About the OC

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Name: Sakura Tango

Quirk: Dragon transformation

          can transform into any dragon she can think of no matter the size.

           Drawback: the bigger the dragon the more energy leaving her exhausted

Appearance: 5'2" with long black hair and purple eyes. she also has dragon features like small, blue wings that can grow on command allowing her to fly, small brown horns on the top of her head and a tail

she has a few scars on her body. a large one on her stomach and on her neck, which will be explained later on in the story.

Personality: shy and likes to keep to herself due to her depression, but is bubbly and happy once she opens up.

Backstory: when Sakura was born her father immediately hated her due to her physical features, but her mother loved her unconditionally. Her father, being the ass he is, stared to abuse the both of them. once Sakura actually got her transformation quirk she refused to show her father in fear of what he would do to her and her mother. He came home from work drunk one evening and ended up killing her mother in front of her since then she's been forced to stay with him alone. she never talks to anybody and suffers from depression meaning she does cut.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

HEY GUYS!! im sorry for being gone for so long. it has seriously been YEARS! Im tryin the writing process again and hopefully i can actually put in more effort than ive done in the past. i hope you all enjoy this story. please leave any and all comments you might have, the criticism may help with the writing process. ALSO i will try my best to post often as i can, so i apologize in advance for taking forever to post chapters.

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