12. Vivid Dream

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Pov Asher Wilson

'And I was like, oh, this is nice, let me try it again, but then I did so and I fell so fucking hard on my handsome face dude.' 

Listening to Matt complaining about his bad skateboard skills for the umpteenth time in an hour was maybe worse than licking the walls of a men's toilet, especially on a Monday morning like this one. 

'Your voice is making my head tired, can you please be silent for a little.' I grunted while slumping into the classroom we needed to be, which was for math. The only thing I received was an offended look from Matt before he happily started chattering again. After giving him one of my "If you don't stop talking within now and 5 minutes I will behead you" faces I dumped myself on my usual spot in the room, which was in the back at the left. 

My weekend has been shitty. I haven't slept a lot because I was too busy stalking Bea's social media and walking around the video store where she works because she hadn't been at school in a while, and I didn't know why. 

Maybe the injury was worse than it looked like, or maybe she was just tired of me. I don't know, but I do know that I don't like it at all that she's absent for so long. I just wanted to see her again, even if it was just a second, I would do anything for it. 

The fact that I actually did sleep since I dreamt about her the past days still terrifies me. They were weird dreams though, not the dirty ones I had hoped for. These were vague and they looked almost real. And the scariest thing might be that when I compared the dreams to each other they all were about something bad, not a single dream was about flowers and bees with sparkles, and somehow that worried me. 

I was probably just overthinking and pathetic. 

Before Matt could claim the seat beside me, Dustin Mccoy already pushed him aside and took it instead, seeming troubled. His knee bumped up and down in a quick tempo while he cracked the knuckles of his hands, almost making it look like he was trying to break them. 

'Am I supposed to ask if you're doing alright? Because I won't.' I mocked, looking at his body language. He hissed silently at me and hit me on the arm. 

'No dude, didn't you follow the news? You and I have a lot to talk about.'  He hissed, looking like he could grab me by the throat any moment which gave me the great motivation to absolutely not talk with him. 

'Kiss my ass, I won't be talking to your dick face.' I said after sticking both my middle fingers up with a dumb grin on my lips. I maybe was tired as hell, but I would always have energy to mess with Bea's annoying boy bestfriend. I guess that was just one of my talents. 

'Fucking hell Asher, I'm not in the mood for your shit talks.' He groaned, slumping down his chair after slamming his fist on the table in front of him. After rolling my eyes hypocritically he actually did grab me by the neck and forced me to the table, leaning in himself as well. 

'That's pretty close, can you not breathe in my face?' I muttered when smelling his pizza breath, pulling my nose up in disgust. He simply ignored me and squeezed in the back of my neck, looking with almost teary eyes at me. 

'Did you follow the news, yes or no, just answer.' He rattled like he was in a rush. I shrugged and looked clueless at him, not having any idea why I should be watching the news in my spare time when I can do dumb shit like feeding my plants pigment to see if they turn another color as well. But I could bet that Dustin also reads the newspaper every morning so I have nothing to say. 

He's just a special case, he can't help that either. Or I just have a too big ego, that could be the problem too, but that is a side issue. 

'No, of course not, I'm not boring.' I responded, glancing at the teacher who seemed to annoy us with his pretty little difficult math problems again. I bet this guy only became a teacher to torment students. 

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