6. Bad Guy With A Soft Spot

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Pov Asher Wilson

I had planned on annoying Bea again yesterday, but she didn't show up, which I found weird since she never skipped school, nor when she was sick. And besides that, we had a chemistry test yesterday as well, and she missed that, which just was strange. 

While walking through the corridors, I glanced through some classes with students to see if she was here today, but it seemed like she wasn't. It slightly annoyed me that I wasn't able to see her. She probably saw me as a dick, which I could definitely understand since I'm not exactly nice to her, but I still enjoyed seeing her. I like her, she reminded me of my sister, who disappeared when I was 13. 

Holly Wilson, everybody in the city probably knew her name. She was a very sweet girl, had a few trustworthy friends and a sweet boyfriend who treated her well. She was doing good in school as well and her sudden disappearance the night after her 17th birthday was one big surprise to all of us. 

I had the best relationship with her that any brother could wish for, she was always there for me no matter what kind of bad stuff I had done. On my lowest she always found a way to make a smile appear on my face. Losing her was probably the hardest thing in my life so far and I just hated it, still do. 

Police gave up on the case after two months and marked it as a runaway. I still remember how angry I was when they told me and my mother that. Holly had no reason to run away at all, she was happy with her life, she even said that herself and wrote it down in her diary. Yes, I did read her diary and yes, I regret doing that. I just wanted to see if there was any usable information in it and didn't think I would find paragraphs of smut in it. 

That definitely opened a new world for me. 

I hated Bea first for making me think of my sister, but little by little I found comfort in it. I didn't know how to make contact with her, so I saw annoying her in the corridors and at her locker as a solution. Although, I was proud of myself that I caught her in the video store and went a little softer on her, it was a good start in my opinion and I was proud of it. 

With a deep sigh I entered my own classroom again since I couldn't stay away too long from my boring mathematics lesson because I was only "going to the toilet". 


The second break had begun and I was looking for Cole and Matt when I bumped into Chuck. I knew he was friends with Bea, but nevertheless I could resist teasing him about his looks. It was wrong, yes, but I enjoyed it, and beside that, his oh-so-sweet brother from whom I didn't know the name anymore kicked my ass once, so this was just payback in my eyes.  

I love being unfair. 

'Hey bowling ball, how is it going huh?' I called out to him, slapping him on the back of his neck which made him whine as I caught up with him. 

'Leave me alone, Asher.' He muttered, looking around like a lost kid for his mom. Chuck was the type of guy that didn't have his own life but always needed someone to rely on, it was pathetic. I rolled my eyes and pushed him on the shoulders. 

'I asked you something in a nice way, now answer because I won't repeat myself.' He stared down with frightened eyes and shrugged, shuffling back slowly like he always did when I talked to him.

'You're so useless dude...' I sneered, pushing him another time so I could trap him against the wall. He murmured something under his breath  in return, but I didn't care about it at the moment. 

'Anyways, piggy, is Bea at school today?' I asked, putting my hands besides his head on the wall. Some of his fear seemed to ease and he swallowed. I knew Chuck loved Bea and that he had always contacted her over text if that was possible. 

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