1. Halloween Nightmare

20 3 42

Pov Bea Hopkins

My lungs hurt with each painful step I put down. My breath was short and I knew that I wouldn't keep this pace up for long anymore.

But I had to, otherwise that man would catch me...

I turned into an alley, knowing it led to a road with a parking behind it where I could possibly hide for what was after me.

Never did I like Halloween, I had never celebrated it before either, but that didn't matter, what mattered was that I would escape this freak and find my parents.

Me and my mom were waiting at a gas station for my dad because he needed to go to the toilet.

I was kinda hungry so my mom gave me some money to buy some food I liked in the gas station itself.

I had hopped inside and grabbed some chocolates when I noticed this strange looking man entering the shop.

He had dressed himself as one of those horror clowns and was walking around a bit. I tried to ignore the scary man but as I waited and waited at the counter to pay for my food, the cashier just didn't come.

Because that man was working on my nerves I decided to call soft for the cashier, but he still didn't come.

That's when I noticed that blood was sliding over the floor from under the wooden plates which held people from entering the "staff only" area.

With my heart beating in my throat I pushed one of the plates aside anyways only to see the cashier on the ground, several times stabbed to death.

While I gasped, I moved away from it and dropped my chocolates on the ground, wanting to leave, but as I wanted to turn around, the man covered my mouth with one of his big, dirty hands and tried to pull me with him, but I managed to get out his grip and run out of the gas station, looking for my mom.

When I came to the place I left her, she wasn't there and neither was my dad anywhere to see, so I decided to run away since that clown man was after me.

With the back of my hand I rubbed some tears away from my eyes, trying to get a less blurry vision, but they just kept coming.

I looked over my shoulder to see if I was still getting chased, and that indeed was the case.

The tall man approached me from the beginning of the alley, now holding a knife in one of his hands.

A sob left my mouth and I tried to run quicker again, the alley was almost done, then I had to cross the road and then I could hide between the cars, that was all.

While rubbing my eyes another time, panting and gasping for air I left the alley and looked up, only to get hit by a car that very same time, launched a few meters further on the asphalt.

An immense pain shifted through my body and I let a loud cry out before everything turned black.


I gasped loud and shot up in bed, right awake from the nightmare I just had.

My skin felt warm and sticky from sweat and my heart was beating in my throat.

'Not again...' I whispered, letting my head fall down in my hands.

For a few months I was having those nightmares of the accident on Halloween night.

I don't know why I have them so suddenly and why they are getting worse each night, but I don't like it, and it's making me scared again.

I inhaled deep through my nose, held it, and inhaled another time before slowly exhaling through my mouth.

Together with my therapist we found out breathing exercises help me to calm down after I wake up from such nightmares.

With a soft grunt and stretched out to switch a small lamp on my nightstand on and moved to sit on the edge of my bed, sighing deep.

Tears had wet my cheeks and still were dripping down my cheeks onto my bare thighs.

It took me a while to make my head clear again and to decide I would go to the bathroom to fresh myself up a little.

I slowly got up from my bed, feeling slightly dizzy and drowsy. I stared down at my feet for a moment, thinking about what I was going to do when a hand slipped around my ankle from under my bed.

A scream left my mouth and I jumped up, throwing myself onto my desk, hands clamping at the edge of it 'till my knuckles turned white, my body frozen. 

'Good fucking hell...' I cursed under my breath, staring at the dark space underneath my bed.

Recently I also started seeing hallucinations, I don't know why or how but it's awful and creepy. And the moment that I am seeing things like that I can't get myself to realize that it's just fake and that I'm totally fine. 

Well, I'm probably not totally fine since everything that has been happening around me and in my head is quite bad. 

I slowly lowered myself back on the cold wooden floor, opening the door and leaving my bedroom. I always loved my bedroom but that place gave me the chills at night, unfortunately. I tiptoed to the right door and turned on the light before entering, getting greeted by the bright light of the white bathroom. 

While clenching my jaw I ignored, or better said, tried to ignore the fact I was seeing the man from my nightmares casually stand in the bathtub, half hidden behind the bluish curtain. With trembling hands I opened the water tap and made a bowl of my hands, filling them with water before throwing it in my face, gasping at the cold of it. 

I repeated it a few more times before grabbing a towel to dry my face. Something inside of me wanted to talk badly to someone about all the strange things that happened to me lately, but I didn't know who. 

My father wasn't stable enough to handle it due to his mental health, or that was at least my conclusion since he got attacked by that same man as well, and my mother... I always used to talk about things with her when I was little, but since I grew up that disappeared, sort of. 

And I just wanted to be a good daughter with less problems and troubles, so I kept them for myself. I didn't want to bother them with something that happened 7 years ago.

I of course had Dustin, Riley and Billie as well, but I don't know how to tell them. They do know about the accident and that I am still being treated by a therapist for my PTSD, but I don't want them to suddenly treat me "very well" and differently because my mental health is dropping again. 

A deep sigh left my mouth as I made my way back to my bedroom, burying myself under my blankets with hope I would be save there from the monsters around me. 

Trying to fall asleep wasn't that difficult with the idea in my head that I had school the next morning, and I didn't sleep well the past weeks so I was constantly tired. As I closed my eyes, I slowly drifted off in a light sleep, able to wake up any moment while new nightmares made themselves ready to play in my head.


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