Chapter 18

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The class soon gets to USJ and they are greeted by the space hero thirteen.

"Good morning everyone" she says "and welcome to USJ now if you would please follow me and I'll tell you what todays exercise will be"

Urakra starts jumping in excitement. "Oh my gosh it's really thirteen" she squeals "she's one of my favorite heroes of the rescue heroes"

I smile and nudge her. "Maybe you can get an autograph later"

Her face gets red with embarrassment. "Oh I could never it would be so embarrassing"

I laugh and look up as we entered the building and we all gasp in awe.

It was a huge dome and all around were different environments from volcanos to oceans.

"This is amazing" I said in amazement.

"Today you will all be doing mock rescue missions" said thirteen. "You will be using your quirks to do the tasks needed to ensure a successful rescue operation"

"But some of us don't have good quirks for that" said eijiro showing his hardened arm.

"Which is why we will be practicing" said thirteen as she opens a small black hole in her hands. "All quirks can be dangerous but how we apply them to different situations can make a big difference, for instance my quirk is black holes that when not controlled can become dangerous and extremely destructive" she lets it grow a bit so it starts sucking small things up.

She then lets it shrink to nothing. "Do you all now understand?"

We all nod now ready for the tasks.

I feel something strange in the air and the hair on my neck begins to stand up.

"Quick question" asked denki pointing down the stairs "is that supposed to be happening?"

Everyone looks and there's a purple vortex in the middle of the ground and multiple people step out making me freeze as my eyes widen in horror.

Shigaraki steps out behind everyone with hands covering his body.

"No" i whisper as I start to tremble and grab the nearest person next to me not caring who.

"where is Allmight?" Said shigaraki and he starts scratching his neck "our inside source said he's supposed to be here"

'They want almighty? Why?'

"THIRTEEN PROTECT THE STUDENTS" yelled aizawa "those are real villains!"

He then jumps down the stairs and stands in front of the group of villans.

"Leave now" he said

"You must be eraserhead" said shigaraki "where not here for you were here for almight"

Suddenly the villans charge at aizawa and he easily brings them down and heads for shigaraki. He goes to grab him but a vortex moves the pale male and he's suddenly directly in front of him and he pins aizawa to the ground.

"You're so cool" he says "but you're in my way"

I gasp as he places a hand on aizawa's face and it starts crumbling away.

"SHOTA!" I cried making everyone look at me confused.

Before I could try and help another big purple cloud suddenly forms in front of us and yellow eyes appear and thirteen jumps in front of us.

'Kurogiri' I thought. 'What's happening?!'

"Children get to sac—ah!" Thirteen is cut off by a vortex attacking from behind, destroying the space hero's

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