3. Night Support

16 3 61

Pov Bea Hopkins

On my way home I called Dustin to talk with him about how sucks my life was at the moment and how he had to feel sorry for me because I was oh so pathetic. "Chillex" was the first thing he had said when I was done with my long complaining speech and about the nightmares and hallucinations. He meant that I had to chill and relax, it was a stupid word in my opinion, but he loves it, so why take that happiness away from him?

'Ey, but Bunny, don't stress your head over it alright, it's probably nothing.' Dustin said through the phone while I walked into the right street. Since Dustin knew my surname was Hopkins, he started calling me bunny because bunnies hop. It was cute. 

'I don't know Dus, are you sure those hallucinations are nothing? I mean, I never had them before.' He hummed in response and I just knew he was nodding his head at the other side of the phone right now. 

'Yeah, just try to sleep early, maybe buy sleeping pills too, or you let someone stay with you at night to see if that helps against the nightmares and stuff.' With a sigh I clamped my phone between my ear and shoulder and tried to find the key of the house in my bag. 

'Who could possibly stay over then? Because I won't tell my parents about this, you know that.' I grumbled, ending up throwing my bag on the ground and yanking some stuff out of it before finding what I needed. 

'Maybe Riley or Billie, I would love to stay over tonight but I have a dinner planned with my parents and uncle and aunt, boring business you know?' He sighed dramatically and muttered something under his breath, making me chuckle. 

'You mean the "rich uncle" and "gold digger aunt"? If so, I wish you luck already.' I said, opening the door with my free hand before kicking my bag inside. 

'Yeah, those two indeed, they are always fighting about silly things, aish it's gonna be so embarrassing in that restaurant...' He muttered, something cracking in the background which sounded like a bag of chips. 

'Stay alive for me pretty please.' I said, grinning at myself while entering, closing the door behind me. 

'Oh I will for sure, don't worry about that princess, I could never leave you behind.' He made some kissing noises after finishing his sentence, making me crack up laughing. 

'Dustin, stop it already, you're so overrated sometimes.' I chuckled, kicking my shoes off and putting my coat on a coat rack.  He gasped loudly and started shouting at me in his first language, which was Greek, with now and then a chuckle between his words until he started laughing fully, not able to talk anymore. 

I didn't understand anything he said, but the fact that it made him laugh so hard meant it was probably just nonsense. 

'Are you done scolding me in a language I don't understand?' I asked with a chuckle, walking to the kitchen for some food since I didn't take anything with me to school because I thought the sink in the kitchen was full of spiders, which wasn't in reality, obviously. But that doesn't matter for now, what mattered was filling the big empty hole in my stomach before I would pass out with Dustin on a call. 

'Yeah yeah, I'm done... But I gotta go Bunny, mom wants me to shower and dress up neatly since I stink according to her.' He muttered, making me huff and laugh. 

'Let me guess, you're offended by her? Well don't worry, when you're with me you mostly smell good.' I said back, grabbing a bowl out a cupboard before grabbing yogurt out of the fridge.

'Mostly isn't good enough! I'll talk to you later!' Before I could even respond to him, he already hung up, leaving me alone again. 


Dustin's idea about calling Riley or Billie over to spend the night with me was a good one. Unfortunately, Riley had something important to do this night, so she couldn't come, but Billie could. 

'What shall we do babes?' Billie asked while she pulled her pajama pants on before dumping herself on the bed beside me. A chuckle left my mouth and I shrugged, not knowing exactly what we could do since my parents were home as well, and we needed to be silent. 

'I don't know, we can watch a movie and talk a bit while watching? It's been a long time since we did that.' I suggested, making her nod. 

'Yeah, sounds good, but only if we will watch a horror movie.' Billie loved horror movies while I was the biggest shit louse ever. A sigh escaped my mouth while Billie grabbed her laptop from her bag and snuggled beside me under the blankets, switching the lights off while opening the thing. 

'Wanna see Friday the 13th? That one is pretty nice and not too creepy.' She suggested, making me drop my jaw. 

'That's not true! I saw the trailer of it and it is scary! Liar!' I shouted at her, not willing to watch the movie at all. Billie just laughed and ignored my begs as she put it on, placing the laptop down between our legs. 

'Don't be such a pussy... It's just a movie...' She muttered softly, already absorbed into the movie. I hummed softly in response and looked calmly at the screen as well, crawling against the suddenly cool and protective girl beside me like she was my boyfriend when it became scarier. 

Within a split second I laid trembling against her, under the blankets, when the first kill jumped in, making Billie laugh as she patted my back. 

'You can go to sleep as well, I will just watch this and sleep too when it's done.' She whispered, putting the volume of the laptop a bit lower since the screams were pretty loud. I nodded slowly in response and turned my back to her, pressing it against her warm body. 

Her fingers disappeared in my hair and gently stroked through it in an attempt to calm me down so I could sleep a bit more peacefully. 


With a gasp I woke up, lost in panic from the nightmare I just had again. This was getting out of hand for sure, especially with all the details I had seen in the dream.  I heard Billie mumble softly beside me, but I couldn't get myself to realize it was her. 

I pressed myself closer up to her body, trembling violently as my eyes shifted quickly through the place we were in. I was supposed to be in my bedroom, but it didn't look even a little like it. 

The walls were from old, dirty wood with crevices in it and the rest of the room was empty. Red light surrounded the door in front of the bed I laid on, banging on it echoing through the space. 

A cry of fear left my mouth as I raised my hands to cover my eyes to prevent seeing more things. 

'Bea, calm down!' Billie hushed close to my ear, wrapping her arms around me as she pulled me against her to comfort me. Sobs filled the air as I got rocked back and forth gently, Billie taking her time to calm me down as she whispered some soft words to me as "it will be alright" and "you're safe with me". 

Everything around me slowly started to fade as my breath became more stable, leaving me in the dark. 

'Are you okay?' Billie whispered after a while as she cupped my face, rubbing her thumbs over my wet cheeks. I nodded slightly and inhaled deep, closing my eyes for a second. 

'I am... a bit I guess.' 


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