's offering as I kick back on the seat, my hand casually resting behind my head.

Ever since I had that really bad experience with booze, I've been trying to dial it down. I mean, I'm not saying I'm a total alcoholic or anything, but I've definitely learned the hard way about knowing when to say no. 

There's this line, you know? And I'm all about finding that balance. Like, yesterday was Jamie's weeding, so sure, I indulged a bit. But today? Nah, not feeling it. Gotta save the party juice for the right moments, you feel me?

I look down at my arm and it's totally red from the sun. Seriously, why didn't I put on sunscreen? I usually never burn, but today's a different story. Guess all that water fun got me toasted.

Normally, my mom's the one nagging me about sunscreen, but she's not here today. And yeah, I'm twenty-five, but I gotta admit, I'm low-key a momma's boy. Her reminders are like ingrained in my brain. Without her here, I'm kind of lost. Lesson learned: never underestimate the power of mom's advice, even if you're a grown adult.

"Anyone got sunscreen?" I ask, absentmindedly picking at my sunburn. Trevor and Eva both shake their heads, but Eva chimes in, "I do, but it smells like coconut," as she rummages through her bag to find it.

The thought of smelling like coconut for the rest of the day makes me cringe. I mean, I love coconut, but I don't exactly want to reek of it. I pull a disgusted face at the idea, watching as Trevor strides over to Morgan, who's still chilling alone at the back of the boat.

SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, J.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now