Chapter 37

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At least 5 days went by since katsuki I have been shutting people out left and right. I had dedicated myself to training 24/7 whenever I wasn't in class. I had asked principal Neuz if i could use one of the training grounds till further notice and he approved, so I've been going every day.

Everyone has been worried about me but I don't let them get too close anymore. I was even pushing away dad and mamazashi.

I was currently walking to the cafeteria to eat something before I left to train and when I sat down with my food I was joined by the Baku squad.

"Hi sakura" said Mina with a small smile.

I just look at her to acknowledge her but just eat my food making her frown.

"Man you gotta stop sulking" said Denki trying to lighten the mood "you've being a downer since bakugo was taken"

I stop eating and I get up, taking my tray and dumping the contents into the trash and walk away. I hear Enjiro and Mina yelling at denki but I don't care to listen.

'I'm working to get him back' i said to myself as I head straight back to class where I sit till lunch was over, not acknowledging aizawa who I know was looking at me.

The rest of the day went by and school ended and i quickly get up and make my way down the hall to the training grounds.

"Oi Sakura!" Called Enjiro. "Wait up!"

I slow down my walking and allow him to catch up. I look at him with a raised eyebrow wondering what he needed.

"You going to training?" He asks already knowing the answer.

I nod.

He reaches into his bag and pulls out a small lunchbox. "I know you didn't eat much cause of kaminari so I got you something"

I give him a faint smile and I take the box from him. "Thanks" I said quietly before turning back and walked away again. I get to my destination and I open the box and found some steamed pork buns and I ate them quickly before going to the center of the field and sat down with my legs crossed as I began meditating.



Enjiro was watching sakura as she started her training with worried eyes. He was glad she took the food from him and she said something but she was still worried about the raven haired girl. He lets out a sigh and goes to leave taking one more look at his friend before heading to the hospital to visit his injured friends.

He gets there and he heads to the room midoriya and todoroki shared. With a knock he enters noticing the two immediately stopped their discussion.

"What's up guys" he says with a smile

"Kirishima" said midoriya "what are you doing here?"

"Just visiting" he replied "what were you two talking about? You seemed a little suspicious"

The two look at each other and midoriya nods.

"We're making a plan to save kacchan" he said "we can't just keep waiting on the heroes"

Enjiro looks at them in surprise then determination. "I want in" he says. "I don't care what the teachers said we need to get him back... for Sakura's sake"

Izuku looks at his hands. "How is she?" He asked "I know she's probably hurting the most"

Enjiro looks down. "She's Been training nonstop. She'll eat but I don't think she's sleeping" he replied. "She's barely said a word since the incident and she's shut everyone out"

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