Chapter 17

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A few weeks after the dragon incident everything seemed to go back to normal, bakugo was back to his rude self, Mina was talking about crushes, and izuku never really changed.

We were all talking after we finished an assignment and aizawa stepped out from his yellow cocoon.

"Now that everyone has finished I wanted to let you know about our next exercise" he lets the class take a second to tune in. "We will be doing a rescue exercise with hero thirteen in the Unforeseen Simulation Joint"

Everyone gets excited.

"Thats one of UA's best training facilities" said izuku.

"Tsk, nerd" muttered Bakugo making me giggle.

He glances at me before looking away but I just shrug it off since I was now used to his attitude.

"We will be going tomorrow" said Aizawa, getting my attention again. "You're all more than welcome to wear your hero costumes or your gym uniforms"

'Ill gave to ask about mine'

"That us all, class dismissed"

I start packing up my things and izuku and Mina approach my desk.

"What's up guys" I said with a smile

"Aren't you excited for USJ?!" Ask Mina jumping up and down "I can't wait to use our costumes again"

"Speaking of costumes" said izuku looking at me "do you have one yet?"

I nod. "Yeah it should be done by now" I said remembering I turned in my design weeks ago. "I'll have to ask"

"I can't wait to see it" said Mina "can you tell us what it looks like"

I shake my head and grin putting a finger to my lips "it's a surprise" I said "hopefully you'll see it tomorrow"

"Uuuuugh fiiine" said Mina making me and izuku laugh.

I then stand up and grab my bag. "I'll see you all later" I said "I got some stuff to do"

"Alright see ya" said izuku as I start walking to the door.

I get to the front of the school and prep my wings for take off.

"Hey scales!" Yelled a voice.

I look behind me and see bakugo and eijiro approaching.

"What do you want pompom?"

Eijiro covers his mouth to stifel a laugh as bakugo glares at me, clearly pissed.

"Fuck it nevermind" he says as he starts walking awake.

"Oh come on bakubro you said you wanted to ask"

I look at them curiously. "Ask me what?"

" we wanted to see if you would train with us?" Said eijiro "nothing quirk involved just hand to hand stuff"

I think about it a bit then nod. "Sure i wouldn't mind training you rookies"

"The fuck you say?" Said bakugo with explosions popping off in his hand.

I giggle. "Oh calm down you Pomeranian" I said "you seriously need to learn to take a joke"

He just shoves his hands in his pockets and looks away grumbling under his breath, making me roll my eyes.

I look back at eijiro with a smile. "You want my number so we can discuss a schedule?"

He nods with a toothy grin and pulls out his phone and starts pulling up his number. "Me and bakubro will talk about it then I'll get back to you"

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