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Jack has never been one to hold back, that's for sure. As we were leaving my office, he strutted out like he owned the place. And when he spotted Sam, he couldn't resist the chance to make her squirm.

"Hey, Samantha, how's your new neighbor? I saw them move in last weekend," he remarked casually, but his words seemed to have an immediate effect on her. I swear I've never seen anyone turn as red as Sam did in that moment, her skin practically glistening with sweat from the sudden discomfort.

"Kind... they're so kind," she managed to stammer out, her words coming out in a rush as she struggled to regain her composure. It was clear that Jack's comment had caught her off guard, leaving her flustered and tongue-tied.

Before we headed out, I told the girls back at the office that I'd be finishing up some emails from home since we didn't have any more meetings lined up for the day. They seemed cool with it, so off we went.

Anyway, I decided to bring the boys at Thomas' restaurant. It's this super chill spot, perfect for a casual friendship lunch. You know, the kind where you can just kick back, relax, and enjoy some good food and even better company.

As we're walking to the restaurant, I can't help but notice that Nico seems way more excited about meeting my friend than Jack. Like, he's practically bouncing off the walls with anticipation. Meanwhile, Jack's a bit more laid back about the whole thing, which is totally fine, but it's kind of funny to see the difference in their reactions.

I'm not sure if it's because Nico's just more of an extrovert or if Jack's just not that hyped on meeting my friend. Either way, I'm just hoping we all have a good time and that everyone gets along.

As we make our way to the restaurant, I start filling the boys in on everything we discussed in my meeting with Burberry. To my surprise, they're totally invested in the conversation, asking me tons of questions and really getting into the nitty-gritty details.

Their genuine interest makes me feel awesome, like I'm really onto something special with this project. It's cool to see them so engaged, and it gives me a boost of confidence knowing that they've got my back. 

I often find myself reflecting on the friendships I've formed, not just with Jack, but also with Nico, Mercer and everyone. For the first time, I feel like I've made friends entirely on my own, without relying on my brother to introduce me or vouch for me. It's a pretty empowering feeling, knowing that I can connect with people and build meaningful relationships all on my own.

As we walk in, I see Thomas grinning behind the bar. The place isn't packed, which is perfect for us. Thomas gives me a nod and a wink, motioning towards a cozy booth tucked away from the crowd. It's like our own little hideout.

I shoot Thomas a thumbs-up, appreciating the gesture. With a quick "thanks, Thomas!" we head over to the booth, feeling grateful for the chance to chat down in peace.

"Wow, this is nice," Nico exclaims as he sinks into the plush booth cushions beside Jack, his eyes roaming over the cozy surroundings.

I slide into the booth across from them, feeling the soft fabric beneath me as I settle in. A small smile tugs at the corners of my lips.

"Yeah, I told you, Thomas is a really good guy. I think you'll appreciate him," I remark, hoping to spark some conversation.

But instead of a response, the silence hangs heavy between us. The only sound breaking the quiet is Jack's sudden cough, echoing awkwardly in the booth.

As we're looking at the menu in silence, Thomas comes to greet us in a friendly way. 

I jump up from my seat to give Thomas a hug, feeling grateful for his friendly presence. As I do, I catch Jack coughing again out of the corner of my eye, earning a curious glance from everyone at the table. But Jack's gaze remains fixed on the menu, as if he's suddenly engrossed in deciphering its contents.

SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, J.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now