Chapter 33

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The weekend went by smoothly and Sakura still hasn't seen much of her brother but she makes her way to school


'I feel like that's purple haired people eater has been avoiding me since the sports festival' I thought as I flew towards school.

'I got a glimpse of him all weekend and he hasn't even looked at me, let alone talked to me'

As I approached the school gates I noticed katsuki.

"Pomeranian!" I yell as I swoop down and land next to him before jumping on him. "Morning sunshine"

"Why the hell are you so upbeat this morning?" He asked with a grumble but still kisses me.

"Oh believe me I'm not" I replied "I'm just finding ways to suppress my anger towards my brother"

"You still haven't talked to him?"

"Nope" I said "that's damn Barney haired boy is fucking avoiding me since the damn sports festival"

"You need help?" He asks

I sigh and shake my head. "No i need to figure it out myself" I said "I kinda miss him ya know"

He nods in understanding and we make our way to class. "I'm sure you two will work things out" he said "you can be persistent"

"Damn right"

We got to class and I walk over to Mina and the girls to say good morning. "Morning everyone" I said "how was your internships?"

"They were great!" Said ochaco "gun head taught me so much and he was so cute!"

I smile and look at momo. "You had dragoon right?" I asked "what was she like?"

"Well I got the patrolling experience" she said "but we did a lot of filming for a commercial and all that."

"So how I knew she was?"

She nods.

"I went to yoroi Musha's agency" said Mina with a proud smile. "I feel a lot better about my physical attacks and defenses."

The other girls told me about their experiences and how thrilled they were to have been able to work with some great heroes.

"Didn't you go with bakugo to best jeanist?" Asked tsu with a tilt of her head.

I nod. "It was great" I said "I was able to work on my communication skills with the public. I even got to help rescue someone from a fire"

"I think we saw that on tv" said ocacho "it was on with the Housi incident"

"It was?" I asked "I didn't know That"

Before someone could respond aizawa comes in and we all head to our seats.

"I got feedback from your internships and I must say I'm impressed with all of you" he said "I'd also like to mention that in a few weeks we have the semester exams, you will all take a written test as well as a practical exam. Those of you who don't pass will have to be excused from the upcoming training camp."

Everyone starts buzzing with excitement at the mention of training camp.

"With that all being said you can all use this time to start studying to prepare for your written exam." He says "I'm gonna take a nap"

I roll my eyes as he disappears into his yellow sleeping bag and turns away from the class.

'Lazy' I thought with a smile and I pull out my notebook and start looking over my notes.

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